洪遵,HONG Zun
1)HONG Zun洪遵
1.The four Hongs were composed of Hong Hao and his three sons who were called Hong Kuo, Hong Zun and Hong Mai respectively, living in Southern Song Dynasty, China.本文所稱“鄱陽洪氏父子”是指南宋洪皓及其三子洪适、洪遵、洪邁。

1.The dikes kept back the floodwaters防堤挡住了水。
2.The floodwaters caved in the retaining wall水冲垮了防堤。
3.high-flow diversion"分道,见 floodway"
4.Research on Simulation of Diversion Flood Routing for Flood Storage in Dongting Lake Region;洞庭湖区蓄垸分水演进模拟研究
5.Hung Hsien Monarchy [Yuan Shih-kai]宪帝制[袁世凯]
6.Chapter V Flood Control and Flood Fighting             第五章 防汛抗
7.Chapter II Flood Control Planning             第二章 防规划
8.Torrents of water rushed down the mountain and several villages were engulfed in the flood山暴发,好几个村庄都被水淹没了。
9.But can you traverse the stream?可是,你能闯过那车的流、人的流吗?
10.A stream of vehicles and humanity engulfed the horizon.远处是车的流,人的流。
11.To cause to sound with a deep ringing noise.亮地发声使发出亮的声音
12.The definition of flood hazard includes two aspects: flood and hazard.灾的含义包括水和灾害两个方面。
13.The types of flooding were river torrents and mountain torrents.水灾类型以江灾为主,山为次之。
14.Chapter IV Administration of Flood Control Areas and Flood Control Works         第四章 防区和防工程设施的管理
15.Method of Flood Risk Estimation and Its Application in Flood Detention Basin;蓄滞灾风险评估方法及其应用
16.Flood Law and Floodwater Utilization for Ankang Reservoir;安康水库水规律及水资源化研究
17.Discussion on discharge capacity calculations of drainage system of tailing ponds某尾矿库排系统泄能力计算探讨
18.Construction of flood and water logging early warning system for Hongzehu Lake Basin泽湖流域涝灾害预警系统的构建

1.Discussions on exploration net density of bauxite in Zunyi,North Guizhou;黔北遵义团溪铝土矿勘探网密度探讨
2.Discovery of monazite in the Ni-Mo sulfide layer of Zunyi,Guizhou Province,and its genetic significance;贵州遵义镍-钼富集层中独居石的发现及成因意义
3.Environmental Geochemistry of Soil Manganese at Tongluojing Manganese Mining Area in Zunyi City;遵义铜锣井锰矿区土壤锰等元素的环境地球化学特征

洪遵洪遵 洪遵(1120-1174年)   南宋医家。字景严。鄱阳(今江西波阳)人。任翰林学士,兼吏部尚书,乾道六年(1170年)撰《洪氏集验方》六卷,于江淮间流传,为医家所接受。另著《泉志》,为现存最早之钱币学著作。