傅青主,FU Qing-zhu
1)FU Qing-zhu傅青主
1.Investigation on the Medical Academic Concept of FU Qing-zhu傅青主的医学学术思想探讨
2.Shenghua decoction made by FU Qing-zhu is a famous formula aimed at syndrome of coagulation cold due to blood deficiency,static blood obstruction.生化汤是著名医家傅青主针对产后血虚寒凝、瘀血阻滞这一病证特点而创制的一张名方,它有明确的病机针对性。

1.A brief discussion on the recipes of calming fetus introduced by Fu Qingzhu'sObstetrics and Gynecology浅谈对《傅青主女科》安胎疗法的认识体会
2.leading female: Zhao Qing played as San Sheng Mu [a goddess];leading male: Fu Zhaoxian played as Liu Yanchang, Liu Dekang as Chen Xiang;女主角:赵青饰三圣母;男主角:傅兆先饰刘彦昌;刘德康饰沉香;
3.Master Worker Wang is responsible for the overhaul of this grinder.王师傅主修这台磨床。
4.Fifth Generation: Master Chen Yi-Sing, a native of Fu Chow, Yin Duen Pu, Fu Chien.第五代:主陈益唱歌,土生土长的傅周,尹端甫,傅简。
5.These veteran craftsmen have undertaken to train a group of young workers.这些老手工艺师傅负责培养一批青年工人。
6.When Was Qing Qiu Zi Ge by Gao Qi Composed?--A Discussion with Mr. Fu;高启《青丘子歌》作于何年——与傅强先生商榷
7.Mr. Lin isn't here," he said promptly. I haven't the right to decide."他立刻说:“师傅不在,我不能作主。”
8.The Measures of Consruction Economy in Fu Zuoyi s Adminstration about Suiyuan (1931-1937 Year);傅作义主绥时的经济建设措施(1931-1937年)
9.Reanalysis of Fu s Version from the Perspective of the Translator s Subjectivity;从译者主体性角度重新评价《飘》的傅译本
10.On Two Important Contracts of Pre-Qin:fubie and zhiji;试论先秦时期两种主要的契约形式:“傅别”与“质剂”
11.On Fu Lei s Artistic Subject and Aesthetic Presentation;试论傅雷的艺术主体思想——兼谈艺术的审美表现
12.Last but no least, the shortcoming in education is the cause contributing to juvenile delinquency.例︰后傅⒎畈恢匾教育上的缺失是助长青少年犯罪的原因。
13.Saliva analysis by Fourier transform infrared spectrum in the enamel decalcification of orthodontic treatment of the teenagers唾液傅立叶红外检测在青少年正畸牙面脱矿的初步研究
14.Of them, Jia Taifu Ancestral Hall was completed in 1999. The second phase of the project focuses on the renovation of Jia Taifu Residence, and Qingxiang Villa in the garden areas at the Former Residence of Jia Yi.其中贾太傅祠已于1999年修好,二期工程主要是修复贾谊的住所贾太傅宅和园林区清湘别墅。
15.Alliance of Young Democrats青年民主主义者同盟
16.And after the baker did this, he went off to the miller and asked him to cover his feet with flour.当面包师傅包完后,他便跑去找磨坊主人,要他将他的脚洒上面粉。
17.He wanted to fight the masters who starved their apprentices, and to fight the landlords who robbed his parents.他要同那些不让学徒吃饱的师傅打仗,同剥削他父母的地主打仗。
18.An association resembling a Fourierist phalanstery.类似社会共同组合会的组织类似傅立叶主义法伦斯泰尔的组织

Fu Qingzhu傅青主
1.A brief discussion on the recipes of calming fetus introduced by Fu Qingzhu'sObstetrics and Gynecology浅谈对《傅青主女科》安胎疗法的认识体会
3)FU Qing-zhu's Medical Department for Men傅青主男科
1.Analysis of the Features of Diagnosis and Treatment for FUQINGZHUNVKE;试析《傅青主女科》的诊疗特色
5)Fu Qingzhu's Theory on Multicolored Leucorrhea傅青主论五色带下
1.The Musical Characteristics of Qingzhu s"the Yangtze Eastward";青主《大江东去》音乐特色分析
2.The Art Characteristic of Qingzhu s Song “I Live on the Head of the Yangtze River”;浅析青主《我住长江头》歌曲的艺术特征
3.Qingzhu s Musicial Thoughts and Aesthetic Meaning;青主的音乐思想及其审美意义
