1.Approaching the History,Tasting the Tradition,Experiencing the Life The Exploiture of Mawangdui Chinese Ecotypic Han Dynasty City Tentative Plan;走进历史,感受人文,体验生活——马王堆中华生态古汉城开发设想
2.A New Interpretation of Hunting Images on a Lacquered Cosmetic Box Excavated from the Mawangdui Tomb;马王堆锥画漆奁盒上的狩猎纹图像解读

1.ancient maps unearthed from a tomb of the Han Dynasty马王堆出土的西汉地图
2.On the character of "Ma" in Xi Ci copied on silk again;再论马王堆帛书《系辞》中的“马”
3.The Study of the Phonetic Loan Characters of Silk Book One Excavated from Ancient Tombs of Han Dynasty in Ma Wangdui;《马王堆汉墓帛书[壹]》假借字研究
4.A Study of the Characters of Folk Forms Written on Silk Books Excavared from Ancient Tombs of Han Dynasty in Ma Wangdui;《马王堆汉墓帛书》“肆”俗字研究
5.The Anatomy of Movement to Alleviate the Pain in the Back in Index Picture1 from Mawangdui Han Dynasty Tombs;对马王堆导引图中引腰痛动作的剖析
6.Ancient Verb-complement Structure Reflected in the Silk Book in Mawangdui Han Dynasty Tomb;《马王堆汉墓帛书》所反映的上古动补式
7.Review of China s Han Dynasty s "Bamboo Civilization" From Ma Wang Dui Tomb;从马王堆看中国汉代的“竹子文明”
8.The theoretical basis for bedroom art in Mawang Boshu Dui texts (1);马王堆帛书房中术的理论依据(上)
9.Discussed on the Unearthed Medical Books from Ma Wang Dui Tomb of the Han Dynasty and the Times of Huang Di Nei Jing Compiled马王堆出土医书与《黄帝内经》成书上限
10.Social Nature of Lao Tsu′s Ideal State Reflecting by His Silk Manuscript from Mawangtui;从马王堆帛书《老子》看老子理想王国的社会属性
11.Packaging Design Idea of Lacquerware in Han Tombs at Mawangdui马王堆汉墓日用漆器中的包装设计理念
12.Notes of Collation & Annotation on the Four Lost Ancient Essays at the Beginning of the Silk Manuscripts (Text B) of Laotzu in the Han Tomb No.3 at Ma-wang-tui;《马王堆汉墓帛书》(《老子》乙本卷前古佚书)校读札记
13.A New Interpretation of Hunting Images on a Lacquered Cosmetic Box Excavated from the Mawangdui Tomb;马王堆锥画漆奁盒上的狩猎纹图像解读
14.The Map of "Garrison Forces" Found in Han Tomb at Mawangdui Having to be Renamed as "the Administrative Map of Jiandao";论马王堆汉墓“驻军图”应正名为“箭道封域图”
15.To view the complexity in the fonnadon of the ancient books by the Yizhuan copied on silk excavated in Ma-Wang-dui;由马王堆帛书易传看古书形成的复杂性
16.The Reading Notes of Mawangdun Han Tombs Silk Book;《马王堆汉墓帛书·〈老子〉乙本卷前古佚书》校读札记
17.On the political dialectic ideas in the four Taoist books found in the Mawangdui tomb;论马王堆四种黄老帛书中的政治辩证法思想
18.An Analysis of the Credibility of the Late Book of Shang Shu: Based on the Investigation of the Guodian Findings and the mawangdui Silk Boo ks;从郭店楚简和马王堆帛书论“晚书”的真伪

Han Tombs at Mawangdui马王堆汉墓
1.Packaging Design Idea of Lacquerware in Han Tombs at Mawangdui;马王堆汉墓日用漆器中的包装设计理念
2.The Design Research on Lacquerware in Han Tombs at Mawangdui;马王堆汉墓漆器设计研究
3)silk manuscripts from Mawangdui马王堆帛书
4)female carcass from Mawangdui马王堆女尸
1.The raiment of the eighteenth layer by the female carcass from Mawangdui is not"Mao",but"Qin"the same as that of the eighth layer.马王堆女尸所裹的第十八层服饰不是"冒",它同第八层服饰一样,同为""。
5)Culture of Ma Wangdui马王堆文明
6)Mawangdui Maps马王堆地图

长沙马王堆《西汉帛画》  1972年出土于中国湖南长沙马王堆 1号汉墓的西汉彩绘帛画。帛画呈丁字形,长205厘米,上宽92厘米,下宽47.7厘米,下边的四角缀有飘带。帛画描绘内容分为三部分:上部代表天上,以人首蛇身的女娲像为中心,以两条巨龙将画面罨开,右上画金乌、太阳,左上画月、蟾,中下画守卫天门的帝阍与神豹等,俨然一幅神话传说中的天国景象。中部代表人间,以墓主人为中心内容,布画奴婢、属吏、蛟龙、神兽、瑞云等景物;中下画祭祀图事,祀祝死者升天。下部代表地下,正中画一力士手托表示大地的白色扁平物,又画海水中的动植物等。全画主要色彩为朱、黄、黑、白等色,人物、景物用墨线细描,又加上彩色。内容丰富复杂,构图繁复而巧妙,充分表现了汉代帛画的艺术水平。    汉代以前的中国绢帛绘画作品没有传世之作,只有数件发掘出的帛画,如1949年在湖南长沙陈家大山楚墓中发掘出《人物夔凤帛画》(战国),1973年清理发掘长沙城东子弹库楚墓,出土了 《御龙人物帛画》 (战国),1974年马王堆 3号墓出土了4幅 《西汉帛画》,1976年在山东临沂金雀山 9号墓出土了《金雀山帛画》。这些帛画的出土可以补充中国绘画史上早期绘画作品的不足,其中尤以马王堆 1号墓的《西汉帛画》最为珍贵。