补注,supplementary connotations
1)supplementary connotations补注
1.It is said that supplementary connotations are made by Li Bi and adding connotations by others.其所谓"补注"为李壁所为,而"庚寅增注"乃他人之作。

1.On Qian Zhongshu’s Huang Shan Gu Shi Bu Zhu钱钟书《黄山谷诗补注》对《内集注》补正举隅
2.A Comparative Study of Dai Zhen s Maoshibuzhuan and Gaoxishijingbuzhu;戴震《毛诗补传》与《杲溪诗经补注》比较
3.A Study on the Annotation of Wang Yinglin and Other Correlative Points in Ji Jiu Pian(急就篇);王应麟《急就篇补注》及相关问题研究
4.The Comparison of Chucizhangju and Chucibuzhu in Exegesis of Ancient Texts;《楚辞章句》和《楚辞补注》训诂比较
5.A Textual Research and Further Annotation of the Function of the Official Post of "Historian of the Royal Family"as Stated in History as a Mirror;《资治通鉴》“太子府史”的职能考辨及补注
6.Supplements and Notes to the English Version of The Four Books in the Transcendentalist Dial;超验主义《日晷》英译《四书》研究的补注
7.Phenological Depictions of Emotion--Two Additional Notes on Du Fu s Poems in Longyou Area;物候关情——对杜甫陇右诗的补注(二则)
8.Understand and explain newly of Qu Yuan's image in "The Songs of Chu adds supplemental notes"《楚辞补注》对屈原形象的重新确立
9.offset injection rate补偿油层亏空的注入量
10.Imagination supplements attention which supplements perception.想象是对注意力的替补,注意是对知觉的替补。
11.The Emendation of the Phonetic Notations of the Song-Ba Edition of Wang Ren Xu s Kan Miu Bu Que Qie Yun;宋跋本王仁昫《刊谬补缺切韵》音注补苴
12.He was it train person who solve history note is it mend watchtower on either side of a palace gate history note to belittle,disdain note since to praise.他褒扬训解式史注而贬低补阙式史注,鄙弃自注。
13.tificial recharge人工补给;人工补给地下水;人工补水;人工灌注;回灌
14.A comment or an explanation, as on a passage in a text.注释补充或解释,如在课文的一段中的注释
15.repair of cracked concrete by resin injection注射树脂修补已爆裂的混凝土
16.Attention will is give to the due implementation of the compensation trade agreement.注意,补偿贸易协议一定要按期执行。
17.The Correct and Complement of Yang Shoujing s Compilation of Han Shu Twenty-three Commentaries of Meng Kang;杨守敬《汉书二十三家注钞·孟康》校补
18.The Revision and Supplement of Yang Shoujing s Compilation of Han Shu Twenty-three Commentaries of Fu Qian;杨守敬《汉书二十三家注钞·服虔》校补

grouting mend注浆修补
3)grouting strengthening注浆补强
1.Accident analysis and grouting strengthening technology of underwater bored concrete pile;水下混凝土灌注桩事故分析及注浆补强工艺
4)Guan Zi Bu Zhu《管子补注》
1.A Textual Research on The Print-time of Guan Zi Bu Zhu;《管子补注》刊刻年代考辨
1.An Explanation of the Stylistic Rules of Hong Xingzu s Chucibuzhu;洪兴祖《楚辞补注》体例说略
2.ChuCiBuZhuwhich was written by Hong Xingzu is,an explanatory document of ChuCias a milestone in history.洪兴祖《楚辞补注》是一部里程碑式的《楚辞》阐释文献。
6)emendation of explanatoy note注释商补

补注1.亦作"补注"。 2.古书注释体式之一。对原有注释加以补充或驳正。 3.指起补充说明作用的注释。