从肺论治,TCM treatment beginning with Fei
1)TCM treatment beginning with Fei从肺论治
1.Objective To observe the effect of TCM treatment beginning with Fei in reducing the incidence of complicated infection and the antibiotic utilization rate in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).目的观察从肺论治降低系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)感染率及抗生素使用率的作用。
2)Treating of Lung form Cancer the Blood stasis肺癌试从瘀论治
3)Treatment from the Lung/Treatment and Application从肺论治/治疗应用
4)treatment from liver从肝论治

1.LIU Yu-xin's Experience on Treatment of Hyperprolactinemia From Liver刘宇新教授从肝论治高催乳激素血症
2.Study of the Effects of Qiantongding Decoction on Patients with Chronic Prostatitis (IIIB);从肝论治慢性前列腺炎的理论与临床研究
3.Objective To evaluate the treatment efficacy of cong-gan-lun-zhi liquor(CGLL) on nocturnal slow wave sleep in insomnia.目的观察从肝论治合剂对失眠症夜间慢波睡眠的影响。
4.The Effect of CongGanLunZhi Composition on Nocturnal Slow Wave Sleep in Insomnia从肝论治合剂对失眠症夜间慢波睡眠影响的研究
5.Clinical Observation of 30 Chronic Heart Failure Patients with Depression Treated from Liver从肝论治慢性心力衰竭伴抑郁患者30例临床观察
6.Treatment of cardiac dysfunction post-acute myocardial infarction by liver-based therapy theory从肝论治急性心肌梗死后心功能障碍的临床研究
7.Treatment of Chronic Liver Diseases with the"Disease Prevention Theory"从“治未病”理论入手论治慢性肝病
8.Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B from Liver-Qi and Liver-Yang Deficiency从肝气虚与肝阳虚论治慢性乙型肝炎探讨
9.Basis Theory Investigate of TCM Ontreting Liver Disease (Viral Hepatitis, VH) Throngh Spleen;中医从脾论治肝病(病毒性肝炎)的基础理论研究
10.Study on Premenstrual Syndrome Induced by Stagnation of Liver Qi从“肝失疏泄”论治经前期综合征探讨
11.Clinical Observation of Treatment Determination from Liver and Spleen on Diarrhea-Predominate Irritable Bowel Syndrome,A Report of 30 Cases从肝脾论治腹泻型肠易激综合征30例
12.Theorical and Empirical Studies on Post-adolescent Acne with Traditional Chinese Medicine从肝肾论治青春期后痤疮的理论和实验研究
13.Clinical and Experiment Studies of Migraine with Naotongning Capsules on Hyperactivity of Ganfeng with Stasis of Blood;从肝风挟瘀论治偏头痛的临床及实验研究
14.Theory Research of Dizziness Dice to Wind Pathogen Symptoms and Signs Treatment and the Experimental Research of Curing Heart Tnraug Liver Reversing SHR left Ventricular Hypertophy;风眩病证论治理论探讨及从肝治心逆转SHR左室肥厚的实验研究
15.Theory Investigate and Clinical Study on Treating Lower Extremity Superficial Thrombophebitis Through Liver and Spleen;从肝脾论治下肢血栓性浅静脉炎的理论探讨及临床研究
16.How to Cure the Central Serous Choroidoretinopathy from Liver, Spleen and Kidney Based on the Theories of the TCM;从肝脾肾三脏论治中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变
17.The Clinical Research of Discussing after the Specimen Governs the Positive Lacking in Vital Energy to Fade the Card Cardiac Arrest the Angina Pectoris从标本论治心肌梗死后心绞痛肾虚肝郁证的临床研究
18.From the Stagnation of Liver on the Treatment of Perimenopausal Syndrome Tongue Mechanism of Change从肝郁论治围绝经期综合征舌象变化机制的初步探讨

Treating of Lung form Cancer the Blood stasis肺癌试从瘀论治
3)Treatment from the Lung/Treatment and Application从肺论治/治疗应用
4)treatment from liver从肝论治
5)treated form blood从血论治
1.The infantile convulsion treated form blood that is in line with physiopathology and clinical syndrome feature.小儿惊风从血论治符合小儿生理病理与临床证候特点,与原有清热、豁痰、镇惊、熄风与固本补虚方法并行不悖,相得益彰。
6)treatment proceeded from kidney从肾论治

耳聋治肺耳聋治肺 耳聋治肺   治疗方法名称。系指耳聋病不从耳着手治而从肺着手治疗的方法。见《素问病机气宜保命集》卷下。《温热经纬·余师愚疫病篇》:“坎为耳,故耳为肾水之外候。然肺经之结穴在耳中,名曰龙葱,专主乎听,金受火烁则耳聋。凡温热暑疫等证耳聋者,职是故也。不可泥于伤寒少阳之文,而妄用柴胡以煽其陷。故古云耳聋治肺。旨哉言乎。”