沈金鳌,Shen Jin'ao
1)Shen Jin'ao沈金鳌
2)The Ao New金鳌新话
1.By the late 15th century,the Chinese fiction collection The Ao New,born as a result of the impact of Shear Lights New,marks the maturity of ancient Korean Peninsula prose-style novels.15世纪后期受《剪灯新话》影响而产生的汉文小说集《金鳌新话》是古代朝鲜半岛散文体小说创作成熟的标识,17世纪后期以来长篇小说的大量产生也深受中国长篇白话小说传入的影响,但在学习、借鉴中国古代小说的同时,古代朝鲜半岛小说在题材内容、思想情感、美学风貌等方面亦有许多开拓和创造,表现出鲜明的民族文化特色,并因此成为朝鲜半岛人民宝贵的文学遗产。

1.A Study on Quyou and His Jiandeng New-story;瞿佑及其《剪灯新话》研究——兼与《金鳌新话》比较
2.The Influence of the Chinese Fiction "Jian Deng Yu Hua" on the Korean Fiction "Jin Ao Xin Hua";论中国小说《剪灯余话》对朝鲜小说《金鳌新话》的影响
3.Tigress walked in a westerly direction and Xiangzi fol- lowed her to the archway ax one end of Beihai Bridge.虎妞往西走,祥子跟到了金鳌玉呜。
4.MERGING INTO PICTURESQUE LANDSCAPES--Design of Golden Beach Hotel, Phase I in Boao Aquapolis,Hai Nan融入如画风景中——海南博鳌水城一期金海岸大酒店设计
6.Study of the Synthesis of Carboxyethylthiosuccinic Acid and a New Detergent with Taking It as Primary Chelating Agent;羧乙基硫代丁二酸的合成及以其为主鳌合剂的新型除垢剂的研究
7.LI Jin-fa: a Dreamer of Poetry;李金发:词的梦想者——新诗白话的诗学实践
8.Boao Forum for Asia Established“博鳌亚洲论坛”正式成立
9.The Guanyin Bodhisattva is fighting against the turtle.观音菩萨正和鳌鱼搏斗。
10.an event which stimulated some comprehensive new strategic thinking.如果这件事能促使人们对新金融战略进行思考的话。
11.Financial innovation and supervisory control in view of system defect--the dialogue between Ba Shu-song and Zhang Ning基于制度缺陷的金融创新与监管——巴曙松与张宁的对话
12.A Bakhtinian Interpretation of The Bloody Case of Steamed Bread as A New Discourse in Contemporary China;当代中国新话语之一——《一个馒头引发的血案》的巴赫金式解读
13.A Speech on Working Conference of Jiangxi Metallurgical Science and Technology & Technological Blaging New Trails;在江西省冶金科技工作暨企业技术创新研讨会上的讲话
14.The first annual conference of the Boao Forum for Asia has opened in the coastal town of Boao on South China's Hainan Island.博鳌亚洲论坛首届年会在中国海南岛的沿海小镇博鳌开幕。
15.In the sea there's a huge legendary turtle.海里有一条传说中的大鳌鱼。
16.Mercedes models boast unrivalled value retention in the used car market梅赛德斯—奔驰轿车保值率独占鳌头
17.Verify that products meet retailer specifications.?煅椴?反锏搅闶凵坦娣端得鳌
18.And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.谒?路?痛笸壬希?忻?醋潘担?蛲踔?酰?蛑髦?鳌

The Ao New金鳌新话
1.By the late 15th century,the Chinese fiction collection The Ao New,born as a result of the impact of Shear Lights New,marks the maturity of ancient Korean Peninsula prose-style novels.15世纪后期受《剪灯新话》影响而产生的汉文小说集《金鳌新话》是古代朝鲜半岛散文体小说创作成熟的标识,17世纪后期以来长篇小说的大量产生也深受中国长篇白话小说传入的影响,但在学习、借鉴中国古代小说的同时,古代朝鲜半岛小说在题材内容、思想情感、美学风貌等方面亦有许多开拓和创造,表现出鲜明的民族文化特色,并因此成为朝鲜半岛人民宝贵的文学遗产。
3)metal-chelating affinity chromatograph(MCAC)金属鳌合层析
4)Aojiang River鳌江
1.Analysis of water environment capacity and total quantity control prediction in Pingyang section of Aojiang River;鳌江平阳段纳污能力分析及总量控制预测
2.Flood forecasting and dispatching decision support system in Aojiang River Basin;鳌江流域洪水预报调度决策支持系统
1.A summary of hydrological calculation on Boao special highway engineering;博鳌水城专用公路工程水文计算综述
2.Study on the Rural Vegetation Resourses on Boao s Dongyu Island,Qionghai City;琼海市博鳌东屿岛植被资源研究
3.Boao,the rapidly developing tourist resort with strong attraction,is now famous at home and abroad for the Boao Asian Forum.以博鳌亚洲论坛为契机迅速发展的位于万泉河河口地区的海南博鳌旅游度假区 ,在海内外享有较高的知名度和旅游吸引力。

沈金鳌沈金鳌 沈金鳌   清代医家(1717-1776年)。字芊绿,号汲门、再平、尊生老人,江苏无锡人。早年习儒,博闻强记,涉猎广博,经史诗文、医卜星算,皆有涉猎。著《尚书随笔》等。至中年,犹屡试不中,遂矢志攻医,于临证各科,均甚精通。又研习《灵》、《素》、仲景之学及仲景以下历代名家,互相参订。后来又勤于著述,先后撰成《脉象统类》、《诸脉主病诗》、《杂病源流犀烛》、《伤寒论纲目》、《妇科玉尺》、《幼科释迷》、《要药分剂》,总其名曰《沈氏尊生书》,内容赅博,论述亦精辟,颇有精辟,颇有影响。现有多种刊本行世。