证治探讨,discussion of syndrome
1)discussion of syndrome证治探讨

1.The Discussion of Syndrome and Therapy of Coronary Heart Disease and Cardiac Angina Conducted by Vessel Impediment Theory;脉痹理论指导冠心病心绞痛证治探讨
2.Study on the "Tan" Theory and Its' Clinical Application;“痰”病证治理论探讨及临床应用研究
3.The Discussion into Dialectical Rule of Tinnitus and Deafness on the Governance of the Spleen and Stomach从脾胃论治耳鸣耳聋的辩证规律探讨
4.Research on Thought of Commonness and Change of Diarrhea Syndrome in Shanghan Lun;《伤寒论》下利证的常变辨证论治思维探讨
5.Exploration on treatment of peptic ulcer with combined therapy for treating carbuncle and differentiated treatment探讨消化性溃疡从痈论治与辨证论治相结合
6.The focus of this meeting is to discuss the diagnosis and treatment of adiposis hepatica based on the overall analysis of the illness, and the patient's condition.这次会议的重点是探讨脂肪肝的辩证施治。
7.Purpose To study on the mechanis ms of fifty Ying acupuncture therapy in treatment of deficiency syndrome.目的:探讨“五十营针刺疗法”治 疗虚证的病理机制。
8.Academic Experience of Professor Jinshi on SLE;金实教授系统性红斑狼疮证治经验探讨
9.Perfecting the Management of Our Security Company;关于完善我国证券公司治理结构的探讨
10.Study on the Syndrome and Treatment of Xiao Qing Long Tang Based on Modern Clinical Cases基于现代医案探讨小青龙汤的证治特点
11.Study on the Traditional Chinese Medicine Types Syndrome of Chronic Hepatitis B慢性病毒性乙型肝炎辨证论治规律探讨
12.Approach the Connotation of TCM Theory about Preventing and Treating Emotional Diseases in Neijing《内经》防治情志病证理论的科学内涵探讨
13.Discussion on scheme of syndrome treatment in TCM for steroid-resistant renal disease syndrome激素抵抗型肾病综合征的中医证治方案探讨
14.The Study of Treatment of Anovulatory Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding with Traditional Chinese Medicine According to the Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs辨证分型治疗无排卵型功血的临床研究与探讨
15.Experimental Study on Discussing Syndrome-treatment Characteristic and Evolution Axiom of Traditional Chinese Medicine of NAFLD by Using Treatment Analyze Syndrome;以方测证探讨NAFLD中医证治特点及演变规律的实验研究
16.Theory Research of Dizziness Dice to Wind Pathogen Symptoms and Signs Treatment and the Experimental Research of Curing Heart Tnraug Liver Reversing SHR left Ventricular Hypertophy;风眩病证论治理论探讨及从肝治心逆转SHR左室肥厚的实验研究
17.The Study on Diagnosis and Treatment Regularity of CHB and Academic Experience of Professor Jinshi金实教授治疗慢性乙型肝炎证治经验辑要及方药机理探讨
18.Objective To discuss the pathologic base of turbid-phlegm type coronary heart disease form ation and the relationship between it and its decision of treatment.目的探讨冠心病痰浊形成的病理基础及其与辩证施治的关系。

positive analyses实证探讨
1.This paper gives an approach to the relationship between adjusting agricultural structure and building regional features agricultural, and brings forward several theoretical thinks and positive analyses with the issue of building regional features agricultural.本文从阐述世纪之交农业结构调整的背景入手 ,分析调整农业结构与构建区域特色农业的关系 ,进而就构建区域特色农业问题提出若干理论思考和实证探
3)treatment discussion治疗探讨
1.The Acquaintance of TCM and Western Medicine for "Han Mian" and the Treatment Discussion;中西医对鼾眠的认识及治疗探讨
4)Drive and restraint mechanism治理探讨
5)substantial evidence method实证法探讨
1.The research worker want to discuss both the historical and present situation of the system in a substantial evidence method, and to construct the applicable condition of the denial system of the corporation personality according to the component.研究者拟就法人人格否认制度及其历史发展,对我国法人人格否认制度进行一番实证法探讨,并根据一般民事侵权责任的构成要件,来建构法人人格否认制度的适用要件。
6)An Exploration of Legal Argument法律论证之探讨

《风痨臌膈四大证治》《风痨臌膈四大证治》 《风痨臌膈四大证治》   医书名。不分卷。清·姜天叙撰。刊于1796年。本书重点论述中风、虚劳、水肿、臌胀、呕吐及噎膈反胃诸病症。并对霍乱、关格等杂病作了简略的介绍。解放后有排印本。