1.The relation between Bi-syndrome and modern immunology was explored from the different aspects concerning its causes, therapeutic principles and prescription application, which proved the effect of such prescriptions as reinforcing the kidney-essence, nourishing qi and blood and regulating yin and yang.从痹证的发病原因 ,治疗原则 ,选方用药等不同方面 ,探讨其与现代免疫学之间的关系 ,证实选用补肾精 ,益气血 ,调阴阳的方药具有一定的疗效。
2.Objective:To observe effects of various Chinese medicinal prescriptions on Glu、SOD、MDA in cerebral tissues in model mice with vascular dementia and explore their action mechanism.目的 :观察不同治则方药对实验性血管性痴呆小鼠脑组织Glu、SOD、MDA的影响 ,探讨其作用机制。
3.This research paper systemizes, on the relatively comprehensive basis, the research on his primary academic ideas, which includes 6 aspects, say, 1) comprehensively preventing diabetes, giving priority to prevention, actively universalizing the scientific knowledge of diabetes prevention as well as stressing administering prescriptions according to the dif.本论文较全面系统地整理和研究了他的主要学术思想,有六个方面,即:综合防治糖尿病,强调以预防为主,积极开展糖尿病防治知识科普和突出中医特色辨证分型用药;倡补肾活血法防治老年病、脑病,如筛选药物研制脑力苏胶囊治疗血管性痴呆;力主把伤寒和温病的理法方药辨证结合起来治疗外感热病,认为伤寒赅括温病,伤寒和温病学是继承和发展的关系,寒温应结合以创立新的外感热病治疗学;临证处方用药强调基本技能,重视方药剂量和煎服法,讲究药物口感以保护胃气、相互替用避免病人之不适,治外感热病和中风急性期扶正祛邪并用,吸收现代医学成果、注意中草药毒副作用,掌握应用得当,使用毒剧中药胆大心细,推陈出新,根据脏腑生理特点用药,规矩巧用,内伤杂病组方常效法《伤寒论》“泻心汤”原理);通常达变、审因论治,师古而不泥其法,理论和实践紧密结合;注重心理医学,强调医生应努力学习医学心理学知识,重视临床心理治疗。

1.There are two major types of medicines: over the counter and prescription.药分两大类,不需处方的药和处方药
2.Research about Rx-to-OTC Strategy of NS Medicine;处方药NS转非处方药营销策略研究
3.Take it to the chemist's.你拿到药方去配药。
4.You can have it filled at pharmacy.你可以到药方去配药了。
5.The pharmacist made up the prescription.药剂师按处方配了药.
6.Take this prescription to the dispensary for your medicine.把这张药方拿到配药处去配药。
7.I'll give you a prescription and you can get your medicine from a pharmacy.我会写药方给你,你可以到药房配药。
8.Take this prescription to the chemist 's and then go straight to bed .把这药方拿到配药处去配药。
9.The druggist filled the doctor's prescription.药剂师按这张医生的药方配药。
10.Yes, you do have the flu. Take this prescription to the dispensary for your medicine.对,您的确是流感,拿这张药方到药房配药。
11.A store where prescriptions are filled and drugs and other articles are sold.杂货店照药方配药,出售药品和其它杂货的商店
12.Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Square--Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Therapeutic Effect of Coronary Heart NoⅡ Decoction;方剂治疗药物监测——冠心Ⅱ号临床药动、药效监测
13.The Study of the Manipulator Accessing Medicine Route;中药配方颗粒自动发药机取药路径研究
14.Disscussion on Teaching Methods of Drug Synthetic Reactions for Chinese Medicinal Pharmaceutical Engineering Speciality;中药制药专业《药物合成反应》教学方法探讨
15.The mechanism of quinolones resistance and treatment regimens喹诺酮类药物耐药机制及临床用药方案
16.Application of Serum Pharmacochemistry for Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Studies of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Complex Prescription中药血清化学在中药及中药复方研究中的应用
17.Take this prescription to your local chemist's.拿这张处方到附近的药房配药。
18.Can I have it refilled?这张药方可以再来配药吗?

1.Comparative Study on the Effects of Preventing and Treating Mice s Analog Vascular Dementia Caused by Ischemia-reperfusion by Applying Prescriptions Prescribed According to Different Grouping of Invigorating the Kidney, Promoting Blood Flow and Dissipating Phlegm;补肾、活血、化痰三法的不同配伍方药对小鼠脑缺血再灌注拟血管性痴呆防治作用的比较研究
2.Purpose: To study the effects of different therapeutic principles and prescriptions on the learning and memorizing behavior of the experimental vascular dementia rat.目的 :研究不同治则方药对实验性血管性痴呆小鼠学习记忆行为的影响。
3.Research on the Character of Making Prescriptions and Selecting Herbs of Central Treasury Canon;本文通过文献研究与中医方剂学现代研究方法相结合,以《中藏经》中卷、下卷所载方药为研究对象,从各种不同的角度对书中所载方药进行分类统计,总结出其特点。
1.The process of concocting Traditional Chinese Medicine influences the prescription,so concocting and curative effect of prescription should be combined closely.药物的炮制影响药方,炮制要与药方的疗效紧密结合。
2.Although Bataille has never definitely brought forward any project to resist the homogeneous world, eroticism was undoubtedly seemed as the prescription for the maladies of the homogeneous world.虽然巴塔耶从未明确提出过反抗同质性世界的行动纲领,但色情无疑属于巴塔耶疗救同质性世界弊病的药方。
6)to fill a prescription按药方抓药

病理方药汇参病理方药汇参 参见《寿康之路》。