《诸病源候论》,《Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun》
1)《Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun》《诸病源候论》
1.This text have the forms of words associated in《ZHU BING YUAN HOU LUN》as the research object.本文研究《诸病源候论》一书的关联搭配形式,穷尽考察了《诸病源候论》的关联搭配形式,以准确翔实的统计数字,通过对比的方式揭示概述关联搭配形式的使用特点。

1.Theoretic Research Analyzed by Syndrome in Etiopathogenisis and Pathogenesis of "Toxin" Recorded in 《诸病源候论》有关“毒”的病因病机证候学理论研究
2.New idea on the origin of Chinese ancient epitaph -- making commentary on different opinions of the predecessors simultaneously;中国古代墓志起源新论——兼评诸种旧说
3.Different Monetary Theory: Analysis on the Root of Divergence about the Different Interest Rate Schools;不同货币理论:诸利率学派分歧之源浅探
4.However, when these theories were cited, some misreading occurred.但是萨义德在借用这些理论的时候存在诸多误用与自相矛盾。
5.A theory attributing the origin of the gods to the deification of historical heroes.历史英雄即诸神说一种认为神话中诸位神祗是源自历史上神化的英雄人物的理论
6.Today, satellites carry out a multitude of different tasks, such as relaying telephone calls, monitoring the weather, surveying the Earth's surface for minerals, etc.当今,卫星执行着大量不同的任务,诸如传达电话、监测气候、遥测地面矿物资源,等等。
7.Historical Origins of Forestry Policy and Ideology in China;中国林业政策思想的历史渊源——论先秦诸子学说中的林业思想
8.It’s morbid to dwell on cemeteries and such like.不厌其烦地谈论墓地以及诸如此类的事是一种病态。
9.Source code viruses are intrusive programs and they are also inserted into a source program such as those written in Pascal prior to the program being complied.源码型病毒是入侵程序,它们在程序被编译之前插入到诸如用PASCAL编写的源程序中。
11.The ruler of a principality.国君,君主,诸候公国的统治者
12.Study on the Correlation of Climate and Diseases in Shaanxi Province with Yunqi Theory;陕西气候、疾病与运气理论的相关性研究
13.Essay on Susceptible Gene Polymorphism of Disease and Variousness of TCM Syndrome论疾病易感基因多态性与中医证候的多样性
14.Analysis of Therapeutic Principles of Shang Han Lun on Complicated Pathogenesis and Syndromes探析《伤寒论》对复杂病机证候的治疗原则
15.We have to appeal to public opinion.我们必须诉诸舆论。
16.Study of Disciplinarian of Xueyu Syndrome in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Combined with the Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease;COPD合并慢性肺源性心脏病患者血瘀证的证候规律初探
17.Symptom Features and Pathogenisis of Decompensated Liver Cirrhosis with Ascites and Intestinal Endotoximia and Treatment by TCM;肝硬化腹水肠源性内毒素症的证候特征、病机及中药治疗临床研究
18.Literature study on distribution of TCM syndrome of chronic pulmonary heart disease慢性肺源性心脏病中医证候分布规律的文献研究

1.Theoretic Research Analyzed by Syndrome in Etiopathogenisis and Pathogenesis of "Toxin" Recorded in 《诸病源候论》有关“毒”的病因病机证候学理论研究
3)"Zhubing Yuanhou Lun Jiaozhu"诸病源候论校注
1."Zhubing Yuanhou Lun Jiaozhu" (Annotations of Origin and Treatment of the Diseases, annotated by Ding Guangdi,) is presently the most prestigious version of annotations about the Sui dynasty medical work "Zhubing Yuanhou Lun".《诸病源候论校注》一书是目前全面系统地对隋代医籍《诸病源候论》进行校释的权威版本,是整理《诸病源候论》的重要著作,在当时资料基础上取得了一定突破。
4)Different diseases Break out at the same time诸病并发
5)To appeal to public opinion诉诸公论
6)Thoughts and feelings are expressed in words形诸言论
