名医类案,Classified Medical Records of Famous Physicians
1)Classified Medical Records of Famous Physicians名医类案
1.Research Methodology for Classified Medical Records of Famous Physicians;《名医类案》研究的方法学探讨

1.Research on the Pulse Conditions of the Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties in "Cases of Well-known Physicians" and "Continued Cases of Well-known Physicians"《名医类案》《续名医类案》宋金元时期医案的脉学研究
2.The Research of Symptoms of Abdominal Pain Type Specification Based on Doctors Medical Case History Database基于历代名医医案数据库的腹痛类症状规范研究
3.Research on Standardization of Menstrual Symptoms from the Database of Famous Doctors in Past Dynastines基于古代名医医案数据库的月经类症状规范研究
4.A Research of Data Diming in the Chronic Renal Failure Records of Contemporary Famous Physicians of TCM;当代名中医慢性肾衰医案的挖掘研究
5.Research of Tongue Diagnosis and Pulse-taking Diagnosis Based on the Database of Modern Well-known Doctors' Cases of China;基于当代名医医案数据库的舌脉诊研究
6.Prescription Regularity Study on Hypomenorrhea by Medical Records of Masters月经过少名家医案组方用药规律研究
7.Classification and namenclature schemes of the rocks Classification and namenclature schemes of sedimentary rockGB/T17412.2-1998岩石分类和命名方案沉积岩岩石分类和命名方案
8.Classification and nomenclature schemes of the rocks Classification and nomenclature schemes of metamorphic rocksGB/T17412.3-1998岩石分类和命名方案变质岩岩石的分类和命名方案
9.Classification and namenclature schemes of the rocks Classification and namenclature schemes of igneous rockGB/T17412.1-1998岩石分类和命名方案火成岩岩石分类和命名方案
10.Mizz Sugg is a medical writer.萨格女士是一名医学类作家,
11.Arrangement and Correlation Research of Therapist Pan Mingxiong s "Ye An Kuo Yao" in Lingnan Area;岭南医家潘名熊《叶案括要》整理及相关研究
12.Another Case Raised from Final Judgment of Its Former--Comment and Thought on a Reputation Right Case Came from Medical Accident;对一起源于医疗纠纷的名誉权案的评析与思考
13.Dr. Howard Kelly, now famous was called in for the consultation.(大名鼎鼎的霍华德-凯利医生也参加了医疗方案的制定。
14.Clinical Study on the Superiority of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment中医药治疗类风湿关节炎优势方案的临床研究
15.Safety Study of Traditional Medicine in Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis;类风湿关节炎中医治疗方案的安全性研究
16.The Practice and Exploration of the Case Teaching Method in Mathematical Modeling for Medicine Specialty Schools医药类院校数学建模案例教学法的实践与探索
17.which someone like a lawyer, or a doctor, has signed on the back -背面要有某位律师或医生这类人的签名,
18.The medical term for a broken bone is a fracture. But there are different kinds of fractures.骨头断裂的医学名词是骨折,但骨折有很多类型。

Xu Mingyi Lei'an (Supplement to Classified Case Records of Celebrated Physicians)续名医类案
3)database on medical records of famous doctors古代名医医案数据库
1.Methods:The connotation of the information from the TCM four diagnostic methods about menstrual diseases were defined and standardized taking the textbook of TCM Diagnostics as the basis, taking the statistical results of database on medical records of famous doctors and some other relative books about TCM symptoms as the reference.方法:以《中医诊断学》教材为基础,参考“古代名医医案数据库”的统计结果及其他中医症状相关书籍,对月经类四诊信息文字内涵给予规范和初步界定。
4)famous doctor名医
1.To train the famous doctors is a systemic program,which needs the combination of the practice and theory.造就名医是个系统工程,理论和实践统一才有功底。
5)medical case医案
1.A lot of data , especially the data of medical case, were collected since the Chinese medicine was formed thousands years ago.中医药经历数千年的发展,已积累了大量数据,特别是从古到今的医案数据,但这些数据因没有用现代信息手段整理、分析,而不能为中医药的科学研究提供支持。
2.Moreover,four medical cases are listed.林钟香教授从肝论治心律失常的经验
3.Methods The Collection and Study of Liu Bao-shang s clinical materials according to his medical cases and remarks and commemorative volume of the famous doctor Liu Bao-shang,written by Xu Ying-zhang;Result Liu Bao-shang is proficient in traditional chinese medicine as well as literature,distinguish pathogenesis in Diagnosis and Treatment,paying attention to Triple Warmer,.目的总结福建名老中医刘保尚的生平、学术见解、临床经验;方法根据刘保尚医案医话及许英章先生主编的《名医刘保尚纪念集》等材料,对刘氏临床资料加以整理研究;结果刘保尚医文两通,临证明辨病机,注重三焦,化裁古方,屡起沉疴;结论刘保尚底蕴深厚,经验丰富,不愧为后人之师。
6)Medical records医案
1.Medical records are precious experiences left by famous physician.历代名医医案为我们留下了许多宝贵的临床经验,医案既是医生临证经验的记录,又是医生学术思想和人文素养的形象体现。
2.Objective:Analyzed the edema medical records of 16 contemporary famous physicians of TCM with Data mining(DM)technique to learn and inherit their experiences and knowledge on edema disease.目的:利用数据挖掘技术对16位现代名老中医水肿医案进行挖掘分析,了解和继承现代名老中医对水肿病的认识和经验,并首次尝试将数据挖掘技术应用在名老中医学术经验的整理和继承方面,为后继研究提供一种新方法的尝试。
3.This article not only introduces the development trend of intelligent agnet and elaborates the wide prospects between intelligent informatin search of TCM and exchange experience,but also chooses medical records as a point of penetration in order to combine computer technology and artificial intelligence technology.对人工智能领域中的Agent技术、发展趋势和运用在中医信息智能检索和交流方面的广阔前景进行阐述;并尝试以能体现医者学术思想和辨证论治特色的医案为切入点,结合计算机技术和智能技术,构建智能化的中医诊疗平台。

《全国名医验案类编》《全国名医验案类编》 《全国名医验案类编》   医案著作。何兼臣选编。刊于1929年。本书征集当时全国各地名医医案。共选辑三百余案。分上、下二集。上集为风寒、暑、湿、燥、火、四时六淫病案;下集为温疫、喉痧、白喉、霍乱、痢疫、瘄疫六种传染病案。医案记录完整,包括性别、年龄、职业及所患疾病的病名、原因、症候、诊断、疗法、处方、效果等项。案后由何廉臣另加按语评述,对如何掌握些病证的病机和辨证治疗,有一定的启发。该书分类较有特色,所收验案均为急性热病,是我国有较大影响的传染病医案专辑。现存初刊本等铅印本,及1959年上海科技出版社排印本。