外台秘要,Wai tai mi yao (Medical Secrets of an Official)
1)Wai tai mi yao (Medical Secrets of an Official)外台秘要
1.The name of “shu pu"come from Shen shi fang (Prescriptions of Master Shen),which was quoted by Wai tai mi yao (Medical Secrets of an Official),compiled by Wang Tao of the Tang dynasty.“鼠扑”之名 ,出唐·王焘《外台秘要》引《深师方》 ,《证类本草》、《本草纲目》等在沿袭写刻过程中 ,有的误作“鼠仆” ,与《素问·刺禁论》表示症状、《针灸甲乙经》表示部位的“鼠仆”混淆。

1.The Bibliographical Study and Digitization on Wai Tai Mi Yao Fang;《外台秘要方》文献研究与数字化探讨
2.The Collection and Study of Zhang Zhangjing s Lists in the Medical Secrets of an Official;《外台秘要方》中有关仲景条文的整理研究
3.We need extra secretarial help to deal with the mailing .我们需要额外的文秘助手来处理邮件。
4.I am telling you this news in confidence.我秘密地告诉你这个消息,不要外传。
5.Enlightenment from the New Trend of Requirements Abroad to the Teaching of Secretary Specialty in Our Vocational Schools;国外秘书要求新趋势对我国高职文秘教学的启示
6.Uncover The Secret Transfer of Gold and Foreign Currency to Taiwan by KMT on the Eve of Fleeing from the Mainland国民党撤离大陆前夕将巨额金银外汇运往台湾探秘
7.Every day he took a mysterious book out of his desk and absorbed himself in it at times when no classes were reciting.他天天从讲台里拿出一本神秘的书,乘没课要讲的时候就潜心研读。
8.Photographer: I need mysterious face. Can you show mysterious. Mysterious.我需要神秘的脸.给我神秘感.神秘感.
9.behind the scenes1.在后台2.秘密地
10.The elevation and configuration of the launch pad also require consideration.提升机和发射台的外形也需要考虑。
11.If you want an outside line, you’ll have to ask the switchboard.如果你想要外线, 你得叫交换台给你转。
12.To continue printing,close lens desk cover.要继续印相,关闭镜头操作台外盖.
13.Another thing I'd like to point out另外我要指出的是作为一个秘书或者档案管理员,
14.The Bermuda Conference took place because the secret of the massacre leaked out.百慕大会议之所以要举行,是因为大屠杀的秘密已经外泄。
15.Second place is enumerated these oneself advantage as it happens and foreign enterprise secretary be identical of bearing of demand of this one post.乙所列举的这些自身优势正好与外企秘书这一岗位要求相吻合。
16.Study on the Constructive Elements of the Crime of Stealing,Sping into, Buying or Unlawful Providing State Secret or Intelligence for outside the Territory of China为境外窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供国家秘密、情报罪构成要件研究
17.One day a secretary is leaving on her lunch break, and she notices her boss standing in front of a shredder with a clueless look on his face.一天,一个秘书正要去午休之际,她发现她的老板正一脸茫然地站在一台碎纸机前。
18.Suzuki, Deputy Secretary of Keizou Obuchi's Cabinet, told the NHK television that he believed that the Prime Minister will ask the 79-year-old Miyazawa to stay.小渊惠三的副内阁秘书铃木告诉日本广播协会电视台,他相信首相要79岁的宫泽留下。

Wai Tai Mi Yao Fang《外台秘要方》
1.The Bibliographical Study and Digitization on Wai Tai Mi Yao Fang;《外台秘要方》文献研究与数字化探讨
2.The author of Wai Tai Mi Yao Fang is Wang Tao in Tang Dynasty.《外台秘要方》是一部汇集类编古代方书而成的大型医学方书,唐代王焘撰写,成书于公元752年。
3)Waitai Miyao Fang; Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library外台秘要方
4)confidential personnel机要秘书
1.The quality of confidential personnel relates directly with the achievement of people抯 fundamental interests.机要秘书的素质直接关系着机要工作能否服务于最广大人民群众的根本利益,关系着能否为领导、为全体师生员工服务。
5)Mystery of Li's Poetry李诗秘要

外台秘要外台秘要 医方著作。40卷。唐王焘撰,约成书于天宝十一年(公元752年)。全书收录唐以前古方50~60家,新撰方数千百卷,将病证、方治予以摘录分类编辑,计1104门,收方6000余首。所收医论、方药,均注所出书名卷数,为医学文献整理详注出处之嚆矢。卷1首论诸名家关于伤寒理论认识及医方;卷2~4叙述伤寒、天行、温病之传染流行与证治;卷5~23为内科杂病,如诸心痛、霍乱吐泄、疟、疝、痰、胃反、噎食、咽部异物、咳嗽、短气、肺痿肺痈、上气、消渴、癖、痃、积聚、■瘕、胸痹、奔豚、骨蒸、传尸、鬼疰、中风、风狂、惊、癫、痫、白癜风、虚劳诸疾、脚气、水病、眼疾、耳、鼻、口舌、齿等病证、瘿、瘤、咽喉、瘰疬、诸瘘等;卷24~30,以外科病证为主,如诸种痈疽、附骨疽、诸痔、生殖器病证、诸淋、大小便闭、中恶、蛊毒、自缢、中毒、伤折、金疮、烧烫伤、手足甲疾、恶疮、麻风、丁肿、疥疮、癣症等等之病理病因和诊治急救技术;卷31~32,论述药物之采集及丸散等之制备,诸面疾及诸种化妆品之配伍制法等;卷33~34,介绍妇女经血、胎、产、带等病证证治;卷35~36,列述小儿诸病证;卷37~38,论服石与服石病证;卷39,论明堂灸法;卷40,论诸动物伤人之病证等。王氏选摘前人论著有较高的鉴别能力。在1104门中所论诸病证,均以《诸病源候论》、《伤寒论》以及其他名家之有关论述为依据,并广泛精选唐以前诸家之治疗方剂、技术,使医理与实践经验紧密结合。例如卷11载述消渴(糖尿病)谓:“消渴能饮水,小便甜”,指出此病“常须虑患大痈。……当预备痈药以防之”。又如卷4所述检验小便以观察黄疸之治效,系用白帛各书记日浸每夜小便中,按日排序以察黄色之增剧或减退等。由此可见王氏撰著择优选材的科学态度。同时,也反映中国医学在唐代已达到相当高的水平。此书流传甚广,宋校正医书局曾予以校正刊行,对国内外医学发展有着巨大的影响。现存20余种刊本,最早者为宋刻本,并有多种明清刻本和日刻本等,建国后有影印本。