1.Cancerous toxin is the key pathogenic factor of malignant tumor;“癌”是恶性肿瘤之根本

1.Not poisonous or toxic.无的无性的
2.relapse [ex-drug addict]重染癖〔戒者〕
3.The process of detoxifying.解,除过程,除去素的过程
4.It has the power to resist poison (the effects of poison).它能抗(抵抗的作用)。
5.adeno-associated satellite virus腺病伴随卫星病
6.Set a thief to catch a thief.[谚]以贼捉贼(以)。
7.XD strain of virus X病X中的XD
8.an antidote for snakebite;蛇咬伤的解药;
9.not producing or resulting from poison.不生产的或不中的。
10.toxoid-antitoxin floccule(TAF)类素抗素絮状物
11.this poison is a thousand-fold more toxic.这种性非常大。
12.having the qualities or effects of a poison.有性或有的影响。
13.common cold virus感冒病[归于鼻病属]
14.A toxic condition;toxic hepatitis.中状况,中性肝炎
15.A drug addict.吸鬼吸上瘾的人
16.Executive Anti-Drug Trafficking Unit打击贩执行股(禁股)
17.Believed to be addicts or trafficker;据认为是吸或贩者;
18.toxoid-antitoxoid mixture(TAM)类素抗类素合剂

1.Analysis on mechanism of atherosclerosis from poison;从论治动脉粥样硬化初探
2.To discuss the source,the cause,the mechanism,the clinical manifestation and the treatments of poison in Doctrine of Epidemic Febrile Disease.对温病学“”的来源、病因、病机、表现及治疗等方面进行探讨,认为“”是一个综合性的概念,要依据不同的情况来理解其含义,并采用相应的治疗。
3.It is firstly necessary to gain a clear idea and search of Chinese character (du,poison) for studying toxicologica! history of Chinese ancient.研究中国古代物史,首先遇到的便是「」字。
3)botulinum toxin肉毒毒素
1.Botulinum toxin A for treatment of spasms of masticatory muscles:long-term follow-up results;A型肉素治疗咀嚼肌群痉挛的远期疗效分析
2.The application of Evolution united to Botulinum Toxin for correction of facial wrinkle;伊凡露联合肉素在面部除皱术中的应用
3.The effect of botulinum toxin type A on muscle spasticity;肉素A对肌肉痉挛患者功能康复的作用
1.Progress in Research on Methods for Determination of Bioactivity of Clostridium botulinum Toxin and Pathogenic Diagnosis of Botulism肉素生物学活性及肉病原检测方法的研究进展
2.Botulinum neurotoxin(BoNT),which produced by anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum ,is a protein toxin that causes the most severe form of food poisoning, called botulism.BoNT可引起严重的人类食物中 ,称为肉 (botulism)。
5)botulinum neurotoxin肉毒毒素
1.A completely synthetic gene encoding the Hc domain of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin serotype A(AHc,1287bp,429aa,~50kD)was constructed with oligonucleotides.对A型肉素受体结合区Hc基因的全序列进行优化和人工合成,获得了全长1287bp,编码429aa的Hc基因。
2.Botulinum neurotoxin is a type of neural paralysis toxin of great toxicity known to science and it can cause botulism both in humans and animals.肉素是自然界中性极强的一类神经麻痹素,可引起人类和动物肉
3.Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) produced by Clostridium botulinum, is a multimeric molecule composed of seven serotypes that have been assigned the letters A through G according to its antigenicity and BoNT/A, B, E are responsible for most of human botulism.肉素(Botulinum toxin)是由肉梭菌(Clostridium botulinum)产生的一种具有神经性的蛋白质外素,也称肉神经素(Botulinum neurotoxin,BoNT),共分A~G 7个血清型。
1.The Role of HN Protein in Virulence and Tissue Tropism of Newcastle Disease Virus;新城疫病HN蛋白在病力和组织嗜性中的作用

毒毒 毒   ①外界致病的邪气。《素问·生气通天论》:“虽有大风苛毒,弗之能害。”   ②指毒物。《素问·征四时论》:“诊病不问其始,忧患饮食之失节,起居之过度,或伤于毒。”   ③指药物的偏性,或峻厉猛劣之性。亦指代药物。《素问·五常政大论》:“大毒治病,十去其六,常毒治病,十去其七。”   ④用峻猛的药物治疗。《素问·六元正纪大论》:“妇人重身,毒之何如?”   ⑤酷烈,凶狠。《灵枢经·叙》:“不读医书,又非世业,杀人尤毒于梃刃。”