脏腑相关,Interconnections between Viscerae and Bowels
1)Interconnections between Viscerae and Bowels脏腑相关

1.My study aspect is the correlated of meridian and entrails, especial clinic and empirical study which acupuncture treat cardia-cerebrovascular disease.研究方向:经脉脏腑相关,主攻方向为针灸对心脑血管疾病的临床与实验研究。
2.Studying on the Regulating Effect and Mechanism of Electroacupuncture at Zusanli in Rats with FGID Based on the Theory of Acupoint and Visceral Coupling基于穴位脏腑相关性的足三里穴对胃肠功能紊乱大鼠的调节作用及机制研究
3.The Theory of the Lung Function and the Relationship between Lung and Zang-fu中医肺脏功能的理论及其与脏腑的相关性研究
4.Vascular Cognitive Impairment-related Organs in Chinese Medicine Research血管性认知功能障碍的中医相关脏腑研究
5.Observing the Changes in the Electric Conduction Quantity of the Twelve Yuan Points and Their Relationship with the Internal Organs and Meridians in Brain Tumor Patients脑瘤患者十二原穴体表导电量的变化与脏腑经络相关性观察
6.Essentials of Professor Deng Tietao's Five-viscera Correlation Theory and Correlative Research of Zang-fu Herbal Medicine Dialectical Usage Recorded in "Case Reports for Clinical Practice";中医五脏相关学说述要与《临证指南医案》脏腑辨证用药的相关性研究
7.The triple energizer with the related zang-fu organs, each having its own function to perform, accomplish jointly a complicated physiological process in the digestion, absorption, distribution and excretion.三焦与相关脏腑,各自执行其功能共同完成消化、收、散、泄这个复杂的生理过程。
8.Experiment of Focus and Diffuse Functional Effects of Law about Meridian Point Associated with Visceral Target Orgen;经穴与脏腑靶器官相关联聚焦性与弥散性功能效应特性规律的实验研究
9.Triple energizer has no exterior-interior relationships with the zang-organs, it is therefore called" solitary fu-organ".三焦和脏之间没有表里关系,因此也称为“孤腑”。
10.Discussion on the Relationship between the Whole-hearted Failure and the Viscera from the Five Elements Theory从五行学说探讨全心衰竭与脏腑的关系
11.The Research of Viscus Syndrome and Viscus Discrimination of the Two Han Dynasty;两汉时期脏腑证候与脏腑辨证方法的研究
12.Relations of the Hearing and Five Zang-Viscera and It s Application on Hearing Loss and Tinnitus;耳为之听与脏腑关系及在耳鸣耳聋治疗中的应用
13.Effect of Kaiqiao Tongfu Recipe to ET-1 and CGRP of MCAO Rats开窍通腑汤对MCAO大鼠内皮素-1和降钙素基因相关肽含量的影响
14.Besides, regulating zang-fu' s functions and qi-blood relationship are also two important therapeutic principles. Space lacks for a detailed description of it.除此之外,调理脏腑功能和气血关系也是两种重要的治疗原则。篇幅所限,恕不叙述。
15.Morethan, the emphasizes on the key role of pyrogeneous pathogen in the developing prossess of insomnia by discussing its effect on function of viscera.通过论述火邪对脏腑正常功能的影响,论证火邪在失眠的发生、展过程中具有关键作用。
16.Winston's entrails seemed to have turned into ice.温斯顿的五脏六腑似乎都变成了冰块。
17."and the skin of the ox and all its flesh, with its head and its legs and its inside parts and its waste,"公牛的皮和所有的肉,并头,腿,脏,腑,粪,
18.Nei jing said "All five-zang organs and six-fu organs lead to cough, not only lung".《内经》提出“五脏六腑皆令人咳,非独肺也”。

Relations of The Zang and Fu脏腑相关性
3)Correlation between Channels and Viscera经脉脏腑相关
4)Somato-Viscera Correlation脏腑体表相关
5)Meridian-viscera correlation经脉-脏腑相关
6)relationship between meridian and organ经络脏腑相关
