脾脏相关证候,Spleen and other related organs syndrome
1)Spleen and other related organs syndrome脾脏相关证候

1.Research on Features of Spleen Related Syndromes in the Peaceful Holy Benevolence Formulae;《太平圣惠方》脾脏相关证候的特点研究
2.Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome Investigate;五脏相关在慢性阻塞性肺疾病中医证候的体现
3.Research on Evolution Laws of the TCM Syndromes about CKD3 and Related Factors慢性肾脏病3期中医证候及相关因素研究
4.Analyse TCM Syndromes of Infantile Spleen Asthnia Syndrome after Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infection of the TCM Syndromes and the Relative Influencing Factors小儿反复呼吸道感染后脾虚综合征中医证候及相关因素分析
5.The heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, stomach, and body cells are destroyed.破坏身体的细胞,产生和心脏,肝脏,肾脏,脾脏及胃相关的疾病。
6.The Primary Exploring Correlation between Liver Organ of TCM and the Stress in the Period of Operation;中医肝脏证候与肠梗阻围手术期应激相关性初探
7.Research on the Correlation of Five Viscera of COPD;慢性阻塞性肺疾病证候规律中的五脏相互关系探讨
8.Research on Change Laws of the TCM Syndromes about CKD3 and Related Risk Factors慢性肾脏病3期中医证候变化规律及相关危险因素研究
9.Retrospective Analysis on TCM Syndrome and Clinical Relevant Factors of Chronic Kidney Disease in the 3th Period慢性肾脏病(CKD)3期中医证候及相关因素的回顾性分析
10.The Clinical Research of Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease with Chinese Medicine Theory of Spleen and Kidney-Related中医脾肾相关理论辨治慢性肾脏病的临床研究
11.Clinical and Experiental Study on Relationship between Symptom of Spleen and Stomach of Chronic Renal Failure and Gastrin MTL and the Effects of Daihuang Jiangzhuo Granules in Treating the Disease;慢性肾衰竭脾胃证候与胃泌素、胃动素的相关性及大黄降浊冲剂干预的临床与实验研究
12.Study on Correlation Between Spleen-Asthenia Syndrome and Islet a Cells Changes;脾虚证与胰岛A细胞变化相关性研究
13.Research on the Doctrine of the Correlation of Five Viscera and Effect on Rat's Multiplication and Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Invigorating the Spleen and Tonifying Kidney;中医五脏相关理论探讨及补脾益肾法对大鼠MSCs增殖和分化的影响
14.The Correlation Study of the Expression of CD40、Aspase-9 and the Spleen of Cirrhotic Protal Hypertension;CD40、Caspase-9表达与肝硬化门静脉高压症脾脏的相关性研究
15.The Influence of T Lymphocyte Apoptosis in Spleen and Related Gene Expression on the Immune Function of Sepsis脾脏T细胞凋亡及相关基因表达对脓毒症免疫功能的影响
16.Construction of cDNA library from spleen of Scophthalmus maximus and identification of immune-related genes by EST sequencing大菱鲆脾脏cDNA文库构建、EST序列分析与免疫抗病相关基因的筛选
18.Anger is generally associated with the liver, gallbladder and spleen.恼怒通常而言与肝脏、胆囊和脾脏有关。

spleen system syndromes脾系证候
1.This paper deals mainly with principles and methods in the standardization of spleen system syndromes.主要讨论脾系证候规范的原则、思路和方法 ,认为脾系证候的规范应当从证候命名、概念、术语及诊断标准等 4个方面进行。
3)Liver-zheng(traditional chinese medicine)肝脏证候
4)Viscus syndrome脏腑证候
5)Effect of spleen on related diseases脾脏与其相关疾病
6)relativity between spleen and pancreas脾胰相关

相关成本与非相关成本(relevantcostandirrelevantcost)  成本按其发生是否与决策项目相关的分类。相关成本是指与制定决策方案有关的联影响的成本,例如当期是否接受一批订货,生产该批订货需要花费的各种成本,即为相关成本。如该批订货是一种特殊订货,即其价格低于以前生产这种产品的完全成本时,其相关成本就是生产该批产品的变动成本。如果生产该批订货需扩大生产能力时,相关成本就既包括生产的变动成本,还包括添置设备等所需的其他成本。机会成本、差量成本、现金支出成本、可避免成本等均属相关成本。  非相关成本是指与制定决策方案并无影响的成本,因而在决策时可不予考虑。命名如接受特殊订货时,原有固定成本就属于非相关成本,因为即使不接受这批特殊订货,这些固定成本也会照样发生,当有几种方案可供选择时,各种方案都需发生的成本就是非相关成本,如采用不同的生产工艺组织生产时,构成产品实体的原材料在各种生产工艺过程中都要发生,所以这些原材料成本便是非相关成本。不可避免成本、沉落成本等属于不相关成本。