学术特色,Academic characteristics
1)Academic characteristics学术特色
1.To establish unique academic characteristics is to establish unique subjects.本文通过分析高校文科学报所面临的生存危机,提出高校学报必须对外开放,通过设立特色栏目,创立自己的学术特色,树立自己的学术品牌。

1.Academic Features of "Interpreting Ancient Philosophical Works with Western Learning" in Late Qing Dynasty;论晚清诸子学研究中“以西释子”的学术特色
2.The Academic Characteristics and Value of Mr Ren Fang-qiu s The History of Modern Chinese Literature;任访秋《中国现代文学史》学术特色和价值初探
3.Academic Features of Hu-xiang Neo-Confucianism Group during Late Qing Dynasty守道与救时——论晚清湖湘理学群体的学术特色
4.The Arrangement and Study of Prof. Jin s Brief Biography and Acupuncture Science Characteristic;靳瑞教授医事传略及针灸学术特色整理研究
5.Features and revelations of the technologic institutes of university in France;法国大学技术学院的办学特色及启示
6.Pottery Art Courses in Primary and Secondary Schools Teaching Inquiry;中小学美术课程特色教学探究—陶艺
7.A Study of Features of School Management of Lanzhou Petrochemical College of Vocational Education;兰州石化职业技术学院办学特色研究
8.On the Historical Evolution and its Characteristics of American Academic Freedom;美国大学学术自由的历史演变与特色
9.To Shape An Academic Atmosphere and Form The Teaching Features of The Teachers College Nurturing Primary Teachers;营造学术氛围 建构小教大专教学特色
10.Merging Revolutionary and Artistic Character: the Characteristic of Guo Moruo's Academic Research革命性与学术性交融:郭沫若的学术研究特色
11.How to Accentuate the Feature of Running a School in Higher Vocational Education;高等职业技术教育如何凸显办学特色
12.An Exploration into the Professional Training Characteristics of the Schools of Arts of Local Colleges and Universities;地方高校艺术学院人才培养特色探索
13.Characteristic columns: the base for creating famous academic journals;特色栏目:创建知名学术期刊的奠基石
14.The Compiling Features and Academic Value of OUHAI YIWEN;《瓯海轶闻》的编纂特色与学术价值
15.Features of Liang Qi chao’s Study on Academiacal History of Qing Dynasty;论梁启超晚年清代学术史研究之特色
16.Experiments of Trace Examination and the Features of Police Training;痕检技术实验教学如何体现公安特色
17.The Construction of Idea System of Science and Technology with Chinese Characteristics;建设有中国特色的科学技术观念体系
18.Characteristics:The Important Tactics for Journals to be Excellent特色:打造品牌学术期刊的重要策略

Special Technology特色技术
3)artistic characteristic艺术特色
1.Discussion on the artistic characteristic of Bei dynasty eaves tile;浅析北朝瓦当的艺术特色
2.The Combination of a Genius and a “Devil”, the Consolidation of Techniques and Arts——Liszt’s piano performance and artistic characteristics;天才同“魔鬼”的结合 技巧与艺术的统一——李斯特的钢琴演奏与艺术特色
3.With Zhu Zhiqing s essays of sceneries as subject, this paper analyses and inspects them from the aspects of scenery description, hierarchic layout, mixing of feeling and scenery, and linguistic techniques, and discusses their artistic characteristics.以朱自清写景散文为研究对象,从景物描绘、层次布局、情景融合、语言技巧等方面进行了分析和考察,论述了它们的艺术特色。
4)artistic characteristics艺术特色
1.A study on the artistic characteristics of QIAN Chengzhi`s pastoral poetry;论钱澄之田园诗的艺术特色
2.Distortion of Humanity,Evaporation of Dream——On nature of characters and artistic characteristics in Great Gatsby;人性的扭曲 梦想的破灭——《了不起的盖茨比》人物性格及艺术特色评析
3.On artistic characteristics of Bai Juyi s poems about Three Gorges and Zhongzhou;白居易三峡及忠州诗的艺术特色
5)technical characteristics技术特色
6)artistic style艺术特色
1.By the characters of pouring feeling deeply,expressing ego sincerely,utilizing language simply,delicate and pretty artistic style and so on,LiYu had enlarged the poetry boundary of BeiSong.李煜是我国词坛上一颗璀璨的星辰,他的词惯用白描,清新朴素,精练自然,以至情至深的情感流露、率真诚挚的自我抒发、朴素自然的语言运用、清婉豪情的文学风格等艺术特色开拓北宋词坛。
2.From the angle of Qi L s development in the Tang Dynasty,the author thoroughly analyses the artistic style and its origins of Wei Zhuang s Qi L.韦庄七律总体的艺术特色是浅近流畅,以情韵见长。
3.In order to make the reader have a whole understanding of Ai_qing’s poem compositions,this article is about the content,thought and artistic style of Ai_qing’s narrative poems.艾青的叙事诗创作是其诗歌创作的重要组成部分,本文试图从艾青叙事诗的思想内容和艺术特色两方面对其进行初步的探讨。

“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会”“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会”  遭菊 “中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术 交流会”中国自然资源学会供稿