仲景方,Zhang Zhongjing's herbal formulae
1)Zhang Zhongjing's herbal formulae仲景方

1.Study of Classification-Association Rules on Zhongjing Formulas Data Mining;基于分类关联规则的仲景方挖掘研究
2.Study on the Principle of Using Zhong Jing Formulae in Medical Cases of Zhang Yu Qing(Zhang Yu Qing Yi An);《张聿青医案》活用仲景方的配伍规律研究
3.Cross reference of syndromes and prescriptions:the soul of Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease written by“方证照合”—张仲景《伤寒论》的灵魂
4.Acadmic Thonghe Study on Prescription and Syndrome in Shanghanlun张仲景《伤寒论》方证学术思想研究
5.The Collection and Study of Zhang Zhangjing s Lists in the Medical Secrets of an Official;《外台秘要方》中有关仲景条文的整理研究
6.Approach of Application to the Polyidrosis Caused by Diabetes of Classical Prescription of Zhongjing;仲景经方治疗消渴病多汗症的应用探讨
7.Research on Reform of Personnel Training Programs of ZHANG Zhong-jing Academic Thinking Chinese Medicine Majors中医学专业张仲景学术思想方向人才培养方案改革研究
8.Advancement of the Treatment Methed Proposed by Zhang Zhong-jing;试论张仲景辩病结合辩证的辨证论治方法的先进性
9.to be appointed by both parties.由双方共同指定仲裁人。
10.The arbitration fee shall be Borne by the losing party.仲裁费由败诉方负担。
11.Nanyang Zhangzhongjing Digital Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd.南阳张仲景现代中药发展有限公司
12.The Study on the Importance of "Knot" in Zhang Zhongjing's Theory of Pathogenesis“结”在张仲景病机认识中重要性的研究
13.Preliminary Study about Zhang Zhongjing's Jaundice of Etiology and Pathogenesis and Syndromes and Treatment仲景黄疸病病因病机及证治规律初探
14.The arbitration fee shall, in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration, be borne by the losing party.根据仲裁规则,仲裁费用应由败诉方承担。
15.Multi-Party Disputes Arbitration Proceedings in London Maritime Arbitration;伦敦海事仲裁中的多方当事人争议仲裁程序
16."Mr. Shang, look, Tu Chu-chai's on his own. It looks as if Wu Sun-fu won't bite."“仲老,你看,只有杜竹斋一个,光景是荪甫不上钩罢?”
17.Research on BIAO and BEN Functioning of QI Theory in Zhongjing Determination of Treatment Based on Pathogenesis Obtained Through Differentiation of Sympotoms and Signs of the Spleen and Stomach Disease;标本气化理论在仲景脾胃病辨治中的研究
18.Research on ZhongJing s Therapeu Principle of XuZeXingZhi from the Application of ChaiHuLiZhongTang;从柴胡理中汤的论治探讨仲景“虚则行之”辨治法

Zhongjing's small formulae仲景小方
3)Zhang Zhongjings Three Formulas仲景三方
4)Zhongjing yi fang (Zhongjing's Prescriptions)仲景医方
5)Zhongjing Hefa prescription仲景合法方
1.Approach of Application to the Polyidrosis Caused by Diabetes of Classical Prescription of Zhongjing;仲景经方治疗消渴病多汗症的应用探讨
