藏头诗,Poems hiding the head
1)Poems hiding the head藏头诗

1.A Wonderful Flower of Poetry Field of The Literary World: Comment on True Feelings Three Hundred Pieces of Poems Hiding The Head Which was Written by Mr. Yang Xiao;文坛诗苑一奇葩——评杨啸的《真情集——藏头诗300首》
2.King Gesar, the world's longest epic created by the Tibetan people, existed only in oral memory among the Tibetan people and was performed using dialogue and singing.《格萨尔王传》是藏族人民创作的世界上最长的英雄史诗,一直作为口头说唱艺术流传在藏族民间。
3.Thus Spake Tibetan Poets;藏族诗人如是说——当代藏族诗歌及其诗学主题
4.The stone crushed the head of a poet.石头砸在一个诗人头上。
5.He hides his head under his wing.他把头藏在翅膀下。
6.On the Peotic Aesthetic Art of the Contemporary Tibetan Poet Tsadru·Ngawanglosang;论当代藏族诗人擦珠·阿旺洛桑的诗美艺术
7.The Beauty of Image in Wang Chengdong s Poetry;浅谈西藏当代诗人汪承栋诗歌的形象美
8.The Meaning of Shanghai Museum Collections Chu Documents Writing on the Bamboo Pieces ShiLun in the Critical History of Shi s Studying;《上博馆藏楚竹书·诗论》在《诗》学批评史上意义三题
9.On the Use of Classical Tibetan Poetry in Contemporary Poetic Creation论当代诗歌创作对藏族古典诗歌的借鉴
10.On the Edition of Qiu Yuan's Poems Based on The Poem on Oneself Collected in the Palace Museum从故宫所藏仇远《自书诗》长卷看仇远诗文的编辑
11.Recite the poem from the beginning.从头开始背诵这首诗.
12."Yu(于)" of "Yu(于)+V" Is Not a Prefix in Book of Poetry《诗经》“于V”之“于”非词头说
13.On Poetry Translation;从“题石头记”一诗的英译看诗歌翻译
14.Study on Dialogue in Shijing;生趣盎然的对话镜头——《诗经》对话体诗
15."The Book of songs":Onomatopoeia,Reduplication & the Fountainhead of Chinese poetry;《诗经》:摹声、重言与中国诗歌的最初源头
16.The Life Lighten by Poetry Discussion about BzZhi Buddhist s Buddhist Poem;诗情澎湃的人生——论八指头陀的禅诗
17.wreathe a poet's brow with laurel用桂冠装饰诗人的额头; 把桂冠戴在诗人的头上
18.The museum has a collection of Du Fu's poems and paintings.纪念馆收藏了杜甫诗作和绘画作品。

reading of Tibeten poems咏藏诗
3)Tibetan poetry藏族诗歌
1.The paper is a comprehensive comment on contemporary Tibetan poetry and many Tibetan poets, covering a period from the 1950s to the 1990s.“藏族诗人如是说”是对当代藏族诗歌的一个综述性的评论 ,论及当代藏族众多诗人 ,涉及从上个世纪的 5 0年代到 90年代的藏族诗歌写作和它广泛的诗学主题。
4)Hidden Poetic Meaning诗意隐藏
5)poems of Tibetan landscape藏游山水诗
6)Annalistic Bibliotheca Poem藏书纪事诗
1.Ye Changchi and Annalistic Bibliotheca Poem;叶昌炽与《藏书纪事诗》
