脏腑辨证,viscera syndrome differentiation
1)viscera syndrome differentiation脏腑辨证
1.This lecture has reviewed the clinical reports about treating myasthenia gravis in viscera syndrome differentiation during the latest 5 years.中医学在本病的诊断与治疗上形成了一整套比较完整的理论体系,从脏腑辨证的角度,对近5年来中医药治疗本病的临床报道加以综述。

1.The Research of Viscus Syndrome and Viscus Discrimination of the Two Han Dynasty;两汉时期脏腑证候与脏腑辨证方法的研究
2.In TCM syndrome differentiation system of viscera and the important position脏腑辨证在中医辨证体系中的重要地位
3.Study on TCM Zang-Fu Syndrome Differentiation System Based on Data Mining;基于数据挖掘的中医脏腑辨证系统研究
4.Support Vector Machine and It s Application in Viscera Syndrome Differentiation of TCM;SVM算法研究及其在中医脏腑辨证中的应用
5.Essentials of Professor Deng Tietao's Five-viscera Correlation Theory and Correlative Research of Zang-fu Herbal Medicine Dialectical Usage Recorded in "Case Reports for Clinical Practice";中医五脏相关学说述要与《临证指南医案》脏腑辨证用药的相关性研究
6.Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Insomnia from Yin-Yang Waxing and Waning以阴阳消长脏腑虚实理论辨治失眠症
7.The theoretical system takes the physiology and pathology of zang-fu organs and meridians as its basis, and TDS as its diagnostic and therapeutic features.这套理论系统以脏腑经络的生理病理为基础,以辨证论治为其诊断特色。
8.Fluid syndrome refers to retention of thin fluid in the viscera and tissues, usually caused by decline or disturbance of visceral functions.饮证指水饮质地清稀,停滞于脏腑组织之间所表现的病证,多由脏腑机能衰退或障碍等原因引起。
9.Usual Zang-Fu-Visceral and Emotional Syndrome of Subhealthy State of Cardiovascular Disease心血管亚健康状态常见脏腑及情志证候类型
10.Prospective research on the deficiency-syndrome of the viscera of 1,069 patients of coronary heart disease with multiple rotating center1069例冠心病脏腑虚证的多中心前瞻性研究
11.Clinical observation of acupuncture and medicine combination on treating constipation with phlegm pyretic and FU-Organ sthenia syndrome of acute stage cerebral infarction(32 cases)针药并用辨证治疗脑梗死急性期痰热腑实型便秘32例疗效观察
12.TCM Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment for Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease慢性肺原性心脏病中医辨证治疗概要
13.Research of the Common Zheng Differentation-treatment of Hepatopathy Documents Based on the Statistical Method and the Asociation Rules Data Mining肝脏辨证常见证型辨证论治文献的关联规则数据挖掘研究(一)
14.Morethan, the emphasizes on the key role of pyrogeneous pathogen in the developing prossess of insomnia by discussing its effect on function of viscera.通过论述火邪对脏腑正常功能的影响,论证火邪在失眠的发生、展过程中具有关键作用。
15.Winston's entrails seemed to have turned into ice.温斯顿的五脏六腑似乎都变成了冰块。
16."and the skin of the ox and all its flesh, with its head and its legs and its inside parts and its waste,"公牛的皮和所有的肉,并头,腿,脏,腑,粪,
17.Nei jing said "All five-zang organs and six-fu organs lead to cough, not only lung".《内经》提出“五脏六腑皆令人咳,非独肺也”。
18.The Research of 《Fu Xing Jue Zang Fu Yong Yao Fa Yao》;《辅行诀脏腑用药法要》的文献研究

syndrome differentiation of Zang-Fu脏腑辨证
1.Traditional Chinese medicine based on the overall concept,we commonly study vascular dementia from syndrome differentiation of Zang-fu.中医学立足于整体观,从脏腑辨证认识VD。
3)traditional Chinese medicine脏腑辨证
1.Objective:To investigate the relationship between syndrome type of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) and electrogastrogram(EGG),nutritional status in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD).目的:观察慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)及中医脏腑辨证与胃电图(electrogastrogram,EGG)、营养状态的相关关系。
2.Objective To investigate the relationship between syndrome type of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and electrogastrogram (EGG), nutritional status in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).目的观察慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)及中医脏腑辨证与胃电(electrogastrogram,EGG)、营养状态的相关关系。
4)zang-fu differentiation脏腑辨证
1.This paper cites certain items from the Treatise on Febrile Diseases to explain that zang-fu differentiation is the key part of prescription and syndrome differentiation, which leads to a direct curative effect.通过对《伤寒论》条文精神的列举,说明“脏腑辨证”是能够直接体现于疗效的《伤寒论》诸方证之辨的关键,“脏腑辨证”思想是《伤寒论》诊疗思维的核心,而《伤寒论》“方证辨证”则是“脏腑辨证”的表现形式和高级阶段,从而提出将《伤寒论》“方证辨证”思维熔入中医诊断学“脏腑辨证”教学的观点。
5)Viscera syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine中医脏腑辨证
6)syndrome differentiation of concurrent visceral manifestation脏腑兼病辨证
