辨治规律,Treatment rules based on syndrome differentiation
1)Treatment rules based on syndrome differentiation辨治规律

1.On TCM Differentiation Rule of Gastric Stuffiness from Internal Classics and Febrile Diseases从《内经》《伤寒论》谈胃痞中医辨治规律
2.The Clinical TCM Research on Geratologous Chronic Renal Failure;老年性慢性肾功能衰竭中医辨治规律探讨
3.A Study about the Law of the Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation to Rheumatoid Arthritis of Contemporary Famous Veteran Teran Doctors of TCM类风湿关节炎当代名医临床辨治规律探讨
4.Alzheimer disease's pathogenesis of blood stasis and probe into law from blood stasis dialectical老年性痴呆瘀血发病原理及从瘀辨治规律探讨
5.Study on Treatment Rules Based on Syndrome Differentiation and Evaluation of Therapeutic Efficiency of Professor Zhang Qi on Treating Chronic Renal Failure;张琪教授治疗慢性肾衰竭辨治规律及疗效评价的研究
6.Study on the Regularity of the Treatment Based on Differential Diagnosis of Childhood Persistent and Chronic Diarrhea Diseases and on the Treatment of the Syndromes of Dysfunction in Transport due to Spleen Deficiency;小儿迁延性、慢性腹泻辨治规律及其脾虚失运证的治疗研究
7.Unified Reconstruction of a Theoretical Discipline for Lumbar Disc Herniation Based on TCM Diagnosis Appling Content Analysis应用内容分析法统一重构腰椎间盘突出症的中医辨治规律
8.A Study on Compatibility Laws of Zexie Tang Treating Vertigo in Inner Ear泽泻汤辨治内耳眩晕症配伍规律探讨
9.The Study on Rules of Syndrome Differentiation and Making up a Prescription in Treatment of Epidemic Febrile Disease by Yetianshi;叶天士治疗温病的辨证及组方配伍规律研究
10.Study on the Traditional Chinese Medicine Types Syndrome of Chronic Hepatitis B慢性病毒性乙型肝炎辨证论治规律探讨
11.Prospective Research of the Principle of Differential Diagnosis of Disease and Syndrome and Treatment Program of Tubal Pregnancy;输卵管妊娠的辨病辨证规律及论治方案的前瞻性研究
12.The Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease Wenxinkeli Disease and Arrhythmia Dialectical Clinical Study稳心颗粒治疗冠心病心律失常临床辨病与辩证的用药规律研究
13.Study of the Ancient Literature and Prescribing Rules on the Feibi Feiwei and Pulmonary Fibrosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine;肺痹肺痿文献证治规律研究及对肺纤维化中医辨治的启示
14.exploration of law of treatment based on syndrome differentiation in acupuncture and moxibustion therapy is final direction and purpose of the study.对中医针灸疗法中“辨证论治”的规律探索是研究的最终方向和目的。
15.TCM Differentiation, Treatment on IgA Nephropathy and the Efficacy Evaluation;IgA肾病中医辨证规律、临床治疗方法和疗效评价研究
16.The Exploratory Study of Regularity Treatment on Differential Diagnosis for Acute Coronary Syndrome on the Basis of Data Mining;基于数据挖掘对急性冠脉综合征辨证论治规律的探索性研究
17.The Discussion of the Law on Analyzing and Differentiating Diseases of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Days Enclosing the Operation of D_2~D_4 Radical Operation for Carcinoma of Stomach;胃癌D_2~D_4根治术后围手术期中医辨证规律的探讨
18.The Study of Chinese Medicine to Diagnose and Using Drugs Regularity of Hemorrhage Period of Puberty Anovulatory Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding;青春期无排卵型功血出血期的中医辨治及用药规律探讨

law of pattern identification and treatment administration辨证论治规律
3)syndrome differentiation principle辨证施治规律
4)syndrome differentiation辨证规律
5)law discrimination规律分辨
6)law idenfication规律辨识

无治1.无为而治。 2.谓国家不太平。 3.不加惩罚。