黄庭经,Huangting Classic
1)Huangting Classic黄庭经
1.An Analysis on Medical Thought of Huangting Classic;《黄庭经》医学思想略析

1.Study on the Block-Printing and Rubbings of “Lanting Xu” and “Huangting Jing” Excavated from Yingjing;“颖井《兰亭序》、《黄庭经》刻石”及拓本考
2.The Research on the Ophthalmic Academic Achievements of Huang Tingjing s Mu Jing Da Cheng;黄庭镜《目经大成》眼科学术成就研究
3.From his poem and essays,we could see that he was quite familiar with Leng Yan Sutra.从其诗文可以看出黄庭坚对《楞严经》相当了解和熟悉。
4.He later refused to help his abandoned family financially, even after he became a rather wealthy man.在随后的日子里,他拒绝在经济上帮助他所抛弃的家庭,甚至在他飞黄腾达之后也未尽丝毫责任。
5.cardinal points of ecliptic黄道四基点(黄经为0°
6.SON DIDN T NECESSARILY CARRY ON HIS FATHER S LITEARY STLYLE--Case Study: Explore the Literary Styles of Huang Shu and Huang Tingjian;父与子:文学风格未必承传——以黄庶、黄庭坚为例
7.The housewife scoured the pans with sand until they shone家庭主妇使劲地用黄沙把锅子擦亮。
8.Ideal Condition and Tendency of "Resemblance to Songs of the Yuan Danasty" of the Popular Words of Huang Tingjian;黄庭坚词的意境和艳俗词“类曲”倾向
9.On the Role of Huang Ting-jian s "Pretentious Tone and Good Poetry" in Restructuring the Inherent Quality of Song Ci;论黄庭坚“好诗”词风对宋词内质的重构
10.Study on Musical Material of Du Guangting--Taishanghuanglu Ceremony;杜光庭《太上黄籙斋仪》音乐资料研究
11.Comment on Huang Tingjian’s poems in Fang Dongshu’s Zhao Mei Zhan Yan;方东树《昭昧詹言》论黄庭坚诗述略
12.The Text Structures of HUANG Ting-jian s Poems Provided for Readers Communicating and Acceptance;黄庭坚诗歌传播与接受的文本预结构
13.Revelation of the Preface of Huang Tingjian’s Niannujiao (the Broken Rainbow);黄庭坚《念奴娇》(断虹霁雨)词“题记”索隐
14.Discuss on the Reasons of the Frustration of Huangting-jian s Political Career;试论黄庭坚仕途生涯“失败”的原因
15.Huangyuan Garden on Kangping Road of Shanghai--A Garden Blending the Chinese and Western Features一座中西交融的庭园——上海康平路黄园
16.Talking about the Inheritance of Cursive Script Art of Zhang Xu and Huai Su by Huang Tingjian's谈黄庭坚草书艺术对张旭、怀素的继承
17.On the Two Administrative Structures of Domestic Contract Management: Domestic Individual Management & Domestic Farm Management;论家庭承包经营的二个层次:家庭独劳经营和家庭农场经营
18.Adjusted Family Income Formula经调整的家庭入息公式

Huang Tingjing黄庭镜
1.Academic Achievements of Huang Tingjing s Mujing Dacheng;黄庭镜《目经大成》的学术成就
2.The theory was first mentioned in Mu Jing Da Cheng written by Huang Tingjing.黄庭镜所著《目经大成》中最早提出“去风轮与锐眦相半正中插入”的理论 ,现代由唐由之最早 (195 8年 )应用并进行广泛的研究。
3)Huang Ting-jian黄庭坚
1.On the Role of Huang Ting-jian s "Pretentious Tone and Good Poetry" in Restructuring the Inherent Quality of Song Ci;论黄庭坚“好诗”词风对宋词内质的重构
2.Heritage and Variation:from Xikun style to Huang Ting-jian;论黄庭坚对“西昆体”诗学思想的承继与超越
4)Huang Tingjian黄庭坚
1.Being still in panic and not daring to create works——A study of Huang Tingjian s mentality and his poems written in Fuzhou;惊魂未定未敢言——黄庭坚涪州心态及其诗词研究
5)Huang Xiting黄希庭
1.A Review of Huang Xiting s Academic Thoughts in Psychology;黄希庭心理学学术思想探寻
2.With reference to the book, Handbook of Personality: Theory and Research (Second Edition) translated by Professor Huang Xiting, this article discusses three characters: a reasonable framework with new data, a broad range of subjects rich in content, and full details with fair viewpoints.评述了最近由黄希庭教授主译的《人格手册:理论与研究》(第二版),该专著具有以下三个特点:结构合理,资料新颖;题材广泛,内容丰富;厚重翔实,观点公允。
6)Huang Tingjian's poems黄庭坚诗

黄庭经黄庭经 黄庭经   分《上清黄庭内景经》和《上清黄庭外景经》。后书早于前书。另有《黄庭中景经》,一般言《黄庭经》不包括此书在内。分见《上清黄庭内景经》和《上清黄庭外景经》条。