医林改错,Correction on the Errors of Medical Works
1)Correction on the Errors of Medical Works医林改错
1.Analysis of Science Thought of Correction on the Errors of Medical Works;《医林改错》学术思想探析

1.The Characteristic of Drugs That Promoting Blood Flow and Removing Blood Stasis and Its Origin and Development of Therapy in Correction on the Errors of Medical Works;《医林改错》活血化瘀方药特点及治法源流探析
2.Confessing fault makes half amends for it.-Franklin承认错误等于改正了一半。--富兰克林
3.American s Health Insurance Reform by Clinton s Government;美国克林顿政府的医疗保险制度改革
4.We should place full confidence in persons who, having erred in siding with Lin Biao and his clique, have since made sincere self-criticisms, really mended their ways and behaved well politically.跟林彪一伙犯了错误,检查得好,真正改了,一直表现不错的,我们就应该充分信任;
5.Little rogue easily become great one.小错不改,易犯大错。
6.It be easier to bear with what 's amiss, than go about to reform it .容忍错误易,改正错误难。
7.medicinal vaselineGB1790-1994医药凡士林
8.It is true I am a reformist.我是改革派,不错;
9.Correct errors, if any.如有错误,请改正。
10.Identify Medical error and Res Ipsa Loquitur;医疗差错认定与Res Ipsa Loquitur
11.Why did Stalin make mistakes?斯大林为什么犯错误呢?
12.Look out for Xiao Lin.or we shall miss her.注意小林,别错过了。
13.I correct my mistake with white out.我用涂改液改正错误。
14.Journal of Norman Bethune University of Medical Science吉林大学学报(医学版)
15.As the saying goes, @A fault confessed is half redressed.俗云:“肯认错则错已改了一半。”
16."Error changing %1's password. Error %3 occurred: %4"更改 %1 的密码时错误。发生 %3 错误: %4
17.Mistakes are unavoidable. Mistakes should be criticized, but once they are corrected, that's the end of it.错误难免,有错误应该批评,改了就好。
18.They should be allowed to make mistakes and to correct them.要允许他们犯错误,改正错误。

error correction改错
1.On How to Use Error Correction to Improve English Writing Ability of Chinese Senior Students;论如何利用改错提高高中生英语写作能力
3)health care system reform医改
1.The introduction of the health care system reform scheme has been kept postponed,which gives the public much room for suppositions and conjectures.医改方案多次推迟出台,引起了公众的众多联想。
2.In the development of the health care system reform in China,there are still many problems,in which the most pivotal thing is how to operate the public hospitals in the case of the" double failure" of the government and market.通过"宿迁医改"与"潞河托管"的现实案例对比,佐证了上述方案的必要性与可操作性。
4)medical reform医改
1.The analysis on challenges and countermeasures encountered by hospitals after medical reform;医改后医院面临的挑战与对策分析
2.Prevent the Loopholes of Medical Reform and Exterminate Commercial Bribery Crimes——The analysis of commercial bribery crime in the field of medical reform from the view of criminal legislation防医改领域漏洞之微,杜商业贿赂犯罪之渐——从刑事立法角度透析医疗领域的商业贿赂犯罪
3.Aiming at some unilateral comprehensions in medical reform,bringing forward to recognize problems roundly and coordinate relations reasonably.以科学发展观为指导,运用统筹协调的思维方法,针对医改中某些认识上的片面性,提出全面认识问题,合理协调关系。
5)health reform医改
1.The primary design of health reform from breakthrough of information asymmetry;医改方案之初步设计——以破解医疗市场信息不对称为切入点
2.Views of public health service provider from health reform controversy;从医改之争看公共服务的提供主体
6)forest tenure reform林改
