世医得效方,Shi Yi De Xiao Fang;Effective Formulae Handed Down for Generations
1)Shi Yi De Xiao Fang;Effective Formulae Handed Down for Generations世医得效方
2)Peter the Great彼得一世
1.Easten Slav Style of the Continent Law System: Legislation of Peter the Great as the Core;大陆法系的东斯拉夫变种——以彼得一世的立法为中心
2.Peter the Great played an important role in the Russian history.彼得一世在俄国历史上起过重大的历史作用,我国史学界对彼得一世的研究主要集中于他的改革及其影响,对其外交思想则很少进行系统论述。

1.The emperor of Russia Peter I was given the appellation" the Great.俄皇彼得一世被加上了“大帝”的称号。
2.Peter I is crowned as Emperor of Brazil.1822年,彼得一世被授冠成为巴西的皇帝。
3.Peter I--the pioneer of Russia s transforming into modern society;俄国近代社会转型的先行者——彼得一世
4.On the "Westernization" and "Autarchy" of Russian Tsar Peter论俄皇彼得一世改革的“欧化”与“专制化”
5.New Study on the Relationship Between Peter I Reform and the North War;俄国彼得一世改革与北方战争关系新探
6.Easten Slav Style of the Continent Law System: Legislation of Peter the Great as the Core大陆法系的东斯拉夫变种——以彼得一世的立法为中心
7.Peter's grandfather has fallen into disremembrance because he made so many enemies during his lifetime.彼得的祖父在世时树敌众多,以致死後被人忘得一乾二净。
8.Empress Catherine the First, wife if Peter the Great began construction of the palace in1711.女皇凯瑟琳一世——彼得大帝的妻子——于1711年开始建造这座宫殿。
9.Peter, do you smell something funny?彼得,你闻到一些异味吗?
10.St.Petersburg was Peter the Great's window onto the Baltic.圣彼得堡是彼得大帝进入波罗的海的一个入口
11.It seems to me that Peter has seen nothing of life.在我看来, 彼得还不懂人情世故。
12.After a visit to France in the late 17th century, Peter the Great decided to build a palace for himself better than Versailles.彼得大帝于十七世纪末到法国游览了一趟后,他决定要为自己盖一座比凡尔赛宫还好的皇宫。
13.Peter said," He( Jesus) was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for your sake"(1 Peter1:20).彼得说:“基督在创世以前是预先被神知道的,却在这末世才为你们显现”(彼得前书1:20)。
14.Peter kicked the fire and sent up a shower of sparks.彼得用脚踢了一下火堆,扬起一阵火花。
15.Did you see any pandas in the zoo?这些问题彼得都一一的做否定的答复。
16.Peter can eat hamburgers at the rate of one per minute.彼得可以以一分钟一个的速度吃汉堡。
17.A word had clicked in Peter's brain.一个词突然在彼得脑里一闪。
18.Some for Peter and some for Sue.有一些是给彼得的,有一些是给苏的。

Peter the Great彼得一世
1.Easten Slav Style of the Continent Law System: Legislation of Peter the Great as the Core;大陆法系的东斯拉夫变种——以彼得一世的立法为中心
2.Peter the Great played an important role in the Russian history.彼得一世在俄国历史上起过重大的历史作用,我国史学界对彼得一世的研究主要集中于他的改革及其影响,对其外交思想则很少进行系统论述。
3)generation of Chinese medicine中医世家
1.Lizhenghua,the famous doctor of Chinese medicine and educator of Chinese medicine,was born in generation of Chinese medicine in Luoning,Henan in 1924.全国著名中医学家、中医教育家李振华,1924年出生于河南洛宁一中医世家,幼承庭训,习医活人,临床经验丰富,学术思想深厚,教坛桃李满园,成就硕果累累。
4)hereditary-doctor system世医制度
1.From the point of view of medical development, the hereditary-doctor system in the Ming Dynasty played a role in facilitating the inheritance and summary of medical experience and promoting the emergence of different medical schools.从医学发展角度看 ,世医制度一方面在医生待遇不高的背景下稳定了医生队伍 ,并促进了医疗经验的继承和总结提高 ,推动了学术门派的产生 ;另一方面 ,世医制度也在一定程度上制约了医药创新 ,阻碍了医学的发展。
5)sphygmology Diagnosis method后世医家
6)custom doctor世俗医生

《世医得效方》《世医得效方》 《世医得效方》   方书名。十九卷《四库全书》本末附《千金方养生书》一卷,共二十卷)。元·危亦林撰。刊于1345年。本书作者根据其五世家传医方编写而成。书中分别记述内、外、妇、儿、五官及伤科等各类疾病的脉病证治。作者对于疾病分类较细。所采历代医方及家传诸方,不仅数量较多,且多本自经验习用之法,有一定参考价值。对骨伤科病症的治疗,尤有较多的发挥。1949年后有排印本。