备急千金要方,Valuable Prescriptions for Emergency
1)Valuable Prescriptions for Emergency备急千金要方
1.Valuable Prescriptions for Emergency: A Brief Introduction to and Comments on Its Content on Various Wind Diseases;《备急千金要方》诸风病证述略及讨论
2)Qianjin Yaofang千金要方
1.Characteristics of Pattern Identification and Treatment of Visceral Diseases in Qianjin Yaofang;《千金要方》内科脏腑病证辨治特点
2.According to seven features of compatibility in preface of fragment of Bencaojing Jizhu(Annotation of Materia Medica),Qianjin Yaofang(Valuable Prescriptions for emergencies) and Zhenglei Bencao(Classi ed Materia Medica),the di erences among these three books and the transformation of seven features of compatibility are investigated.借助《本草经集注》(简称《集注》)残卷、《千金要方》(简称《千金)》和《重修政和经史证类备用本草》(简称《证类》)3书序录中药七情内容,考察3书异同和七情传变。

1.The Medical Psychology in 《Qian Jin Yao Fang》(A Collection of Ancient Key Gynaecological Prescriptions);论《千金要方》中的医学心理学思想
2.The Textual Criticism between "Bei Ji Ben" and "Newly Carved Edition" of 《Qian Jin Yao Fang》;《千金要方》备急本与新雕本方剂文献异同考
3.On the average, it costs about two thousand five hundred U S dollars.一般来说,大概要两千五百元美金。
4.He offered you US$2,500 in interest, eh?他要给你两千五百元美金的利息,是吗?
5.I want you to bet me the hand of your daughter in marriage.我要你以令千金嫁给我做赌注。
6.North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Il, probably believes that a bomb is the best guarantee of his regime's survival, so he may cheat anyway.朝鲜领导人金正日或许笃信惟有原子弹才是其政权最好的“担保人”,因此他千方百计要欺骗世人。
7.it costs the Peninsular Company some eight hundred thousand pounds a year.仅仅东方半岛轮船公司的这一项煤费支出,每年就要花八十万镑(合两千万金法郎)。
8.He tried by every means to redeem the pawn.他千方百计要赎回典当物。
9.He will do anything for a quiet life.他要千方百计过安定的生活。
10.We should do our utmost to expand exports.今年要千方百计扩大出口。
11.We must do everything to raise the per unit yield.我们要千方百计提高单位面积产量。
12.Never believe the reports in the local newspaper.千万不要相信那家地方报纸的报道。
13.A: I think Richard is bucking for a promotion.我看理查德正在千方百计地想要升职。
14.Objective To investigate the main therapeutic effects of Fuke Qianjin Soft Capsule (FQSC).目的研究妇科千金软胶囊的主要药效作用。
15.The Master Jin Chengze pass three big ordination and the followers more than 1000.金诚泽方丈连传三坛大戒,戒子超过千余人。
16.Research on Pharmacokinetics of Formula Compatibility of Huanglian Bolus;千金黄连丸方剂配伍的药代动力学研究
17.I would like a furnished place which costs no more than US$1,000 a month.我想要附有家俱的住宅,而且月租不要超过美金一千元。
18.We should do all we can to prevent any defective parts slipping through.我们要千方百计防止有缺损的部件漏过去。

Qianjin Yaofang千金要方
1.Characteristics of Pattern Identification and Treatment of Visceral Diseases in Qianjin Yaofang;《千金要方》内科脏腑病证辨治特点
2.According to seven features of compatibility in preface of fragment of Bencaojing Jizhu(Annotation of Materia Medica),Qianjin Yaofang(Valuable Prescriptions for emergencies) and Zhenglei Bencao(Classi ed Materia Medica),the di erences among these three books and the transformation of seven features of compatibility are investigated.借助《本草经集注》(简称《集注》)残卷、《千金要方》(简称《千金)》和《重修政和经史证类备用本草》(简称《证类》)3书序录中药七情内容,考察3书异同和七情传变。
3)《Qian Jin Yao Fang》 of Song Dynasty Edition《千金要方》宋校本
1.Study on the Similarities and Differences between 《Qian Jin Yao Fang》 of Song Dynasty Edition and of Newly Carved Edition;《千金要方》宋校本与新雕本篇次篇题异同考
4)《Qian Jin Yao Fang》of Newly Carved Edition《千金要方》新雕本
5)Qian jin yao fang Revised in the Song dynasty宋校本《千金要方》
6)Qian Jin bao yao千金宝要
1.GuoSi choosed some alchemy from Qian Jin Yao Fang and named it Qian Jin bao yao.为普及与传播《千金要方》的内容,郭思作《千金宝要》,并刻于巨石之上,其撰集特色为:临床各科均有涉及,但重点撰集了《备急千金要方》中各科的急症,重视妇人、小儿的健康护理,用药简、便、廉,目的是使老百姓遇急病、常见病,仓卒之下,翻检此书,便于施行。
