1.The Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment and Clinical Applications on Dysuria in Shanghanlun《伤寒论》小便不利辨治分析及临床应用
2.Definition of Dysuria according to《Dictionary for SHANG HAN ZA BING LUN》is "The lack of urine quantity or difficulty in urination or both occurs at the same time".小便不利为病症名,《伤寒杂病论字词句大辞典》定义为“或言小便排出不畅,或言小便量少,或言二者并见”。
3.This paper discusses the four disorders like blood accumulation,spleen constipation,dysuria and consumptive thirst in Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Disease in terms of meridian theory to study the inherent relationship between meridians and disorders.从经络学说角度来探讨《伤寒杂病论》中蓄血、脾约、小便不利、消渴等4个病证,可以窥见中医理论渊源与经络学说密切相关。

1.The Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment and Clinical Applications on Dysuria in Shanghanlun《伤寒论》小便不利辨治分析及临床应用
2.-Don't pee in the water.- 不要在水里小便.
3.uncomfortably or inconveniently small.小而且不舒适、不方便。
4.The diuretic effect is not obvious but it can increase the secretion ions of sodium, potassium and chlorine in the urine.一.利尿作用-尿作用不明显,但能增加小便中钠,钾,氯各离子排泄。
5.The risks are high because a small price change raises profits or losses dramatically.微小的价格变动便足以使利润或亏损大起大落,因此风险不
6.Explanation: The Gu has its shape and size altered to facilitate drinking. So Confucius lamented the predominance of drinkings over rituals.后人为了便利饮酒,把觚的大小和形壮改变。孔子感慨人们不重礼仪。
7.the quality of not being useful or convenient.没有用处,不能带来便利。
8.I cannot contain my urine.小便急得憋不住了。
9.a very minor inconvenience.非常小的不方便之处。
10.Such an advantage or penalty.这样的便利条件或不利条件
11.In order to offer guests convenience, our company hires out prams.本公司出租小孩推车,为旅客提供便利。
12.The Simple Way of Calculating Limit by Using Equivalence Infinit Small;利用等价无穷小求解极限的简便方法
13.An Analysis on the Small Shareholder Hitchhiking and Benefit Losing;小股东“搭便车”与利益受损的分析
14.disadvantage,suffering or inconvenience caused by an action or a circumstance(行为或处境造成的)不利、苦恼或不便
15."If one of our downtown Branches would be more convenient for you, the same credit facilities will be gladly extended to you at any of them. "凡对您近便的分店,不论哪家都愿提供记帐便利
16.If small sum does not go out, large sum will not come in .不舍小利,难获厚利。
17.A trifling loss, inconvenience, or annoyance.小麻烦小的损失、不便或烦恼
18.The little boy couldn't contain his urine any longer.小男孩的小便急得憋不住了。

urination-promoting therapy利小便法
3)Inducing diaphoresis利小便
4)free urine通利小便
6)incontinence of urine小便不禁

小便不利小便不利 每次排出的尿量少而排尿困难的症状。