外科正宗,Orthodox Manual of External Diseases
1)Orthodox Manual of External Diseases外科正宗
1.The analysis on the idea that treatment of skin and external diseases is dependent on spleen and stomach in Orthodox Manual of External Diseases;《外科正宗》疮赖脾土思想探析
2.Effect of therapy of orthodox manual of external diseases in treating ulcerative colitis《外科正宗》治疡法则对治疗溃疡性结肠炎的启示

1.Effect of therapy of orthodox manual of external diseases in treating ulcerative colitis《外科正宗》治疡法则对治疗溃疡性结肠炎的启示
2.Analysis of Using Dissipation to Treat Anorectal Diseases in Surgical Authentic浅析《外科正宗》运用消法治疗肛肠疾病的特点
3.Primary Discussion on External Treatment of The Golden Mirror of Medicine:Concise Comprehension of Pediatrics in Verse《医宗金鉴·幼科心法要诀》外治法探析
4.So it has been called the orthodox Chinese carpet pattern by some foreign experts.因而被国外一些地毯专家称为正宗的中国地毯。
5.As for the religion, it did not forgive the" sin" of Tess, while the real sinner Alec carrying on the lascivious activities was under the cloak of religion.宗教没有宽恕一个无罪的女人,而真正的罪人亚雷·伯却披上了宗教的外衣,这说明宗教是虚伪的。
6.Development and Progress of Hallux Valgus and Surgical Treatment;拇外翻畸形的发生、发展与外科矫正
7.Personal religious life will be protected, but you are discouraged in missionizing, distributing religious materials, explaining the Bible in a systematic way or taking any students to churches.⑥学院保护外教正常的个人宗教生活,但禁止外教传教、发宗教用品和系统讲圣经或带学生上教堂.
8.The pizza and hamBurg from our restaurant are made By famous cooks from aBroad. all are of traditional European flavor. You are welcome to sample.本店的披萨饼和汉堡包,均由外国名厨烹制,正宗欧洲风味,欢迎品尝。
9.Why is it that, being both foreign religions, Christianity could not take root in China but Buddhism could?正如潘光旦说:“同一为外来宗教,何以基督教不生根而佛教生根了呢?”
10.For the shi, it was a house with 1 room and 1 hall (tang in Chinese), which contains 1 main bedroom with 1 door, no inner bedroom but 1 minor room, 1 gate to the house, as well as 1 ancestral temple.士是一室一房一堂,有正寝无燕寝而有下室,二门(外门、寝门); 宗庙有一。
11.The enemy will be confused but the player should keep a clear mind.正是禅宗不受外界的影响,乱中精神内守,禅入武式。
12.How to make correct comment on Hu Zongxian;权奸在内而大将立功于外——谈胡宗宪的正面评价问题
13.An Analysis of the Use of Letter "i" and "e" in Foreign Language in Science and Technology Periodicals in the Form of Round Hand and Italics;科技期刊中外文字母“i”、“e”正斜体使用正误辨析
14.beyond the range of the normal or scientifically explainable.在正常的或科学解释范围以外的。
15.A true scientific law admits of no exception.真正的科学定律不允许有例外。
16.The surgeon tied off a bleeding vessel.外科医生结扎住一根正在出血的血管。
17.surgical reconstruction or replacement of a malformed or degenerated joint.矫正畸形关节的外科手术。
18.corrective surgery for a deformed leg医治腿部畸形的矫正外科.

Surgical Orthodox School外科正宗派
3)the organization of managing Zhao Imperial Clan南外宗正司
4)Orthognathic surgery正颌外科
1.Study on appearance changes in patients with orthognathic surgery and their satisfaction;正颌外科治疗前后患者容貌变化及满意度的研究
2.Joint Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery for the Treatment of Secondary Dentofacial Deformity following Cleft Lip and Palate Repair;98例唇腭裂患者牙颌面畸形的正畸-正颌外科联合治疗分析
5)Surgical orthodontics外科正牙术

外科正宗外科正宗 外科名著。4卷。明陈实功(若虚)撰于万历四十五年(1617年)。全书分157篇,卷1为总论痈疽原委、治法、五善、七恶、调理等论;卷2~4历述脑疽、疔疮、脱疽、瘰疬等119种病证,以及若干外科用药陈制法,医师之道德修养等等。每一病证均按综述、看法、治法、治验、主治方、应用方等加以论述。由于陈氏赞赏“医之别内外也,治外较难于治内,何者?内之症或不及其外,外之症则必根于其内也”。故该书重视外科理论之阐述和理论与医疗技术实践经验之结合。每一病证多首先综述各家对该病病因病理认识,详述临床症状和特点,在论述诸病诊法、步骤、要领时,多能指出出现何症为吉,何症为逆,何症出现则为死候、危兆;在治法论述中,注重各种疾病不同发展时期、不同治疗原则之选择,后介绍治法、方剂以及外科手术治疗的适应证、禁忌证。对所用方剂则详载其药物组成、药量、制作、服法等。其治验栏,大都附录作者40余年外科临床治疗的验案病例(包括成功案例和一些失败的记录)。书末所论医家五戒,医家十要,总结了医学家医疗道德修养要求。该书绘有痈疽图形36幅,以及若干歌诀,以便读者参阅掌握。《外科正宗》在食道异物剔除术及器具制作,鼻息肉摘除术及器械制作,指、趾切除术等方面均较先进。对骨结核、阑尾炎、栓塞性脉管炎等之诊断、鉴别诊断、认识水平都较前人有明显提高。该书流传极广,影响深远。刊本有4卷本10余种,重订12卷本近20种,徐灵胎批本20余种。宗其术者,成为明清外科学一大派别。现存初刻本及多种明清刻本,建国后有影印本及点校排印本。