中藏经,Zhongzang Jing
1)Zhongzang Jing中藏经
2)Zhonghua Dazangjing中华大藏经
1.The writer emended the Mūla-sarvāstivāda-vinaya in this paper based on the version of Zhonghua Dazangjing.《根有律》历来缺少必要的校勘,本文以《中华大藏经》为底本,结合几种重要的大藏经版本,对《根有律》中的《根本说一切有部毗奈耶》作四例校勘。

1.Tibetan-language Chinese Tripitaka- Tanjur (Collated Edition)藏文《中华大藏经·丹珠尔》(对勘本)
2.Research on No.02 Fa Hua Jing Remnants Preserved in the College of Liberal Arts,Nanjing Normal University;南师大文学院藏02号《法华经》残卷研究
3.The Medical College of Tibet University and CMB in U. S. A.;西藏大学医学院与美国中华医学基金会(CMB)简介
4.the Gangyur of Tripitaka in Tibetan《甘珠尔》藏文大藏经
5.Research and Collation of No.03 the Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra Roll Three Collected by the College of Liberal Arts,Nanjing Normal University南师大文学院藏03号《妙法莲华经》卷第三研究与校勘
6.The Study of "Great China Economy Circle" Economy-Trade Communion Development;“大中华经济圈”经贸交流发展问题研究
7.Analysis on the Collection Structure and Utilization Benefit of Paper Periodicals in the Library of Central China Normal University华中师范大学图书馆纸质期刊馆藏结构和使用效益分析
8.An Introduction to the Course "Intermediate Political Economy" Offered in Tsinghua University清华大学“中级政治经济学”课程简介
9.Tibetan Buddhist Paintings in Manchu Kanjur - With Simultaneous Discussion of Manchu Alikali in Deity Titles;《满文大藏经》藏传佛教绘画——兼及尊神名号中的满文阿礼嘎礼字
10.The Mahayana Sutra of the Great Assembly of Titsang's Ten Wheels大乘大集地藏十轮经
11.Haeinsa Temple Janggyeong Panjeon, the Depositories for the Tripitaka Koreana Woodblocks海印寺及八万大藏经藏经处
12.The Architectural Art of the Closets of the Bhagavad Sutra Hall in Datong Huayansi Temple;大同华严寺薄伽教藏殿的壁藏建筑艺术
13.The Material and Research on Da Zangjing Reflecting the Society of Sui and Tang Dynasties;《大藏经》中反映隋唐社会状况的资料及研究
14.The Communication of Tripitaka in Han Language between China and Korean Peninsula from the 10th to 14th Centuries10-14世纪中国与朝鲜半岛的汉文大藏经交流
15.Design of the 99-meter Tall Bronze Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva at Mount. Jiuhuashan九华山99m高地藏菩萨露天大铜像设计
16.Tibet is a Tibetan autonomous region of the People's Republic of China.西藏是中华人民共和国的一个藏族自治区。
17.Interview on William Valentino“Chief Responsible Officer” of Bayer Great China拜耳大中华区的“首席责任官”——拜耳大中华区企业公关传媒部总经理华威濂专访
18.Shanhaijing Pictures Passes from Generation to Generation--Book Review of Shanhaijing wuzanshangjing Picture Interpretation薪火相传山海图——张华《山海经·五藏山经图译》评介

Zhonghua Dazangjing中华大藏经
1.The writer emended the Mūla-sarvāstivāda-vinaya in this paper based on the version of Zhonghua Dazangjing.《根有律》历来缺少必要的校勘,本文以《中华大藏经》为底本,结合几种重要的大藏经版本,对《根有律》中的《根本说一切有部毗奈耶》作四例校勘。
3)Tibetan middle core economic zone藏中核心经济区
1.The Research of Tripitaka of Three Circles Temple in Dunhuang of Late Tang and Five Dynasties;晚唐五代敦煌三界寺藏经研究
6)Zangwen Dazangjing藏文大藏经

藏经殿距南岳镇10公里左右,位于祥光峰下。该建筑为宫殿式结构,是南朝慧思禅师所建,始建时名“大般若禅林”,后因明太祖朱元璋赐大藏经一部存放于此而更名。藏经殿在明万历年间被大火烧毁,1936年又重建。殿前的古迹有灵日,相传在夜里常见如烛磷火;还有一泓清泉,相传是陈后主爱妃梳妆打扮的地方。 藏经殿四周是原始植物的宝库,有高约二丈的玉兰树,有充满传奇色彩的摇钱树、连理枝,还有湘椴、杜英、云锦杜鹃等珍稀树木。