五脏相关,the five-viscera-related theory
1)the five-viscera-related theory五脏相关

1.Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome Investigate;五脏相关在慢性阻塞性肺疾病中医证候的体现
2.Theorectical study on the relationship between hypertension and combined phlegm and blood stasis and f ive zang viscera高血压病与痰瘀互结及五脏相关的理论探讨
3.Essentials of Professor Deng Tietao's Five-viscera Correlation Theory and Correlative Research of Zang-fu Herbal Medicine Dialectical Usage Recorded in "Case Reports for Clinical Practice";中医五脏相关学说述要与《临证指南医案》脏腑辨证用药的相关性研究
4.Research on the Doctrine of the Correlation of Five Viscera and Effect on Rat's Multiplication and Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Invigorating the Spleen and Tonifying Kidney;中医五脏相关理论探讨及补脾益肾法对大鼠MSCs增殖和分化的影响
5.Research on the Doctrine of the Correlation of Five Viscera Based on Structural Equation Modeling基于结构方程模型分析的中医五脏相关理论研究
6.Study on the Five-viscera-related Theory of Professor Deng Tie-tao and the Therapy with Massage, Acupuncture and Drugs for Special MG;邓铁涛教授五脏相关学说与推拿针药结合治疗重症肌无力的初步探讨
7.Relationship between Syndrome Differentiation Rule of the Five Zang Organs and Classification in Acne Vulgaris;寻常痤疮五脏辨证规律及与分级的相关性研究
8.Initial Study of Five Zang-organ-related Theory of Tranquilization Period of Chronic Obstruct Pulmonary Disease;慢性阻塞性肺疾病稳定期五脏相互关系的初步探讨
9.Research on the Correlation of Five Viscera of Acute Exacerbations of COPD;慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期五脏相互关系探析
10.Research on the Correlation of Five Viscera of COPD;慢性阻塞性肺疾病证候规律中的五脏相互关系探讨
11.Correlation between Organ Weight and Body Weight in Outbred Wuzhishan Mini-Pigs封闭群五指山小型猪主要脏器重量与体重的相关性分析
12.The Kidney-protect Effect of the XSW Granule on the Diabetic Rats and It s Correlation with the Intrarenal RAS Gene Expression;小四五颗粒对糖尿病大鼠的肾保护作用及其与肾脏RAS基因表达相关性
13.The heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, stomach, and body cells are destroyed.破坏身体的细胞,产生和心脏,肝脏,肾脏,脾脏及胃相关的疾病。
14.The Theory of the Lung Function and the Relationship between Lung and Zang-fu中医肺脏功能的理论及其与脏腑的相关性研究
15.Discussion on the Relationship between the Whole-hearted Failure and the Viscera from the Five Elements Theory从五行学说探讨全心衰竭与脏腑的关系
16.Diversity of Relationship between Five Zang Organs and Five Elements and Course of Medical Development;从五脏五行配属关系的多样性看医学发展的轨迹
17.Do you believe that there' s a connection between smoking and heart disease ?你相信吸烟与心脏病有关系吗?
18.Dirt and disease go hand in hand.肮脏与疾病是密切相关的。

Five Viscera Correlated Theory五脏相关学说
1.Guiding Value of "Five Viscera Correlated Theory" in the Diagnosis andTreatment of Multi-organs Functional Defect;“五脏相关学说”对多脏器功能不全诊治的指导价值
3)Correlation of five Viscera五脏相互关系
4)the theory of five internal organs五脏相关配伍
5)relationship between the five internal organs五脏关系
6)Five Zang-organs harmonize pitch五脏相音
1.Five Zang-organs Harmonize Pitch:Modern research of the lost theory and technology in Huang Di Nei Jing;五脏相音——《黄帝内经》失传2000多年的理论和技术的现代研究

五脏相关五脏相关 五脏相关   生理学名词。系脏象学说的一重要观点。心、肝、脾、肺、肾五脏之间在生理功能上有着相互依赖、相互制约的关系。它们之间必须相互协调,才能保证人体的健康状态,否则就会出现各种病证。如心肾相交,水火相济才能维持正常的生理活动;心肾不交,阴阳升降失常,就可发生心悸、失眠、遗精等病证。