格致余论,Hezhi Yulun
1)Hezhi Yulun格致余论

1.Discussion on Integration of Sovereign and Minister from Ge Zhi Yu Lun浅谈《格致余论》“君相互感”理论
2.YU Guangzhong s Unique Critical Style “Taking Essay as Comment”;试析余光中“以文为论”的独特评论风格
3.The price is in line with the prevailing market and there is no room for reduction.价格与目前市价一致,没有降价的余地了。
4.On the Influence of Qu Yuan on Yu Guangzhong from the Personality and Poetry从人格、诗作论屈原对余光中的影响
5.Ideal Sets Algebra of P-bounded Distributive Lattice Based on Theory of Residual Lattices基于剩余格理论的P-有界分配格的理想集代数
6.The Thought of Taigu School on Studying Phenomena to Acquire Knowledge;太谷学派的三教心法:“格物致知”释论
7.Probing Into Zhu Xi s Scientific Rational Thought Based on His Doctrine of "to Attain Knowledge by Observing the World";从“格致”论看朱熹的科学理性精神
8.To Attain Knowledge by Investigating Things:Neo-Confucian Epistemology and Aesthetic Concepts of Literature and Art;格物致知:理学认识论与文艺审美观
9.Cultural Personality is Root of Moralization--Commenting on Yu Qiuyu s Proses;文化人格,立德之基——论余秋雨散文的精神旨归
10.The directors debated through the remainder of the morning but failed to reach agreement.早上余下的时间里,董事们争论不休,但始终没有取得一致意见。
11.On Applications of Tactics of "Control and Counter-control" in Police s Fistfight;论“致人而不致于人”谋略思想在警察格斗中的运用
12.Basic patterns:profoundness,graveness,mellowness and elegance--Discussion on prose style of Wang Chonglv;深邃冷峻清醇雅致的本调——王充闾散文风格论
13.The Analysis of Heidegger s Two Kinds of Productive Thoughts and the Uniformity;海德格尔两种生成论思维及其一致性解读
14.Exquisiteness in Magnificence--on Hemingway s artistic style;雄阔中的精致——论海明威创作的艺术风格
15.Wang Chuanshan’s Inheritance and Development to Zhuxi’s Theory in “The Extension of Knowledge Through the Investigation of Things”;王船山对朱子格物致知论的继承与发展
16.Trial Remark on the Consistency and Significance of Hegel s Philosophy System and Method;试论黑格尔哲学体系与方法的一致性及其意义
17.More than 200 resuers were killed by the aftershocks in Mianyang on May 19.绵阳19日余震致200余名抢险队员遇难.
18.On Cultural Personality of Yu Qiuyu s Proses;浅论余秋雨散文的文化人格——从《文化苦旅》、《山居笔记》谈起

Gezhi theory格致论
1.The differences lie in Liqi theory,Xinxing theory and Gezhi theory.清初理学与宋明理学相比已具有多方面的差异,这主要表现在:理气论上,清代理学更强调理气无先后, 把气提升到与理同等重要的地位;心性论上,认为气质是人性的重要来源,要求从气质上观性而不是像程朱理学那样从天理上观性;格致论上,强调格“事”、“物”之理,将儒家一切认识和实践活动的落脚点建立在“事理”之上。
3)wind-driven and tide-induced Lagrangian residual circulation风驱-潮致拉格朗日余流
1.Numerical simulation on the wind-driven and tide-induced Lagrangian residual circulation and its seasonal spatial-temporal variations in the Bohai Sea;渤海风驱-潮致拉格朗日余流的数值模拟与季相时空变异
4)Congruence Relations of Lattice Theory格论中的同余关系
5)co-residuated lattice余剩余格
1.Ideals and embedding theorem of co-residuated lattices;余剩余格的理想和嵌入定理

格致余论格致余论 医论著作。元朱震亨撰于至正七年(1347年)。1卷。朱氏云:“古人以医为吾濡格物致知之一事。”遂以《格致余论》为书名。全书共41篇医论,着重阐述“阳常有余,阴常不足”的医理。朱氏治病长于应用滋阴降火以及和血疏郁、导痰行滞等法,诊法中尤重脉诊,其医论多附治案。现有多种刊本。