王好古,Wang Haogu
1)Wang Haogu王好古
2)Wang Gu王古
3)Stele of Great King Haotaiwang好太王碑

1.Rediscovery and Study of the Rubbings from the Original Stele of "Haotai Wang"好太王碑原石拓本的新发现及其研究
2.Rubbings of the Original Haotaiwang Stele Preserved in the Library of Beijing University关于北京大学图书馆所藏好太王碑原石拓本
3.Dating and Chronological Analysis Method of the Inscription Copies of Haotaiwang Stele高句丽好太王碑拓本的分期与编年方法
4.Jim, won't you make Prince behave?吉姆,你让王太子规矩点好吗?
5.Mrs. Wang is a good housekeeper. Her house is always clean and neat.王太太是一位好管家。她的家总是整齐清洁。
6."after this Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, became friends with ahaziah, king of Israel, who did much evil:"此后,犹大王约沙法与以色列王亚哈谢交好。亚哈谢行恶太甚。
7.After this Jehoshaphat king of Judah allied himself with Ahaziah king of Israel. He acted wickedly in so doing.代下20:35此后犹大王约沙法与以色列王亚哈谢交好.哈谢行恶太甚。
8.The inscription seems to have been worn away.那块碑铭好像已过磨损。
9.Tom was looking at Mrs Adams, as unabashed as the proverbial cat looking at a king.汤姆望着亚当斯太太,泰然自若,就好像谚语所说的看着国王的猫。
10.Tom was looking at Mrs Adams,as unabashed as the proverbial cat looking at a king.汤姆望著亚当斯太太,泰然自若,就好像谚语所说的看著国王的猫。
11.Tentative Research on the Stone Tablet of Jin Yuan Prefectual Governer in A'Cheng City阿城金源郡王神道残碑的初步研究
12.The Queen laid a poppy wreath at the war memorial.女王向阵亡将士纪念碑献了罂粟花圈。
13.On Flattering Inscriptions Written by Cai Yong--Arguing with Mr.Wang Yinzhong论蔡邕碑文的“谀墓”——与王银忠先生商榷
14.A New Milestone for the Study of WANG Jian--While reading <The Collation and Annotation of the Collection of WANG Jian s Poems> by Mr. WANG Zong-tang;王建研究的全新里程碑——读王宗堂先生的《王建诗集校注》
15.A Textual Study on A Northern Song Stele with the Inscription of the New School in Wuhu County, Taiping Zhou北宋《太平州芜湖县新学记》碑考
16.Mt.18:23 For this reason the kingdom of the heavens has become like a king who desired to settle accounts with his slaves.太十八23因此,诸天的国好比一个作君王的人,要和他的奴仆算账。
17.Good afternoon, Mrs. Jones.下午好,琼斯太太。
18.Good afternoon, Mrs. Brown.下午好,布朗太太。

Wang Gu王古
3)Stele of Great King Haotaiwang好太王碑
4)Hi,Wang Bing.你好,王兵。
5)"king-grade" tree古树王
1.Study on "king-grade" tree of Baima Mountain Nature Reserve;白马山省级自然保护区古树王调查研究
6)The Mongolian princes and dukes蒙古王公
1.The Mongolian princes and dukes acted the contradictory historical role in Mongolian modernize.蒙古王公在蒙古的近代化中,扮演了矛盾的角色,一方面推动经济社会等方面的近代化,另一方面,阻止政治的近代化,从而反映出王公的阶级本质。

王好古王好古 王好古   金元时代医学家。字进之,号海藏,赵州(今河北赵县)人,博通经史,尤精医术。其学宗张元素及李东垣,与李东垣为同时代人,并宗张元素,一说王氏先后师事张、李。先后任赵州医学教授兼管提举内医学。著作甚丰,涉猎范围亦广,如《医垒元戎》十二卷,包括伤寒及杂证,并以十二经为纲,主张治病须脉证互参,始可处方。又有《阴证略例》,有论述伤寒阴证之论方,颇为详备。此外,尚有《此事难知》、《汤液本草》、《癍疹论》、《伊尹汤液广为大法》等,均行于世。其《伤寒辨惑论》、《仲景详辨》、《光明论》等,则未见行世。