清代医家,Qing dynasty doctor
1)Qing dynasty doctor清代医家

1.Academic Thinking Study on 《Yangke Xinde Ji》 Written by Gao Bingjun in the Qing Dynasty清代医家高秉钧《疡科心得集》学术思想研究
2.Research on Ming and Qing Dynasties Recipe by Consensus Name of Fatty Liver Disease in Chinese Medicine of Modern Doctor以现代医家对脂肪肝的中医共识病(证)名追溯明清方药研究
3.Understanding of and Response to Western Medicine by Traditional Chinese Medicine During Qing Dynasty;清代中医界对西洋医学的认知与回应
4.The Mayers have been distinguished doctors for generations. It runs in the blood.迈耶一家世代名医,从医是他们的祖传。
5.From 156 Cases to See the Characteristic of Stroke s Diagnosis and Therapy about Ming and Qing Dynasty;从156例医案看明清医家诊治中风病的特点
6.Creation of Guangdong Chinese Medicine Doctors Directory in Qing Dynasty and Correlating Studies;清代广东中医人名录编纂及相关研究
7.The Art Style of Furniture in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty;明代家具与清代家具的艺术风格——谈明、清家具艺术风格的差异性
8.Zhang Xuecheng is a famous historiographer and bibliographer in Qing Dynasty.章学诚是清代著名的史学家、目录学家。
9.On Li Yuncheng --a Yi educator and literary critic of Yunnan in the Qing Dynasty;论云南清代彝族教育家文论家李云程
10.The Impact of Filial Piety Ideology on the Doctors in Their Work in History;论孝道思想对历代医家从医动机之影响
11.On the Medical Ethics of Meticulosity of Modern Medical Masters认真负责 一丝不苟——当代医家高尚医德案例
12.On the Literary Creation of the Wang s in Lingui in Qing Dynasty;清代广西临桂王氏家族的文学创作——“清代广西文学家族”研究之二
13.Psychiatrist Stephen LaBerge is an expert on lucid dreaming.精神病医生斯蒂芬·伯奇是研究清醒做梦的专家。
14.Study on Medicine Law for Treating Arthralgia with Other Joint Sympotoms (Osteoarthritis) in the Ming-Qing Dynasty;明清医家论治骨痹(骨关节炎)用药规律研究
15.The Research and Analysis on Clinical Cases of Tongue Diagnosis Among the Medical Records of the Qing Dynasty;清代医案中舌诊应用的实例调查与研究
16.Overseas Students in Japan in the Late Years of Qing Dynasty and Modern Medical Institution;清末留日学生与近代中国医学体制建设
17.The Historical Review on Opium Drug Abuse and TCM Drug Rehabilitation in Qing Dynasty;清代鸦片烟毒与中医戒烟研究的历史考察
18.I'd like to work as a nurse in a modern hospital.我想在一家现代化医院中做一名护士。

Medician of Ming and Qing Dynasty period明清医家
3)Qing Dynasty medicine clinical cases清代医案
4)Ancient doctors古代医家
5)physicians of past generations历代医家
6)A physician of the Ming dynasty明代医家

《清代名医医案精华》《清代名医医案精华》 《清代名医医案精华》   医案著作。秦伯未编。书成于1928年。全书选辑清代叶桂、薛雪、吴瑭、张聿青等二十多位医家约2000条医案,其中以内科杂病为主,兼及他科病证。以医案为纲,以病证为目,分类清楚。可以相互比较、分析出各医家的学术特点及其在各类疾病的治疗经验。选案多属记录简要,方治切于病情,并对病理有一定阐发者。现存上海中医书局铅印本。1949年后有排印本。