敦煌写本,Dunhuang manuscripts
1)Dunhuang manuscripts敦煌写本
1.The Dunhuang manuscripts of the collections of Wang Fanzhi s vernacular poems truly and comprehensively display the outlook on hell,an important part of the folk belief in the early period of the Tang Dynasty.敦煌写本通俗白话诗王梵志诗较为真实、全面地反映了初盛唐时期民间信仰的重要组成部分———地狱观。

1.On the Ancient Funeral Customs of Dunhuang from Dunhuang Writes to Bury the Book Originally敦煌写本葬书中的古代敦煌丧葬民俗
2.Criticism of φNo. 242 Hand - written Dunhuang Copy of Annotations of The Literary Selection (《文选注》) Placed in Russia俄藏敦煌写本φ242号《文选注》发覆
3.A Preliminary Study of the Dunhuang Text of Kongzi Jiayu in the British Museum英藏敦煌写本《孔子家语》的初步研究
4.A Proofreading, Interpretation and Exploration of the Dunhuang Manuscript of a Survey of the Buddhist Relics in Some Famous Mountains;敦煌写本《诸山圣迹志》校释与研究
5.On types and characteristics of the variants in Dunhuang written text shangshu;论敦煌写本《尚书》的异文类型及其特点
6.An Identification of Some Suzi in the Dunhuang Documents: The Buddha s Preaching of the Scripture of Dizang Bodhisattva;敦煌写本《佛说地藏菩萨经》俗字考辨
7.The Social Functions of the Civil Examination Documents in Dunhuang敦煌科举文书的社会功能──兼论敦煌写本中的社会史料
8.A Study on Dunhuang Handwritten Copy S.5553 of Fortune-telling Book Annals of Three Powers and Nine Residence of Gods从上都到敦煌——敦煌写本禄命书S.5553《三元九宫行年》研究
9.Ten Pieces of Rectification on Ruan Edition of Chun Qiu jing zhuan ji jie Based on Dunhuang Handwriting Copy(Remnant Volumes)敦煌写本《春秋经传集解》残卷校正阮刻本十则
10.Grammar of Spoken Chinese of Tang Dynasty in Dunhuang Edition of Stories of Yuan Gong of Lushan;敦煌写本《庐山远公话》中的唐代口语语法
11.Zhaijing and Zangshu of Dunhuang Manuscripts and Ancient Idea of Harmony Between Human and Nature;敦煌写本宅经葬书与古人的天人合一理念
12.An Elegiac Parody: A Study of Dunhuang Transcription "Wang Dao s Elegiac to Yang Yun";论敦煌写本《王道祭杨筠文》为一拟体俳谐文
13.A Study of the Remaining Volume Kept in Russias of Records of the West by Yi Jing the Monk of Tang Dynasty;俄藏敦煌写本唐义净和尚《西方记》残卷研究
14.A New Comment on the Academic Value of the Dunhuang Handwriting Copy Chun Qiu Jing Zhuan Ji Jie (Fragmentary);敦煌写本《春秋经传集解》(残卷)学术价值新论
15.The Proof-Reading Value of The Chinese Classic Encyclopedia Among Dunhuang MS: Taken Dunhuang MS LIZHONGJIECHAO As An Example;试论敦煌写本类书的校勘价值——以《励忠节抄》为例
16.Examinations of the Tun-huang manuscripts of Notes to the Commentary on Sukhavati-Vyuba and Notes to the Commentary on Amtayus Dhyana Sutra;敦煌写本《无量寿观经义记》和《无量寿经义记》考论
17.The Collation of Dazangjing Should Not Ignore the Dunhuang Buddhist Manuscripts--With Dazhidulun as an Example《大藏经》校勘不应忽略敦煌写本——以《大智度论》为例
18.Analysis of the Case that Dunhuang Chinese Folk Character--Taking the Hand-copied Book on Divination as Center;敦煌俗字举隅——以写本相书为中心

Dunhuang medical methods敦煌写本医方
1.Besides the routine oral medicines in Dunhuang medical methods of over 1200 treatments,there are external treatments with flexibility of mainly 20 kinds as follows:(1)exterior coating;(2)paste rubdown;(3)shower;(4)blowing the medicine into nose;(5)filling the medicine in nose;(6)putting medicine below and above tongue;(7)dripping medicine into eyes;(8)pasting lo.敦煌医学的研究既是甘肃的特色和优势,又是中国乃至世界医药文化宝库的重要组成部分,在1200余首治疗疾病的敦煌写本医方中,除常规之内服方法外,其灵活多样的外治法主要有20种之多,分别是:(1)外涂法;(2)膏摩法;(3)淋浴法;(4)药物吹入鼻中法;(5)药物塞鼻法;(6)舌上下给药法;(7)药物点眼法;(8)局部贴药法;(9)局部药熏法;(10)局部烧烙法;(11)口含药法;(12)药物塞耳法;(13)药物滴耳法;(14)药物熨耳法;(15)药物面法;(16)药汁导入肛门灌肠法;(17)冷水浇头法;(18)催吐法;(19)药物局部外洗法;(20)药丸纳入肛门法。
3)"Dun Huang Xie Ben Zhai Jing"敦煌写本宅经
1.Illogical Transformation——An Analysis of Complementary combination of ancient divination and witchcraft in "Dun Huang Xie Ben Zhai Jing";非逻辑的变通——从敦煌写本宅经“镇宅法”看古代占卜、巫术的互补结合
4)Dunhuang WenXuan manuscripts敦煌《文选》写本
1.Our research on the YinQie material of Dunhuang WenXuan manuscripts systermatically is to find out the Tang Dynasty s phonology phenomena,providing some foundational materials for the phonogy research.我们对敦煌《文选》写本音切进行系统性研究可以揭示唐代的语音现象,为中古语音的研究提供一些基础性材料。
5)Dunhuang written volume敦煌写卷
1.There are 31 groups of interchangeable Chinese characters in the Dunhuang written volume.敦煌写卷《春秋经传集解》(残卷)中共有通假字31组,为研究汉字的形义关系及其演变过程,判断理解文献古义,辨清学术史上的相关论争,提供了实证材料。
6)Buddhist scriptures of Dunhuang Mss敦煌写经

写本  中国版本类型。相对于抄本、刻本的名称。写本的概念有三:①时代早。唐代以前,书籍生产都靠手写传抄,无所谓刻本印本,故统称为写本。唐代以后,刻本渐行,至宋代而盛。但唐、宋时期手写传抄的书籍,仍称为写本。②地位高。无论时代早晚,刻印本书是否盛行,书籍的手写传抄出自名流学者之手,往往也称为写本,而不称为抄本。③内容涉及宗教,如佛经、道经。抄写者常是为了还愿或做功德,有对宗教的崇信和虔诚包容在里边,故也常称为写经,而不称为抄经。这 3种情况之外,自元代起,凡依据某种底本再行传写者,通常就统称为抄本。至于自己著作、自己抄写流传,则称为稿本,而不称为写本、抄本。