新方八阵,Xin Fang Ba Zhen
1)Xin Fang Ba Zhen新方八阵
2)new eight-word policy新八字方针
1.Carry out the new eight-word policy and raise the comprehensive competence of the University——Guangzhou University makes headway in striding-style development;贯彻“新八字方针”,提升大学综合竞争力——广州大学实现综合性地方院校跨越式发展的路径选择

1.Carrying Out New Policy from Ministry of Education & Constructing High-Efficiency Quality Management and Assurance System of Education贯彻教育部“新八字方针”建设高效教育质量管理与保障体系
2.The essence of the eight-character policy is readjustment.八字方针,核心是调整。
3.To Discuss New Idea and New Policy of the Eighth Congress of the CCP;略论中共八大前后党提出的新思想、新方针
4.It has become increasingly clear that it is absolutely necessary and correct to establish this general policy.今天看得越来越清楚,提出这个八字方针是完全必要,完全正确的。
5.Do Deeply Understand the Political Value of "The Eight-character Policy" and Raise the Real Results of Democratic Supervision of the Democratic Party;深刻认识“八字方针”的政治价值 提高民主党派民主监督的实效性
6.Li Fuchun and the Regulating National Economy "Eight-Word Policy;李富春的社会主义经济建设思想与调整国民经济的八字方针
7.However, since in our propaganda and educational work we have failed to keep up with developments, a fair number of people have wrongly found this policy demoralizing.但是由于我们工作没跟上,有相当一些人把八字方针错误地看作“泄气”方针。
8.At home, the Communist Party and the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies are firmly opposing capitulation and upholding the policy of resistance and unity;又如,共产党、八路军、新四军坚决反对投降,坚持抗战团结的方针;
9.The principle of readjustment, consolidation, filling out and raising standards has been formulated mainly to tackle economic problems, but is also applicable to mass work.调整、巩固、充实、提高八字方针,主要是讲经济方面,但群众工作也有这个问题。
10.Further, we were completely right to establish the policy of economic readjustment, restructuring, consolidation and improvement, and it is increasingly clear that readjustment in particular is necessary.我们提出经济工作调整、改革、整顿、提高的八字方针,是完全正确的,调整经济越看越必要。
11.After more than two years of effort, we have formulated the general policy of readjusting, restructuring, consolidating and improving China's economy.经过两年多的工作以后,我们对国民经济提出了调整、改革、整顿、提高的八字方针。
12.cross-stitch work with crochet square tablecloth十字绣镶钩针方块台布
13.in this paper, a new bit synchronization scheme for TDMA digital transmission system it proposed.本文针对时分多址数字传输系统提出了一种新的位同步方案。
14.In 1978, at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh CPC Central Committee, we made a systematic review of our past work and put forth a series of new principles and policies.一九七八年我们党的十一届三中全会对过去作了系统的总结,提出了一系列新的方针政策。
15.It was not until 1978, when the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh CPC Central Committee was held, that a new and correct line was formulated, together with new and correct principles and policies.一九七八年我们党的十一届三中全会才制定了一系列新的正确的路线、方针和政策,
16.Clearing up Some Misunderstandings in the Study of the Non-Resistance Policy During the Mukden Incident of 1931澄清九一八事变时不抵抗方针研究的误区
17.Select the record that you want to be stored in the new table for this key field.请选择针对该关键字字段存储在新表中的记录:
18.Insist on the Seven Principles,Improve the Teaching Quality;坚持“七字”方针 提高教学质量

new eight-word policy新八字方针
1.Carry out the new eight-word policy and raise the comprehensive competence of the University——Guangzhou University makes headway in striding-style development;贯彻“新八字方针”,提升大学综合竞争力——广州大学实现综合性地方院校跨越式发展的路径选择
3)eight tactical arrays八阵
4)Eight Battle Diagramas八阵图
5)News of Gossip Remarks八卦新闻
6)the Xintai eight scenery新泰八景

新方八阵新方八阵 方书。2卷。明张介宾(景岳)撰于天启四年(1624年)。此书据作者临证经验心得制定之新方汇编成册。计有大补元煎、左归饮、右归饮、左归丸、右归丸等186方。按效用分为补阵、和阵、攻阵、散阵、寒阵、热阵、固阵、因阵8类。书中首载各阵制方总义,为“新方八略”。每方详著药物、剂量及用法,并多附加减之法。本书收入《景岳全书》,为卷50~51,亦有单行本。