1.Breast cancer pathogenesis of stagnation of phlegm,poison and blood stasis:rationale and clinical application in traditional Chinese medicine;试论乳腺癌痰毒瘀结病机的理论基础与临床应用
2.To Differentiate Syndrome and Ascertain Pathogenesis by Analogizing from the Similarity of the Appearances of the Diseases and Natural Phenomena——briefly discuss the essence of pathogenesis of the six endopathogens in Huangdi Neijing;取象比类 辨证审机——简论《内经》六气病机的实质内涵

1.Of or relating to pathogenesis.病原的发病机理的,与发病机理有关的
2.The development of a diseased or morbid condition.发病机制疾病或生病状态的产生原因
3.Pathogen Identification and Mechanism Study of Ginger Laipi Disease;生姜癞皮病病原鉴定及发病机理研究
4.Studies on the Pathogenesis and Disease Control of the Septobasidium Felts of Castanea Mollissima;板栗膏药病致病机理及病害控制研究
5.The Role of Megsin in the Pathogenesis of Diabetic NephropathyMegsin在糖尿病肾病发病机制中的作用
6.Preliminary Study about Zhang Zhongjing's Jaundice of Etiology and Pathogenesis and Syndromes and Treatment仲景黄疸病病因病机及证治规律初探
7.Pathogenesis of Diabetic Vasculopathy in Traditional Chinese Medicine糖尿病血管病变的中医病机理论诠释
8.Discussion on Pathogenesis of Senile Dementia with the Theory of Yangming Disease从阳明病变论述老年呆病的发病机
9.Etiology and Pathogenesis of Diabetic Neurovascular Complications糖尿病血管神经并发症病因病机分析
10.Exploration into Ancient Literature on TCM Causa Morbi and Mechanism of Anal and Enteric Diseases中医肛肠病病因、病机的古文献探析
11.Study of the Serum Biomarker Identification and the Pathogenesis Mechanism of Diabetic Nephropathy;糖尿病肾病血清标记物的筛选及发病机制研究
12.A Critical Role for Neuroinflammation in the Pathogenesis of Parkinson's Disease: The Etiology and Cellular Molecular Mechanism;脑内炎症介导的帕金森病:病因和发病机制研究
13.Investigate on the Clinical Pathogeny and Pathogenesis Research in Syndrome of the Febrible Due to Phlegm of Cerebral Disease;中医脑病痰热证病因病机研究及其临床调研
14.Studies on Chili Pepper Virus Diease and Antivirus Diease Mechanism in Shannxi Province;陕西线辣椒病毒病毒原鉴定及抗病机理研究
15.Molecular Identification of the Pathogen and Mechanism of Pathogenesis of the Black-spot Disease on Zizyphus Jujuba cv. Dongzao;冬枣黑点病病原物分子鉴定与致病机理初探
16.Clinical Survey of Original Symptoms and Signs and Study of Pathogenesis of TCM of Type 2 Diabetes;2型糖尿病初发证候调查与发病病机研究
17.Analysis of Lipid Metabolic Products of Diabetic Nephropathy and Study on Pathogenic Mechanism;糖尿病肾病脂代谢产物分析及致病机制研究
18.The Role of NG2 Proteoglycan Involved in the Pathogenesis of Diabetic Nephropathy;NG2蛋白多糖在糖尿病肾病发病机制中的作用

1.This paper presents an exploration of the etiology of chronic obstruct ive lung diseases.通过有关文献复习和总结老中医经验,探讨了慢性阻塞性肺疾病的病机,认为上实下虚是主要病机,体质虚弱、免疫功能低下是病变基础。
2.From the basic treating theories, therapy, Chinese medicine and related modern documents to investigate the aging etiology for internal viscera s deficiency and discuss the clinical anti-aging experiments.为了探讨衰老的五脏虚衰病机及临床抗衰老经验,本文从理法方药及现代文献等方面进行深入研究。
3.With abundant medical experience,rich theories of TCM on hiccup were accumulated,including etiology,pathogenesis, syndrome differentiation,treatment,preventive measures,nursing,healing,and so on.病机主要为胃失和降,胃气上逆动膈。
3)etiology and pathogenesis病因病机
1.Analysis of etiology and pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis;多发性硬化的病因病机探讨
2.Etiology and pathogenesis of chronic fatigue syndrome research progress of chinese and western medicine慢性疲劳综合征病因病机中西医方面的研究进展
3.Its etiology and pathogenesis is composed of congenital deficiency,impairment of the brain due to heat,irregular emotion,attack in the brain,heat-toxin attacking the center and lack of marrowsea.其病因病机为先天不足,邪热犯脑,情志失调,颅脑损伤,毒邪入中,髓海不足;病位在脑,病性本虚标实,因实致虚,以虚为主;其气血亏虚,痰瘀阻窍,神明闭阻贯穿始终。
1.Discussion of cause of disease and pathogenesis of vasomotor dysfunction of permenopausal period syndrome绝经期综合征血管舒缩功能失调病因病机探讨
2.At present,teaching of pathogenesis for Chinese internal medicine is a traditional one with professional word explanations as well as static text-based images.目前对于中医内科病因病机的教学多以传统的专业性文字介绍以及静止的图片展示为主,本动画课件的制作希望能把中医教学中的病因病机生动直观、形象具体地展现出来,使人印象深刻,使教学变得易学、易懂、易掌握。
3.To overview the research contents of cause and pathogenesis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome through analyzing the related documents .通过对近年来相关文献的分析与总结,就慢性疲劳综合征的中医病因病机及中医辨证论治等方面的研究进展进行了综述,强调辨证论治在防治慢性疲劳综合征中的重要作用,并为今后临床辨证治疗慢性疲劳综合征提出了新的思路。
5)Etiological factors and pathogenesis病因病机
1.Discussion on etiological factors and pathogenesis of psoriasis vulgaris;寻常型银屑病病因病机探讨
2.It is consider that attack of the evil-poison is the mainly etiological factors and pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis.阐释了类风湿关节炎的发病、进展、关节筋骨侵蚀破坏和正气耗损等皆与邪毒的致病特点密切相关,认为邪毒侵袭是类风湿关节炎的主要病因病机,指出在治疗类风湿关节炎的全程中,应在辨证的前提下将祛毒贯穿于治法和方药之中。
6)pathogenic factors and pathogenesis病因病机
1.On the basis of the theory and therapeutic principle in Synopsis of Pre scriptions of the Golden Chamber for treating retention of phlegm and fluid,the author in this article has discussed the pathogenic factors and pathogenesis,pat hogenic characteristics and therapeutic method.以《金匮要略》痰饮的理论及治疗原则为依据,从痰饮产生的病因病机、痰饮致病的特点和痰饮的治法等三方面对痰饮病进行探讨,痰饮的产生主要由于肺脾肾三脏功能失调;其致病具有阳虚阴盛、证候繁杂、易兼夹其他病邪的特点。
2.They have been reviewed from pathogenic factors and pathogenesis,theory wi th sundeome differeniation,and the curent situation of the investigation etc.从病因病机、辨证论治以及研究现状等方面进行归纳。
3.s: According to the relevant contents of blood stasis in NeiJing China, this article summarized the pathogenic factors and pathogenesis of blood stasis into endopathic factors and its pathogenesis, exopathic factors and its pathogenesis and compound factors resulting in blood stasis.根据《内经》中有关血瘀的内容,将血瘀病因病机归纳为内因及其病机、外因及其病机和复合因素致瘀,外因包括外邪及外伤,内因包括情志、久病、年老、饮食不节、气津运行失常。
