陈素庵妇科补解,review of gynaecology by Chen Su-an
1)review of gynaecology by Chen Su-an陈素庵妇科补解
1.Analysis on characteristics of emmeniopathy in review of gynaecology by Chen Su-an;《陈素庵妇科补解》月经病诊疗特点浅析
2)supplement or revise on gynecological syndromes妇科证候补充修改
3)Buddhist nunnery庵

1.You're a crafty old fox if you can do that, Shen-an!"慎,你是足智多谋的
2.Putuo Monastery is actually a large mass of majestic structures.普陀山寺院、堂群集。
3.Shi Naian s Anecdote most in Gleaning--A Textual Research of Shi Naian s Historical Document;耐千古事 多在拾遗中——施耐史料考辨
4.Ho Shen-an gaped at him in surprise and scratched his head.何慎愕然张大了嘴巴,伸手抓头皮。
5.You say they're going to drop, and Shen-an says they're going to keep rising.你尽说要回跌,慎尽说还要涨!
6.The melancholiac has fallen into a fixed condition of despondency⒂怯糁⒒颊摺U植∪讼萑刖谏ァ
7.③ Linear equation had the best simplicity in measurement and calculation in the 5 regression equations.帜P驮げ涤胧导手滴薏钜臁
8.The monastery faces the convent; there is nothing going on-But there may Be.和尚庙对着尼姑—没事也有事
9.The Japanese Puppet Shanghai Special Municipal Government with Fu Xiaoan as the Mayor (from Oct, 1938 to Oct, 1940);傅筱时期伪上海特别市政府(1938.10~1940.10)
10.Yang Shengan and His Poems;羁身边陲 放歌永昌——杨升永昌诗赏析
11.A Discussion on the Cultural Flavor and Meaning of Memory in Tao Cottage;试论张岱《陶梦忆》的文化情韵与蕴涵
12.Appreciating XIN Qi-ji Song Poems from Words to Meaning--"On XIN Jia-xuan s Song Poems";振叶寻根 直指词心——评《倦驼稼轩词说》
13.A textual research into Qiu Shui An Hua Ying Ji s completion and its editions;《秋水花影集》的成书及版本考论
14.Folk-custom and natural conditions Taste of life--Talk on Zhangdai s《TAOANMENGYI》;民俗风土 人生品味——谈张岱《陶梦忆》
15.Records of Song Yin An Man and the Literary Sketches Published in Shen News in Late Qing Dynasty;《松荫漫录》与《申报》所载晚清笔记小说
16.A Study of Yu Mingzhen s Spiritual Dilemma As Seen From Gu An Poetry;从《觚诗存》看俞明震的精神困境
17.The Writing Art Character of Mr.Cai Houan魏体行书化——蔡後《国魂诗选》粗识
18.Bioassessment of Ecological Health Based on Benthic Macroinvertebrate in Anli Reservoir Wetland里水库湿地生态健康的生物学评价

supplement or revise on gynecological syndromes妇科证候补充修改
3)Buddhist nunnery庵
1.Nursing to the Elderly Operation Patients in Gynecology;妇科老年手术患者的护理
2.Nursing Experience during Perioperation with Celoscope in Gynecology;妇科腹腔镜手术前后的护理体会
3.Examples of Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction in Gynecology;血府逐瘀汤妇科运用举隅
1.Clinical value of hormone replacement therapy used in women with gynecological malignancy preoperatively and postoperatively;妇科恶性肿瘤患者手术前后应用HRT的临床研究
2.Perioperative Rational Use of Antibacterial Drugs in Gynecological Surgery: Research and Intervention;妇科围手术期抗菌药物合理应用的调研与干预
3.Analysis the Rational Use of Antimicrobial Drug Used by Gynecological Patients;妇科住院患者抗菌药的药物利用分析
1.Clinical differential diagnosis of gynecological intra-abdominal hemorrhage;妇科腹腔内出血的临床鉴别诊断
2.Clinical analysis of gynecological laparoscopic operation in 60 cases;腹腔镜妇科手术60例临床分析

陈素庵妇科补解陈素庵妇科补解 妇产科著作。5卷。宋陈沂(素庵)撰,明陈文昭补解。此书系《素庵医要》之妇科部分。分调经、安胎、胎前杂证、临产及产后诸疾5门,共167论,概述妇产疾病证治方药。作者还结合家传秘方及临证心得,列述妊娠养胎论与按月安胎10方论等产科预防以及治疗记录。此书于明嘉靖年间由陈氏裔孙梓行,但传本甚少;后经陈氏补解,惜其亦未获付梓。建国后上海学者获得明陈氏补解本,遂由上海中医妇科学会整理成编,1983年由上海科学技术出版社出版。