1.Discussion on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diarrhea from the Viewpoint of the 159th Item in Treatise on Febrile Diseases;从《伤寒论》第159条谈下利的证治思路
2.The basic pathological mechanism and administering of medicine based on syndromes differentiation of diarrhea in Shan Han Lun is analyzed.从《伤寒论》下利的基本病理机制及辨证用药分析,体现了张仲景治病祛邪,重视调畅气机,只有气机得以调达,升降出入有序,邪有出路,脏腑功能恢复正常,易于邪祛病愈。
3.There are many discussions on diarrhea in Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases and Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber.在《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》中,有关"下利"的论述颇多,仲景在书中描述了多种下利的症状、治法和方药,示人以权变之法。

1.We must balance the good and bad.我们必须权衡一下利弊。
2.Merits and Drawbacks of All the Provinces and Counties in China《天下郡国利病书》
3.Henry has already announced that he's stepping aside.亨利已经宣布他要下台。
4.slice off a piece of salami.切下一薄片意大利腊肠
5.Her Ggracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth.伊利莎白女王陛下。
6.Marley's subsequent album,巴布?马利接下来的专辑,
7.Consumers are entitled to these rights:消费者享有如下权利:
8.Mary gave birth to a son马利亚生下了儿子,
9.Interest rates are in single figures, ie under 10%.利率为个位数字(10%以下).
10.subsurface development and utilization地下空间的开发和利用
11."In life, as in chess, forethought wins"人生如下棋,多谋得胜利
12.ambition that is masked as altruism.利他主义掩盖下的野心.
13.There has been a sharp decline in profits this year今年的利润大幅度下降。
14.This usually encourages a decline in interest rates.这通常促使利率下降。
15.Compounding works by paying interest on interest.复利利息按一年本息转入下年利息的方式运作。
16.Hong Kong dollar interest rates were on a general downtrend during the year, along with the reduction in US dollar interest rates.年内,港元利率跟随美元利率下跌走势普遍向下。
17.Now the Philistines came and spread themselves out in the valley of Rephaim.撒下5:18非利士人来了、散在利乏音谷。
18.Deprivation of political rights is deprivation of the following rights:剥夺政治权利是剥夺下列权利:

all the people benefit天下公利
1.They lay claim to the same status of the king and his ministers, pursuing to regard all the people benefit as the justice law, overstepping the law thoughts which stood for protecting the monarch power and the Confucianism.明末清初思想家批判维护“君主私利”的封建法律,追求以“天下公利”为目标的正义法律,超越了以礼治为核心的“尊君”的法律思想。
3)interest rate reducing利率下调
4)the public benefit天下之利
5)watery diarrhea with indigested food in the stool下利清谷
6)normal glide有利下滑

下利下利 下利   证名。简称利。早期古医籍中痢疾与泄泻的统称。后世区利与痢,以利为泄泻,痢为痢疾。