规律研究,Regular research
1)Regular research规律研究

1.The Law of Fact Reappearance事实再现律──新闻写作规律研究之三
2.A Study of the Spread Law of the True Feelings Melody in Hebei Satellite TV;河北卫视《真情旋律》的传播规律研究
3.Migration rule of landfill gas arising from non-sanitary municipal solid waste landfill非规范填埋场气体迁移规律研究初探
4.A Study on Dependence of Profits on R&D Intensities in Chinese Manufacture Industries制造业利润对研发投入依赖规律研究
5.Research of Concentrating Rules of Remaining Oil in Fluvial Facies Positive Rhythmic Thick Formation;河流相正韵律厚油层剩余油富集规律研究
6.A Study on Evolution Rule of Federal Mainstream Law Thoughts;中国封建主流法律思想演变之规律研究
7.A Study of Regional Diffusion Law of Land Value Based on Fourier Law;基于傅立叶定律的城市地价区域扩散规律研究
8.A Study on the Inelastic Earthquake Response of the Asymmetric-plan Structure平面不规则结构非弹性地震反应规律研究
9.Research on Evolution of Competition Regulations and the Rules of Techniques and Tactics Development of Volleyball;排球竞赛规则演变与技战术发展的规律研究
10.Study Association Rules Based on Price Changes of Agricultural Produce基于关联规则的农副产品价格变化规律研究
11.A Study of Convolute Structure System in Puan and Its Ore- Controlling Law普安旋卷构造体系及其控矿规律研究
12.Law of Cotton Aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Spring in Shehezi石河子地区春季棉蚜发生规律研究
13.Study on Laws of Policy Change from the View of Dynamic Equilibrium动态均衡视角下的政策变迁规律研究
14.Elementary Study of Prosody Modeling Rule on Tibetan TTS藏语语音合成系统韵律建模规律初步研究
15.On the Legality of Discipline of Students in Higher Learning Institutions高校学生纪律处分行为的法律规制研究
16.Study on the Regularization of Chinese Medical Syndrome Differentiation and the Development Rule of Chinese Medical Syndromes of Chronical Renal Failure;慢性肾衰竭中医辨证规范化及证候规律的研究
17.Study on the Development Rule and Rationality of Scale about Region Road Network;区域公路网规模的发展规律及合理性研究
18.Study of Legal Restriction on "Other Administrative Regulations" in China;我国“其他行政规范性文件”法律规制研究

research regulation研究规律
3)regularity study规律性研究
4)Research of enlarging regulation放大规律研究
5)Study on fragmentation regularity裂解规律研究
6)laws governing exercise of power执政规律研究
1.In order to further deepen our understanding and study of the laws governing exercise of power by the Communist Party, this article summarizes the studies of the laws governing exercise of power by the Communist Party since 2001, and puts forward some suggestions based on the summary.为了进一步深化对共产党执政规律的认识和研究,本文对2001年以来有关共产党执政规律研究进行概述,并在此基础上提出对该研究的看法。

矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)law of contradiction  mQOCun gu】j口、矛盾规律(lawof eon‘radietion)统一规律。见叶主