妇科玉尺,Fuke Yuchi
1)Fuke Yuchi妇科玉尺
1.Discussion on academic thoughts about treatment of infertility and aphoria of Fuke Yuchi妇科玉尺》治疗不孕不育学术思想初探

1.Discussion on academic thoughts about treatment of infertility and aphoria of Fuke Yuchi《妇科玉尺》治疗不孕不育学术思想初探
2.Of or belonging to the Geometridae.尺蠖蛾科的,属于尺蠖蛾科的
3.International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics国际妇科和产科联合会(妇产科联合会)
4.I would like to transfer you to the gynecology (surgery, dermatology, urology department).我要将你转到妇科(外科、皮科、泌尿科)去。
5.They are Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Surgery, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Pediatrics and so on.有内科、外科、妇产科、小儿科等。
6.type genus of the Ammodytidae.玉筋鱼科的一个模式属。
7.Yuhuan Vico Valve & Sanitation Co., Ltd.玉环威科水暖有限公司
8.The Golden Rule is that there are no golden rules.-G. B. Shaw世上并无金科玉律,这就是金科玉律。--萧伯纳
9.color][/b]Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics -妇产科教授协会促进妇科学、产科学和妇女保健方面的教学和研究。
10.The Study of the Dimensional Stability of Cornstalk Particle Prouducts in Die Compaction;玉米秆碎料模压成型制品尺寸稳定性的研究
11.1188 Cases of Married Women Gynecological Census Report;1188例已婚妇女妇科普查分析报告
12.Analysis of General Survey of 24 544 Gynecology Diseases24544名妇女妇科疾病普查情况分析
13.The effected of earthquake for the married women's gynecological diseases in the disaser地震对灾区已婚妇女妇科疾病的影响
14.A class of clothing sizes for girls and slender women.瘦小的女服尺寸适于少女和苗条妇女的一种服装尺寸
15.biomedical engineering in obstetrics and gynaecology妇产科生物医学工程
16.The International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology国际妇科内分泌学会
17.World Association for Gynecological Cancer Prevention世界预防妇科癌症协会
18.ultrasonography in gynecology and obstetrics超声在妇产科的应用

1.Nursing to the Elderly Operation Patients in Gynecology;妇科老年手术患者的护理
2.Nursing Experience during Perioperation with Celoscope in Gynecology;妇科腹腔镜手术前后的护理体会
3.Examples of Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction in Gynecology;血府逐瘀汤妇科运用举隅
1.Clinical value of hormone replacement therapy used in women with gynecological malignancy preoperatively and postoperatively;妇科恶性肿瘤患者手术前后应用HRT的临床研究
2.Perioperative Rational Use of Antibacterial Drugs in Gynecological Surgery: Research and Intervention;妇科围手术期抗菌药物合理应用的调研与干预
3.Analysis the Rational Use of Antimicrobial Drug Used by Gynecological Patients;妇科住院患者抗菌药的药物利用分析
1.Clinical differential diagnosis of gynecological intra-abdominal hemorrhage;妇科腹腔内出血的临床鉴别诊断
2.Clinical analysis of gynecological laparoscopic operation in 60 cases;腹腔镜妇科手术60例临床分析
1.The therapeutic method according to the menstrual cycle has been in the clinical practice of gynaecology for a long time.探讨月经周期用药法在妇科应用的理论依据及在妇科临床中的具体运用 ,认为月经周期用药法是临床医师在妇科临床中必须掌握的一个重要的治疗原则。
6)gynecology and obstetrics妇产科
1.To improve appointment and triage process in B supersonic inspection room of gynecology and obstetrics outpatient department by using Six Sigma Methodology;六西格玛法对妇产科门诊B超室预约分诊流程的改进
2.PBL+LBL Double-track Practice in Gynecology and Obstetrics Teaching;PBL+LBL双轨教学模式在妇产科教学中的应用
3.Application of proteomics in gynecology and obstetrics;蛋白质组学在妇产科领域里的应用

妇科玉尺妇科玉尺 妇产科著作。6卷。清沈金鳌(芊绿)撰。成书于乾隆四十年(1775年)。系《沈氏尊生书》之一种。作者认为取玉尺所刻分寸“坚久不磨”,可以作为衡量、诊断妇女疾病之标准,故以“玉尺”为书名。卷1论求嗣、月经病;卷2论胎前;卷3论临产及小产诸疾;卷4系产后调治;卷5专述崩漏、带下;卷6为妇女杂病证治。每论先述病机,后立治法。强调以脉象变化来辅助诊断妇女诸疾,谓“所言诸病,必按脉切证”。提出妇女“多先为气病,后及血病”的临证见解。现存《沈氏尊生书》本、乾隆年间刻本、《中国医学大成》本等,建国后有排印本。