武威汉代医简,Medicine Inscribed Wooden Slips of the Han Dynasty in Wuwei
1)Medicine Inscribed Wooden Slips of the Han Dynasty in Wuwei武威汉代医简
1.The Chinese characters in Medicine Inscribed Wooden Slips of the Han Dynasty in Wuwei roughly reflect the usage and development of Chinese characters in the Eastern Han Dynasty.《武威汉代医简》的用字情况大体上反映了东汉时期汉字发展和使用的基本情况。

1.Analysis of character construction patterns in Medicine Inscribed Wooden Slips of Han Dynasty in Wuwei;《武威汉代医简》用字的构形模式分析——武威医简用字“六书”分析之一
2.The Comparison Research on the Adverbs in 《Prescriptions for Fifty-two Diseases》 and 《Wuwei Medical Bamboo Slips of the Han Dynasty》;《五十二病方》和《武威汉代医简》副词比较研究
3.Cross-overlapping of authoritarian rule and modernization orientation:Discussions on the post-war reform of Wuhan trade unions威权统治与现代化导向的叠合交错——论武汉工会的战后整改(1945~1947)
4.Journal of Hubei Medical University武汉大学学报(医学版)
5.Thoughts of Bronze Horse Found In Wuwei;武威雷台东汉墓出土铜马命名之思考
6.The horse and chariot tomb figures of the mid and late Han Dynasty, such as the wooden horses and chariots unearthed at Weiwu, Gansu Province, appear simple and strong.汉代中晚期的车马俑也很有特点,造型拙朴,气宇轩昂,如甘肃武威的木制车马俑。
7.wooden screen paintings and wooden slipspaintings of Han Dynasty汉代木板画和木简画
8.Simple Analysis about Stall-keepers Management of Wuhan from 1949 to 1952;1949-1952年武汉市摊贩治理简论
9.An Analysis of the Development of the Wuhan Lawyers in 1945~1949;1945~1949武汉律师群体发展状况简析
10.A Study on the Han-notes and the Financial Changes of Modern Wuhan;汉钞兴衰与武汉近代金融变迁(1908-1935)
11.The Research on Wuhan Modern Architecture (1930 -1980 );武汉现代建筑研究(1930年代初~1980年代初)
12.Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in clinical isolates from Wuhan Tongji Hospital in 20082008年武汉同济医院细菌耐药性监测
13.In-depth Interview on Hospital Information System Construction of Wu Han City武汉市医院信息化建设深入访谈研究
14.Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in clinical isolates from Wuhan Tongji Hospital in 20072007年武汉同济医院细菌耐药性监测
15.Research on the Commodity Price of the Northwest Region during Han Dynasty--With Han Dynasty bamboo-slips for center;汉代西北边地物价述略——以汉简为中心
16.Life of low-class women in army of the Han Dynasty reflected in Juyan Han bamboo;从居延汉简看汉代随军下层妇女生活
17.On the Copies of Yi Li in Han Dynasty from Its Abbreviated Version从汉简本《仪礼》看《仪礼》在汉代的传本
18.Analysis of the Investigation into the Medical Ethics Knowledge of the Medical College Students in Wuhan Region;武汉地区医科大学生医德知识调查分析

Wooden and Bamboo Slips of the Han Dynasty from Wuwei武威汉简
3)Wu Wei Han-Dynasty Bamboo Slips on Medical Matters武威医简
1.The Wu Wei Han-Dynasty Bamboo Slips on Medical Matters possess research values in many aspects.武威医简具有多方面的研究价值,了解目前学界对武威医简字词考释状况,可以将研究引向深入。
4)Wuwei Hanmu武威汉墓
5)mordern Wuhan近代武汉
6)bamboo slip writing汉代简帛
1.A number of new quantifiers appear in the bamboo slip writings in the Han dynasty (206 B.汉代简帛中出现的一批量词,其用法很值得关注;有的量词能印证旧说、订正前说。

武威汉代医简武威汉代医简 方书。一名《治百病方》。甘肃省博物馆、武威县文化馆合编。此书系据1972年11月甘肃武威旱滩坡汉墓出土医简整理而成,包括医简图版、摹本、释文和注释。书后附“武威汉代医简的发现与清理”、“武威汉代医药简牍在医学史上的重要意义”两文。这批简牍共92枚,计简78枚,牍14枚。简牍记述治疗内、外、妇、五官科病医方。其中一简仅书“右治百病方”5字,推测“治百病方”当为题名。又数简为有关针灸之刺疗记录,在医简中属较早发现;一牍专记药物价值,亦殊为少见。简牍共保存较完整医方30余首,方中所列药物近100味。每方记述方名、病名(或症状)、药物名称、分量、冶合方法、服药方法、服药禁忌及其反应。医方剂型有汤、丸、膏、散、醴、滴、栓等。用法多样,内服法有酒饮、米汁饮、酢浆饮、豉汁饮、含咽汁、淳酒和饮等,外用有敷目、塞耳、指摩、灌鼻、塞鼻、薄、涂等法。所用药物,计有柴胡、当归、牡丹、漏芦等植物药63种,龙骨、虫、斑蝥、鸡子中黄等动物药12种,雄黄、丹砂、长石、曾青等矿物药16种,淳酒、酢浆等其他药物9种。记述症状,有久咳上气、气逆、喉中如百虫鸣、头痛、胁痛、腹胀、便血、小便难、金创出脓血、胫寒、囊下痒、不仁等,涉及各个系统疾病。有9枚简涉及针灸,所记穴位有三里、肺俞、泉水三穴,并有留针方法、针灸禁忌等。医简文字朴素,内容简练,很少医学理论内容,体现出我国早期医药著作理论与临床经验分别记录和著述的特点。这批医简部分地反映出我国近2000年前医学诊疗的科学水平和实际状况,对研究中国医药学的发展和演变有重要参考价值。1975年由文物出版社出版。