小儿药证直诀,Key to the Therapeutics of children's Diseases
1)Key to the Therapeutics of children's Diseases小儿药证直诀
2)Childhood hidrosis小儿汗证
1.Childhood hidrosis syndrome is a common ailment,and the treatment should be based on syndrome differentiation of asthenia or deficient syndrome;reinforcing body resistance is the main therapy to asthenia syndrome,while for deficient syndrome,regulating the function of liver and spleen is usually indispensable.小儿汗证当以虚实辨之,虚证以扶正为主,实证治从肝脾,不拘于补虚。
3)infantile malnutrition小儿疳证
4)infantile flaccidity syndrome小儿痿证
5)Pediatric pharmaceuticals小儿用药

1.Conversion of the medicine dose for children by usingalgedra principle for reference;应用代数原理在小儿用药剂量换算中的探讨
2.Clinical Therapy Analysis for 488 Children with Urinary Tract Infection488例小儿泌尿系感染临床用药分析
3.The clinical study of penehyclidine hydrochloride on preanesthesia长托宁在小儿麻醉前用药的临床观察
4.A Study of Mutation Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs on Epileptic Children;常用抗癫痫药物对小儿诱变作用的研究
5.Clinical observation of sevoflurane inhalation anesthesia guided by BIS monitoring in childrenBIS用于指导小儿七氟醚麻醉用药的临床观察
6.Pharmacodynamic action of rocuronium in children and adults罗库溴铵应用于小儿与成人的临床药效观察
7.Application of Non-drug Therapy in Management of Pain for Burned Children非药物疗法在小儿烧伤疼痛管理中的应用
8.Antimicrobial therapy of pediatric dermatosis抗感染药物在治疗小儿皮肤病中的应用
9.Experimental Research of Pharmacodynamic Action on Curative Effect of ZhiYuBaBuJi For Children Acute Upper Respiratory Infections栀萸巴布剂治疗小儿外感发热药理作用的研究
10.A Pharmacoeconomical Analysis of Three Regimens for Treatment of Paediatric Acute Upperrespiratory Infection;治疗小儿急性上呼吸道感染三种用药方案的药物经济学分析
11.Penehyclidine Hydrochloride as Premedication of Children General Anesthesia:Clinical Observation盐酸戊乙奎醚用于小儿全麻术前用药的临床观察
12.Ask the child to sniff after you instill the drops.你滴入药物后让小儿把药物吸入鼻内。
13.A Study on the Effect and Mechanism of ZaoShiXiYao on Treating Child Acute Eczema;燥湿洗药治疗小儿急性湿疹的疗效观察及作用机理探讨
14.Differentiation Application of Proprietary Chinese Medicine Treatment of Children with Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Evaluation of the Efficacy辨证应用中成药治疗小儿急性上呼吸道感染的疗效评价研究
15.An analysis of rational use of antibiotics in child inpatients in Our Hospital我院小儿住院患者抗菌药物使用情况分析和合理性评价
16.The effect of ketamine,scopolamine,lidocaine mixture in surgery on the children with simple cleft lip氯胺酮东莨菪碱利多卡因合剂用于小儿唇裂手术的药效观察
17.MTP Intervention of Antibiotics Usage in Pediatric Acute Upper Respiratory Infection小儿急性上呼吸道感染抗菌药物合理使用MTP干预研究
18.Remifentanil combined with Propofol used to tracheal intubation in children without relaxants瑞芬太尼复合异丙酚诱导用于小儿无肌松药气管插管的研究

Childhood hidrosis小儿汗证
1.Childhood hidrosis syndrome is a common ailment,and the treatment should be based on syndrome differentiation of asthenia or deficient syndrome;reinforcing body resistance is the main therapy to asthenia syndrome,while for deficient syndrome,regulating the function of liver and spleen is usually indispensable.小儿汗证当以虚实辨之,虚证以扶正为主,实证治从肝脾,不拘于补虚。
3)infantile malnutrition小儿疳证
4)infantile flaccidity syndrome小儿痿证
5)Pediatric pharmaceuticals小儿用药
6)element in TCM differentiation of signs and symptoms辨证要诀
