千金翼方,Wings of the Thousand Gold Pieces Formulary
1)Wings of the Thousand Gold Pieces Formulary千金翼方
2)Thousand Golden Prescriptions千金方
1.Discussion on the contribution of Thousand Golden Prescriptions to the art of tuina;论《千金方》对推拿学的贡献

1.Comparative Studies on Regimens between Canon of Medicine by Avicenna and QianJinFang by Sun Simiao;阿维森纳《医典》与孙思邈《千金方》养生思想的比较研究
2.The Medical Psychology in 《Qian Jin Yao Fang》(A Collection of Ancient Key Gynaecological Prescriptions);论《千金要方》中的医学心理学思想
3.The Textual Criticism between "Bei Ji Ben" and "Newly Carved Edition" of 《Qian Jin Yao Fang》;《千金要方》备急本与新雕本方剂文献异同考
4.The Master Jin Chengze pass three big ordination and the followers more than 1000.金诚泽方丈连传三坛大戒,戒子超过千余人。
5.Research on Pharmacokinetics of Formula Compatibility of Huanglian Bolus;千金黄连丸方剂配伍的药代动力学研究
6.In order to make up for deficiencies in investment funds, Guangdong Province has tried every possible means to attract foreign capital.为了弥补资金投入的不足,广东省还千方百计引进外资。
7.Influence of Modified Qianjin Huanglian Pill on Pancreas of Mice with Insulin Resistance千金黄连丸加味方对胰岛素抵抗小鼠胰腺的影响
8.Effect of Qianjin Huanglian pill on kidney in insulin resistance mice千金黄连丸加味方对胰岛素抵抗小鼠肾脏的影响
9.Good words are worth much and cost little.好话不花钱,一句值千金
10.Let me congratulate you on the birth of your daughter.我祝贺你喜获千金。
11.Mr. Wang has two daughters.王先生有两位千金小姐。
12."THAT'S got the hall-mark on it!""这话才是字字千金哪!
13.invaluaBle paintings千金难买的绘画作品
14.In study concentration is required for every character understood is worth a thousand pieces of gold.读书须用意,一字值千金
15.Hearty congratulations arrival of new daughter.喜得千金,谨此祝贺。
16.Trampling on the precious child of a ducal mansion."作践的,公府千金似下流."
17.To understand the classics clearly, is a far Better achievement than the amassing of wealth积金千两,不如明解经书
18.IN THE 1960s, impoverished Asia was starved of capital while the West had tons of it sitting idle.在二十世纪60年代,贫困的亚洲国家都缺乏资金而同时西方却有成千百万的闲于资金。

Thousand Golden Prescriptions千金方
1.Discussion on the contribution of Thousand Golden Prescriptions to the art of tuina;论《千金方》对推拿学的贡献
3)Qianjin Yaofang千金要方
1.Characteristics of Pattern Identification and Treatment of Visceral Diseases in Qianjin Yaofang;《千金要方》内科脏腑病证辨治特点
2.According to seven features of compatibility in preface of fragment of Bencaojing Jizhu(Annotation of Materia Medica),Qianjin Yaofang(Valuable Prescriptions for emergencies) and Zhenglei Bencao(Classi ed Materia Medica),the di erences among these three books and the transformation of seven features of compatibility are investigated.借助《本草经集注》(简称《集注》)残卷、《千金要方》(简称《千金)》和《重修政和经史证类备用本草》(简称《证类》)3书序录中药七情内容,考察3书异同和七情传变。
4)《Qian Jin Yao Fang》 of Song Dynasty Edition《千金要方》宋校本
1.Study on the Similarities and Differences between 《Qian Jin Yao Fang》 of Song Dynasty Edition and of Newly Carved Edition;《千金要方》宋校本与新雕本篇次篇题异同考
5)《Qian Jin Yao Fang》of Newly Carved Edition《千金要方》新雕本
6)Valuable Prescriptions for Emergency备急千金要方
1.Valuable Prescriptions for Emergency: A Brief Introduction to and Comments on Its Content on Various Wind Diseases;《备急千金要方》诸风病证述略及讨论
