时病论,Discussion of Epidemic Pestilence
1)Discussion of Epidemic Pestilence时病论
1.Analyzing Determination of Treatment Based on Pathogenesis Obtained through Syndrome Differentiation on Syndrome of Dampness in Discussion of Epidemic Pestilence;浅析《时病论》对湿邪病证的辨证论治

1.Study on Academic Opinions and Features of Formulas of Treatise on Seasonal Diseases;《时病论》学术思想及方剂用药特点研究
2.Relationships Between Seasonal Disorders and Cold Damage,Warm Disease and Epidemic Disease试论时气病与伤寒、温病、疫病的关系
3.On the Performance of Female Literature in New Period on Desease Topics;论新时期女性文学对疾病主题的表现
4.On Yu Dafu "Era Disease" Color论郁达夫《沉沦》“时代病”的色彩
5.Ailment expression and the metaphor of ward--Discussion on the ward writing phenomenon of literature in the new time;病痛的抒写与病房的隐喻——论新时期文学的“病房写作”现象
6.Discussion on the Significence of Dietary Theory in Health Presevation and Disease Prevention in Huangdi Neijing论《素问·藏气法时论》的膳食理论在养生防病中的意义
7.Introduction of Indian Medicine into China in the Wei-Jin-Southern-Northern Dynasties As Interpreted by Beriberi从脚气病论魏晋南北朝时期印度医学之传入
8.Conclusion: The characteristic pathology changes in the muscular tissues supply useful basic bata for pathology examination in trichinosis.结论:肌组织的特征性病理变化,为旋毛虫病时病理检测提供有用的基础资料。
9.a timely warning; with timely treatment the patient has a good chance of recovery; a seasonable time for discussion; the book's publication was well timed.及时的警告;有及时的治疗,病人恢复的机会很大;讨论的最佳时间;这部书的出版非常及时。
10.CONCLUSION Diagnosis of isolated sphenoid sinus inflammatory disease at its early stages is difficult to ascertain because of the non-specificity of its symptoms.结论孤立性蝶窦炎症性疾病症状无特异性,不易及时确诊;
11.Again? Whenever she does something wrong, she always blames her brother.老毛病又犯了?她无论什么时候做错事,总会怪她的哥哥。
12.Conclusions Self controlling analgesia infusion pump can alleviate incision ach, reduce complications.结论病人自控镇痛泵可适时减轻患者术后切口痛,减少并发症。
13.Your teacher will take your recent illness into consideration when judging your essay.老师在评定论文时,会考虑到你最近生病这一情况的。
14.Both solitary cysts and polycystic disease are usually not discovered until adulthood.不论是孤立囊肿或囊病通常在成年时期才被发现。
15.Conclusion Satisfying therapeutic effect can be achieved so far as the patients with heatstroke are emergently treated with correct steps.结论中暑病人只要抢救及时、措施得力,都能取得满意疗效。
16.While causes of abomasum diseases were analyzed, and strategies were suggested for prevention and cure.同时进行了病因分析和讨论,并提出了建设性的防治对策。
17.On the Relationship between Yi Su-gwang s Literary Thought and His Ideas about Practical Learning;救济人病 裨补时阙——论李日卒光文学思想与实学思想的关系
18.relating to the etiology of a disease.关于病因论、病原学的。

seasonal disease时病
3)contemporary comments时论
4)clinical case conference病例讨论
5)collateral disease theory络病理论
1.Applications of Collateral Disease Theory in Pediatrics络病理论在儿科应用拾萃
2.In treating chronic liver diseases,he pays attention to collateral disease theory,and proposes treatment combined TCM with western medicine.王灵台教授倡导补肾法为主治疗慢性乙肝,确立了补肾为主,清肝为辅,同时不忘脾胃的治法;善于灵活运用阴阳、气血、脏腑辨证;重视络病理论在慢性肝病中运用;倡导中西医结合治疗肝病。
3.This paper discusses the relationship between renal hematuria and kidney collateral based on collateral disease theory.运用络病理论,探讨肾性血尿与肾络的关系。
6)Case discussion病例讨论
1.Application of case discussion in surgery theory teaching;病例讨论在外科理论教学中的应用
2.Application of problem-based teaching method in class of case discussion;以问题为导向的教学在病例讨论课中的应用
3.Case discussion is an effective approach,which combines basic theory with clinical medicine.病例讨论式教学法是理论联系实际的有效教学方法,可以激发学生的学习兴趣、培养学生的创造性思维;也有利于提高教师的综合素质。
