理虚元鉴,Lixu Yuanjian
1)Lixu Yuanjian理虚元鉴
1.Discussion of Academic Thinking of Treatment of No Disease in Lixu Yuanjian;论《理虚元鉴》“治未病”学术思想
2)visual solution原理解虚元
1.On the basis of building up the mapping model among the product function domain, principle solution domain and structure domain, the complex information mapping course was simplified with some new concepts, such as anti-mapping, visual function, visual solution and visual-link.在建立产品功能域、原理解域、结构域之间三层映射关系的基础上,通过引入逆映射、功能虚元、原理解虚元、虚链等概念,将域间复杂的信息映射过程简单化,以产品功能分解树的分解过程表示设计过程,以功能基、原理解、结构之间的对应关系表达设计知识,实现概念设计阶段与详细设计阶段产品信息表达的一致性。
3)VPU Virtual Process Unit虚拟处理单元
4)false appraisemsnt虚假鉴定

1.If an expert intentionally makes a false verification, he shall assume legal responsibility.鉴定人故意作虚假鉴定的,应当承担法律责任。
2.False Appraisement by Appraisers for Diseases Requiring Medical Treatment on Bail Should Be Ruled as a Criminal Offence;论鉴定人员虚假鉴定保外就医疾病应规定为犯罪
3.The Problems and Improvements of Civil Liability for False Statements of CPA Identification System in China我国注册会计师虚假陈述民事责任鉴定存在的问题及其完善
4.Research and Define the False Drumbeating Act of Crime of False Advertisement;虚假广告罪中虚假宣传的分析与界定
5.Sequential Discrimination with Multi-Features to Remove False ROIs in SAR ATR多特征联合的序贯鉴别方法去除SAR ATR中虚假RoIs
6.Study on identification of true and false of lily starch and the measurement of its adulteration ratio真假百合粉的鉴别及掺假率测定方法的研究
7.This myth of destiny is the production of false ideology.这种命定神话是虚假意识形态的产物。
8.A Disquisition on Causation and Damage on Account of False Statement;证券虚假陈述因果关系的认定及赔偿
9.Judgement of Professional Duties in False Capital Verification;虚假验资诉讼中专家职业义务的认定
10.My Perception of False Statement of Securities and Determination of Civil Liability;证券虚假陈述及民事责任确定之我见
11.Forensic Accounting Evaluation of Reducing Debt Fraud;关于对消减负债做假的司法会计鉴定
12.Identification of a pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa from grass carp一株草鱼致病菌——铜绿假单胞菌的鉴定
13.Isolation and Identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosain Crested Ibis朱鹮铜绿假单胞菌的分离与初步鉴定
14.Evaluation and variation analysis of cold tolerance in Eremochloa ophiuroides假俭草种源抗寒性鉴定及其变异分析
15.Isolation,Identification and Drug Susceptibility Test of Candida假丝酵母菌分离鉴定及药敏试验分析
16."Notwithstanding the definition of ""false trade description"" in section 2,"纵使第2条已有界定“虚假商品说明”之定义,
17.Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods制止产品来源虚假或欺骗性标记马德里协定
18.Structure of Verb-object Phrase with Inserted Nominal Attribute and Analysis of its Semantic Meaning;插入虚假定语的动宾短语的结构及语义分析

visual solution原理解虚元
1.On the basis of building up the mapping model among the product function domain, principle solution domain and structure domain, the complex information mapping course was simplified with some new concepts, such as anti-mapping, visual function, visual solution and visual-link.在建立产品功能域、原理解域、结构域之间三层映射关系的基础上,通过引入逆映射、功能虚元、原理解虚元、虚链等概念,将域间复杂的信息映射过程简单化,以产品功能分解树的分解过程表示设计过程,以功能基、原理解、结构之间的对应关系表达设计知识,实现概念设计阶段与详细设计阶段产品信息表达的一致性。
3)VPU Virtual Process Unit虚拟处理单元
4)false appraisemsnt虚假鉴定
5)virtual distributed processing unit(DPU)虚拟分散处理单元
1.The use of virtual distributed processing unit(DPU)in the plant simulator can implement the whole range simulation of control strategy in DCS, it is of significance for the training of plant operators and the debugging of DCS control strategy.在仿真机中使用虚拟分散处理单元可实现电厂分散控制系统(DCS)中控制策略的全仿真,对操作员培训和DCS控制策略调试具有重要意义。
6)memory management unit virtualization内存管理单元虚拟化

理虚元鉴理虚元鉴 理虚元鉴   虚劳(结核病)治疗专书。二卷。明·汪绮石撰。约刊于17世纪。书中提出治疗虚劳有“三本”和“二统”。即虚劳病与肺、脾、肾三脏关系密切,并阳虚与阴虚二种类型的理论。卷上介绍虚劳的诊断、病原及各种症候的辨证治疗;卷下记述虚劳方剂及其药物应用等。汪氏治虚劳,阴虚主清金保肺,阳虚主建中扶脾。对虚劳的辨证、审脉、立法、处方均有独到之处。现存乾隆等清刻本、《中国医学大成》本,1949年后有排印本。