王宏翰,Wang Honghan
1)Wang Honghan王宏翰
1.When the first Western Culture Propagation to the East from the end of Ming Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty,Wang Honghan is the first Chinese doctor who accepted the western medicine knowledge.明末清初第一次西学东渐时,王宏翰是第一位接受西方医学思想的中医医家。

1.Western Learning Infiltration Reflected in The Views of Meridian in the Book Yixue Yuanshi Written by WANG Hong-han《医学原始》王宏翰经脉观之西学渗透现象
2.that of John Lackland?无采邑王约翰⑧的呢?
3.You might curb your magnanimity(John Keats.你可以收敛一下你的宽宏大量(约翰 济慈)。
4.There is no certified ranking in Wang's amazing vocal ability.王力宏无与伦比的声音目前没有评比。
5."How much do I owe this gracious prince!我对这位宽宏慈悲的国王是感恩载德!
6.Lee-Hom Wang won Metro Radio Producer.王力宏获得新城电台最佳作词者。
7.And for the moment, Leehom seems to have hit the jackpot.而此时,王力宏似乎压对宝、投对资了!
8.On Hu Hong s Criticisms of Wang Anshi s Explanations on Confucian Classics and;胡宏对王安石经说及《周礼》的批评
9.Symbol of Water:Heterogeneous Beauty in the Essays by YUAN Dao-hong and WANG Si-ren;水之喻:袁宏道、王思任小品文的异质美
10.“Xing and the Dao of Heaven” difference Between HuHong refutes WangAnShi;论胡宏与王安石“性与天道”观差别
11.The statue of King John is in the centre of the square .约翰国王的塑像坐落在广场的中心。
12.Mr Johnson went to pay his court to the king.约翰逊先生去向国王献殷勤。
13.the charter given to English barons by King John in 1215.1215年约翰国王颁发给英国男爵的宪章。
14.John was clearly insane; always declaring that he was the king of the world.约翰总说自己是世界之王,显然是疯了。
15.King John subscribed to Magna Carta in 1215.1215年约翰国王在大宪章上签了名。
16."Sihon, king of the amorites, and Og, king of Bashan, and all the kingdoms of Canaan;"就是亚摩利王西宏,和巴珊王噩,并迦南一切的国王,
17.Mr. John Smith was knighted by the Queen and became Sir John Smith.约翰·史密斯先生被女王封为爵士, 成了约翰·史密斯爵士。
18."For Heshbon was the town of Sihon, king of the amorites, who had made war against an earlier king of Moab and taken from him all his land as far as the arnon."这希实本是亚摩利王西宏的京城。西宏曾与摩押的先王争战,从他手中夺取了全地,直到亚嫩河。

Wang Han王翰
1.Qiang Minority Poet Wang Han and the Creation of His Poem;论党项羌人王翰及其诗歌创作
3)My name is John Wang.我叫王约翰。
4)This is John Wang speaking.我是约翰.王。
5)WANG Hongjia王宏甲
1.The Study of WANG Hongjia s Reportage;论王宏甲的报告文学创作
6)Wɑng Hongkun王宏坤(1909~  )

王宏翰王宏翰 王宏翰   清代医学家(17世纪)。字惠源,号浩然子。先世本为华亭(今属上海市),后迁至姑苏(今江苏苏州)。初习儒,博通经史,天文地理,无所不精。适值西方医学传教士来华,王氏信仰天主教,且因母病,又攻读医学。常以儒家性理之说,结合西医之学,互相发明,实较早期之中医汇通派医家,其所著颇多,于医史、药物、临床等方面,均有著述。其中《医学原始》、《古今医史》、《古今医籍志》、《四诊脉鉴大全》、《急救良方》、《方药统例》、《本草性能纲目》、《女科机要》、《儿科机要》等,部分已佚或未见刊行。