肝(中医),Liver (traditional Chinese medicine)
1)Liver (traditional Chinese medicine)肝(中医)
2)Ganzheng of traditional Chinese medicine中医肝证
3)Gan of TCM中医肝
1.Research on the Correlation between Gan of TCM and Tissues and Organs of MWM;中医肝与西医学组织器官的相关性研究

1.Observation on Serum Thyriod Hormone in 124 Cases of Liver Diseases in TCM Context中医肝病124例血清甲状腺激素的观察
2.Study on the Relationship of Chronic Hepatitis B Fibrosis and Traditional Chinese Medicine Type of Syndrome;慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化与中医证型的关系研究
3.Basis Theory Investigate of TCM Ontreting Liver Disease (Viral Hepatitis, VH) Throngh Spleen;中医从脾论治肝病(病毒性肝炎)的基础理论研究
4.Artificial Liver Therapy to Heavy Hepatitis Chinese Medicine Various Cards Curative Effect Observation人工肝疗法对重型肝炎中医各证型疗效的观察
5.Analysis on Similarity between Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndromes and Information on Disease in Patients with Post-hepatitis Cirrhosis肝炎后肝硬化中医证候与疾病信息相似度分析
6.Systematic Review of Therapeutic Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Posthepatitic Cirrhosis at Early Stage中医药治疗肝炎后早期肝硬化疗效的系统评价
7.A traditional Chinese medicine expert of China has developed a new medicine for liver disease中国一中医专家研制出治肝新药
8.Objective: To observe the curative effect of TCM combined with western medicine (WM) for cirrhosis hepatic hy- drothorax (CHH) after hepatitis.目的:观察中西医结合治疗肝炎后肝硬化肝性胸水的临床疗效。
9.Clinical Research of Types of Syndrome of TCM of Hepatitis Hepatocirrhosis and Treatment Studies of the Ruan Gan Xiao Ji Tang;肝炎肝硬化中医证型的临床研究及软肝消积汤的治疗研究
10.Study on the Correlations between the Indexes of Hepatic Fibrosis and the Syndrome Types of TCM of Liver Cirrhosis after Hepatitis B乙肝后肝硬化中医证型与肝纤维化指标的相关性研究
11.Therapeutic effect of patients with chronic hepatic fibrosis of type B hepatitis and early cirrhosis by combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine中西医结合治疗慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化及早期肝硬化的临床分析
12.The TCM Literature Study of Syndrome and Therapeutic Principles Research on Alcoholic Hepatic Fibrosis (Jiu Pi);酒精性肝纤维化(酒癖)的中医文献研究
13.Study on the Traditional Chinese Medicine Types of Syndrome of Chronic Hepatitis B;慢性病毒性乙型肝炎中医证型的研究
14.Analysis of the Correlation between the Etiology of Primary Liver Cancer and the Syndrome Types in TCM;原发性肝癌病因与中医证型分析探讨
15.An Exploration on Criteria of Syndrome Differentiation for Severe Hepatitis in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Ⅲ重型肝炎中医证型辨证标准探析之三
16.Treatment Progress in Integrative Medicine Therapy of Intrahepatic Bile Duct Stone肝内胆管结石的中西医结合治疗进展
17.Clinical research progress on severe hepatis treatment by Chinese medicine中医药治疗重型肝炎的临床研究进展
18.Correlation between the Syndrome Classified by Traditional Chinese Medicine and Blood Clotting Disorder in Patients with Medium or Late Stage Primary Liver Cancer;中晚期肝癌中医证型与凝血功能的相关性研究

Ganzheng of traditional Chinese medicine中医肝证
3)Gan of TCM中医肝
1.Research on the Correlation between Gan of TCM and Tissues and Organs of MWM;中医肝与西医学组织器官的相关性研究
4)Ganzangxiang of TMC中医肝脏象
1.It is a important field in the research of Ganzangxiang of TMC that to discuss the different emotion states in Ganzangxiang of TCM and its mechanisms.中医肝脏象情志属现代情绪心理学的范畴 ,探讨不同证候的情绪状态及其机理 ,是中医肝脏象现代研究的重要领域。
5)LIVER NEOPLASMS/pathogenesis(TCM)肝肿瘤/中医病机

上海中医学院中医图书目录上海中医学院中医图书目录 中医工具书。上海中医学院图书馆编。此书共收截止至1979年6月底以前上海中医学院图书馆所藏中医图书9034种。全书分20类编排,即医药卫生的方针政策、中国医学史、中医学基础、中医诊断学、中草药学、方书方剂学、经络针灸学、推拿学、中医骨伤科学、中医内科学、中医妇产科学、中医儿科学、中医外科学、中医五官科学、外治及其他治法、综合性医书、医案医论医话、中医法医学、中医兽医学、工具书、丛书全书。著录方式按书名、卷数、撰年、作者(包括字、号、别名)、著述方式、作者籍贯、版本等项。书末附有书名索引、人名索引。1980年上海中医学院印行。