妇幼,maternal and child
1)maternal and child妇幼

1.maternal and child health and child spacing妇幼保健和生育间隔
2.Raise the level of MCH overall, Found level?1? grade?A MCH hospital全面提高妇幼保健水平 创一级甲等妇幼保健院
3.Thinking on Development of Community Maternal and Children Health Care妇幼机构如何加快社区妇幼卫生发展与思考
4.International Association for Maternal and Neonatal Health国际产妇和新生儿保健协会(妇幼保健协会)
5.Study on MCH Item Improving Health Level of Women and Children妇幼卫生项目对改善妇女儿童健康状况的研究
6.An evaluation of the Psychological Health Needs of Country Childbearing Population in Chengjiang;澄江县例农村育龄妇女妇幼保健心理需求评估
7.Cognition of pregnant and lying-in women to reimbursement policy of new rural cooperative medical scheme孕产妇对新农合妇幼卫生服务报销制度的认知
8.International Conference on Better Health for Women and Children through Family Planning通过计划生育改进妇幼健康国际会议
9.There are 3,164 health-care institutions for women and children throughout China.目前,全国有各级妇幼保健机构3164个。
10.Impact of Conflicts on the Rights of the Child and Women and Peace冲突对妇幼权利与和平的影响
11.Working Group on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children影响妇幼健康的传统习俗问题工作组
12.Meanwhile, maternity and child-care, family planning and elementary medical service have developed swiftly, with focus on farming and pasture areas. This has resulted in the improvement in population structure and population quality.同时以农牧区为重点的妇幼
13.Study of Indicator System For Comprehensive Evaluation the Quality of Maternal and Child Health Care妇幼保健工作综合评价指标体系研究
14.Analysis of maternal and child health care and prevention service in Tongling city铜陵市妇幼保健及预防服务现状分析
15.Current status of genetic counsiling in maternal and child health care institutions部分妇幼保健机构遗传咨询现状调查
16.Exploration on file management in a MCH institution对妇幼保健机构档案管理工作的探讨
17.Building and Managing MCH Files in District(County) Level MCH Hospital区(县)级妇幼保健档案的建立与管理
18.Study on the Method and Application for Maternal and Child Health Care Expenditure Measurement;妇幼保健费用测算方法及其应用研究

Maternal and Child Health care妇幼保健
1.Analysis of maternal and child health care in three project counties of Shaanxi province;【结论】陕西省三个项目县妇幼保健的整体水平有待提高。
3)maternal and children health care妇幼保健
1.This study aims to conduct an economic evaluation for a maternal and children health care intervention within the World Bank Loan Basic Health Service Project(Health Ⅷ Projict),by assessing its cost,benefit,and effectiveness.对世界银行贷款中国农村贫困地区基本卫生服务项目(卫生Ⅷ项目)中妇幼保健干预的经济学评价,评价其实施成本、效果和效益。
4)maternal and child health妇幼卫生
1.This paper compares the annual report data and the base line census data,describe the change of maternal and child health and apptaisal the result of the project.1998年以来我国政府与世界银行及英国国际发展部合作在7省71个县开始了一系列的妇幼卫生干预活动。
2.BackgroundThe situation of maternal and child health(MCH) is one of the most significant indicators reflecting social development of a country or a region.研究背景妇幼卫生状况和水平是反映一个国家(或地区)社会发展程度最基本、最重要的社会指标之一。
5)Specialty of maternity and children妇幼专科
1.The revelation of Hongkong MCH model to developing district MCH work;香港妇幼卫生模式对开展社区妇幼保健工作的启示
2.Study on setting down the evaluation methods of MCH management;关于构建妇幼卫生管理评价方法的研究
3.Seize the opportunity, Probe actively, Train qualified MCH professional talents;抓住机遇 积极探索 培养合格妇幼卫生专科人才

妇幼妇女和儿童:~卫生 ㄧ~保健站。