治病求本,treating disease according to its origin
1)treating disease according to its origin治病求本

1.Then we can use the traditional Chinese medicine and the Chinese herbs for detoxication in order to treat Ben and controll the development of the disease condition.故可通过使用中医中药治毒来达到治病求本、控制病情发展的目的。
2.Maintain skin cleanness dry, it is the main demand of disease of tinea of prevention and cure.保持皮肤清洁干燥,是防治癣病的基本要求。
3.Crews Claims for Curing Fee of Wound and Disease船员伤病治疗费请求权
4.If you take it often, this product will not only help you to alleviate the symptoms, But effect a permanent cure as well, making disease leave and youth stay.常服本品,治本治标,病魔远离,青春永驻。
5.1 The quest for an AIDS cure still continues.寻求艾滋病的治愈方式仍在持续中。
6.Investigation on the Syndrome and Treatment of Liuyin Disease on the Basis of Guilin Guben <Shanghan Zabing Lun>;桂林古本《伤寒杂病论》六淫病证治研究
7.Proletarian politics demands that all these be done.这些要求本身就是无产阶级政治的要求。
8.Basic Agreement for the Search for Peace by Political Means以政治手段寻求和平基本协议
9.Acuerdo Basico para la Busqueda de la Paz por Medios Politicos以政治方法寻求和平基本协定
10.Human-centered Thinking & Chinese Economy Politics Thinking;人本思想与中国经济政治思想的诉求
11.The Political Civilization is That the Essence-Requirment of the Socialist System;政治文明是社会主义制度的本质要求
12.Managing Colleges with Moral Principles Is the Essence of Education Work of Socialist Colleges;以德治校是社会主义大学的本质要求
13.Patients' bills of rights require that they be informed about their condition and about alternatives for treatment.各种的病人权利法案要求告知病人实情,让病人在治疗上做出选择。
14.Relieving or soothing the symptoms of a disease or disorder without effecting a cure.治标的,不治本的用以减缓疾病或小病的征兆的,不受影响治疗
15.Priests and medicine men studied dreams to learn the cause and cure of sicknesses.僧侣和医士研究梦,以寻求病因和治疗方法。
16.Echinococcosis Control in China:Challenges and Research Needs我国棘球蚴病防治面临的挑战和研究需求
17.Analysis on fund demand in poor areas with low HIV/AIDS prevalence经济欠发达艾滋病低流行区防治经费需求分析
18.Investigation on the Awareness of Prevention and Treatment Knowledge of AIDS,the Attitude to AIDS,and the Demand for Prevention and Treatment of AIDS Among Irain Condvctors列车乘务员艾滋病防治知识、态度及需求调查

Crews Claims for Curing Fee of Wound and Disease船员伤病治疗费请求权
3)Seek medical treatment求治
4)From the root求本
1.Fitness and therapy machanism of shadow boxing to the aged;太极拳对老年人的健身治病机理
6)taking radical measures治本
1.To achieve the aim of taking radical measures in combatting corruption in colleges and universities,it is critical to study the necessary causes which may give birth to corruption.党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争“标本兼治、以治本为主”的战略布署是与时俱进的产物。
