1.The appraisal of fifty-five years research works on BAI Ju-yi;50年白居易研究著作述评
2.The appraisal of fifty years research works on HANYu;五十年韩愈研究著作述评

1.A work recognized as definitive in its field.经典著作在某领域内最有权威的著作
2.On the Copyright of Ma’s Grammar(马氏文通);从《著作权法》谈《马氏文通》的著作权问题
3.Discussion of the Copyright Restriction--thinking on new copyright law;论著作权限制——新著作权法解读思考
4.Restriction of "Law of Authorship" on Authorship;析我国新《著作权法》对著作权的限制
5.(of a literary work)published after its author's death(指著作)作者死后出版的
6.It is the most famous modern work about dreams.这是一本最著名的关于梦的现代著作
7.A Legal Plaint of My Own Monographs--Correction to Some Monographs in the Textually Research on Qing Poems;拙著自讼——几种清诗研究著作订正
8."Work" means the copyrightable work of authorship offered under the terms of this License."本著作"意指在本合约之条款下所提供可受著作权保护之著作
9.This book will appear in parts这部著作将分册出版。
10.He ranges with great writers.他与大著作家并驾齐驱。
11.He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他接连发表一系列著作
12.The bible of French cooking.法式烹饪的权威著作
13.I have philosophical writings of Sartre.我有沙特的哲学著作
14.Selections of Marx and Lenin's Classic Works ?马列经典著作选读(二)
15.feign authorship of a novel.See Synonyms at pretend冒充小说的著作人参见
16.Moliere: His Life and His Works莫里哀的生平及著作
17.Assignment of a patent or of a copyright专利或著作权的让与
18.He is emending classical authors.他在校勘古典著作

1.Reviewing for five books about scientometrics in China;述评我国的五部科学计量学著作
2.1985-1990 was the primary stage,in which the Journal of Henan University initiated the column of "The Research on the Subject of Compiling",published a great number of articles and books on this field which were equally original in China;the university firstly recruited postgraduates of this major in China.这一时期,河南大学学报首创了“编辑学研究”栏目,在全国率先招收编辑学硕士研究生,发表了一大批编辑学研究文章,出版了第一批编辑学著作
3.He wrote a lot of books in his life covering different cultural levels of the study of Confucian Classics,history,textual criticism on inscriptions on bronze ware and tablets,local chronicles,poems etc.一生著述宏富 ,著作涉及经学、史学、金石考据、方志、诗文等不同文化层面 ,具有丰富文化内涵。
1.The work Xiao Yong-ping On Conflict of Laws written by Professor Xiao Yong-ping is excellent particularly.肖永平教授的力作《肖永平论冲突法》一书具有独特的学术研究价值,结构编排推陈出新,理论创新高屋建瓴,研究方法具有综合性,是近年来阐释冲突法学说的同类著作中的出类拔萃之作,颇具可读性。
2.Moreover, it has many new ideas and creations, so it is a creative academic works with special characteristics.祁连休的著作《智谋与妙趣———中国机智人物故事研究》资料翔实,内容丰富,多视野、多方面、多层次地对中国机智人物故事的历史渊源、思想意义、艺术特色、结构形态、人物形象、故事类型等方面进行了探讨,论述全面严谨,并大胆冲破理论禁区,在许多方面有创新和突破,是一部富有特色的开创性的学术著作
1.The compilation and translation of Marxist classics is a most important approach to publicize Marxism.马克思主义经典著作的编译出版,是宣传马克思主义理论的重要方式。
1.A Ponder on Issues Relevant to Copyright Collective Management System;著作权集体管理制度若干问题的研究
2.Look at the question of co-authors copyright from the writers who put on their articles on the college paper;从学报载文作者看合作作者的著作权问题
3.The Problems of Copyright That the Library Will Face Under the Environment of Network;网络环境下图书馆面临的著作权问题
1.Note: The Institutions of Restriction to the Copyrights in Chinese Copyright Act;试论我国著作权法中的权利限制制度
2.A Study on the Verification of Computer Software Copyrights Infringement, and Related Damages and Compensation Issues;论计算机软件著作权侵权的认定及其损害赔偿问题
3.Meanwhile,it is detrimental to the traditional copyright industry,which poses new challenges to the legal protection of copyrights.互联网信息共享为公众分享知识产品提供了极大的便利,但也对传统的版权产业造成了极大的冲击,同时对著作权法律保护提出了新的挑战。

著作  见撰述。