中医眼科学,Chinese ophthalmology
1)Chinese ophthalmology中医眼科学
1.Exploration on methods and measures of improving quality of teaching Chinese ophthalmology;提高中医眼科学教学质量方法和措施的探讨
2)Ophthalmology of traditional Chinese medicine中医眼科
1.The thesis aimed to establish the deserved dominant roles of the kidney in Ophthalmology of Traditional Chinese Medicine by combination of both literature study and clinical experience of Ophthalmology.本文运用文献研究与眼科临床相结合的方法,旨在通过理论创新,确立肾在中医眼科中应有的主导地位。

1.On English Translation of TCM Ophalmic Term “Wulun”;关于中医眼科术语“五轮”英译的商榷
2.A brief analysis on the cultivation of Chinese traditional ophthalmology postgraduate浅谈“中医有特色、西医不滞后”的临床型中医眼科研究生的培养
3.The oculist removed a foreign object from his eye.眼科医生从他眼中除去一个异物。
4.Experimence of PBL in the teaching of integrated traditional and western medicine in ophthalmologyPBL在中西医结合眼科学教学中的体会
5.Thinking Traditional Chinese Medicine by What Sort of Philosophic View;何种哲眼看中医——中西医的科学与哲学论析
6.Archives of Ophthalmology美国医学会眼科杂志(中文版)
7.Lo Ka Chow Ophthalmic Memorial Centre [Tung Wah Eastern Hospital]卢家驺眼科医疗纪念中心〔东华东院〕
8.Some aspects must to be emphasize in ophthalmological medico-legal expertise;眼科法医学鉴定中须重视的几个方面
9.The advantages of ophthalmology and blindness prevention in health reforms.眼科及防盲在医疗改革示范中的优势
10.the ophthalmologist at our local eye clinic我们地方眼科诊所的眼科医生.
11.Research and Application of Imaging Tracking Technique in Developing Ophthalmological Equipment;成像跟踪技术在眼科医疗器械中的应用研究
12.Comparison of Resident Ophthalmologists Training Mode Between Canada and China;中加眼科住院医师培养方式的比较和思考
13.Applications of Adaptive Optical Technology in Medical Ophthalmic Detection自适应光学技术在医学眼科检测中的应用
14.Ten Preliminary Study of Clinical Application of TCM Reasonable Thought in Four Diagnostics of Ophthalmology中医理性思维在眼科四诊临床应用的初步探讨
15.electromagnet ,ophthalmologists'电磁体,眼科医生用
16.Ophthalmological Section of Foreign Medical Sciernes国外医学.眼科学分册
17.The surgeon is performing an eye operation.医师正在做眼科手术.
18.The ophthalmologist tried to implant little TV cameras in the eyes of blind people那位眼科医生试图在盲人眼中埋置微型电视摄像机。

Ophthalmology of traditional Chinese medicine中医眼科
1.The thesis aimed to establish the deserved dominant roles of the kidney in Ophthalmology of Traditional Chinese Medicine by combination of both literature study and clinical experience of Ophthalmology.本文运用文献研究与眼科临床相结合的方法,旨在通过理论创新,确立肾在中医眼科中应有的主导地位。
3)traditional Chinese ophthalmology中医眼科
1.Principle and method study on clinical trial of traditional Chinese ophthalmology;中医眼科临床试验的原则与方法探讨
4)Traditional Chinese ophthalmology (TCO)中国中医科学院眼科医院
5)discipline of Chinese traditional medicine中医学科
6)science of Chinese medicine中医科学

实用中医眼科学实用中医眼科学 李坤吉编著。全书分3部分。总论简述中医眼科发展史略、眼的生理、病因、病机、诊断与治疗方法等;各论分述40余种常见眼病的症状、病因、病机、辨证施治,并介绍了中医眼科医师李巽芳的治疗经验和典型病例。第三部分列述21类163味常用药物的性味功效并介绍眼科常用内服外用方剂93首。后附眼的生理解剖、常用检查法及常用手术操作等西医学内容。1987年由重庆出版社出版。