二陈汤,Erchen decoction
1)Erchen decoction二陈汤
1.Erchen Decoction combine with Sanzi Yangqin Decoction for children asthma:an observation of 190 cases;二陈汤合三子养亲汤加减治疗小儿哮喘190例疗效观察
2.Experimental study on effect of Erchen decoction and Taohongsiwu decoction on CYP2E1 activities in non-alcoholic fatty liver rats;二陈汤及桃红四物汤对非酒精性脂肪肝CYP2E1活性影响的实验研究
3.Revised Erchen Decoction Treat Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD) in Acute Exacerbation Period加味二陈汤治疗慢性阻塞性肺病急性加重期疗效观察

1.Study on the Pesticide Effect of Erchen Soup Preparation二陈汤3种剂型的药理作用对比研究
2.Theoretical and Experimental Study on Effects of Erchen Tang for Declining Cholesterol;二陈汤降脂作用的理论探讨及实验研究
3.Clinical study on bronchopneumonia of children cure by er-chen-soup adding or reducing;二陈汤加减治疗小儿支气管肺炎140例分析
4.Clinical Research of Two Matured Ingredients Decoction and Three-seed Filial Devotion Decoction in Treating Pneumonia in the Elderly (Phlegm-damp Obstructing the Lung Pattern)二陈汤合三子养亲汤加减治疗老年性肺炎(痰湿蕴肺证)的临床观察
5.The Experimental Study of Sang Su Er Chen Tang Modified Allergic Bronchial Asthma桑苏二陈汤加味对过敏性支气管哮喘的实验研究
6.Revised Erchen Decoction Treat Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD) in Acute Exacerbation Period加味二陈汤治疗慢性阻塞性肺病急性加重期疗效观察
7.The Application of Capillary Electrophoresis in the Research of Er-tang Finger-Print and the Single-Cell Analysis of Vegetal Cell;毛细管电泳技术在二陈汤指纹图谱研究和植物细胞单细胞分析中的应用
8.Sini Decoction Xiaozhi Erchen Clinical Observation of Treatment of Fatty Liver四逆二陈消脂汤治疗脂肪肝临床观察
9.Who Are “Zhong Jun” and “Tang Zi”?--Critique of Zeng Minzhi s Annotation of Chen Yinke s Poems;“钟君”“汤子”指的是谁?——陈寅恪诗注商榷
10.The Anti-HBV Mechanism of Herbae Artemisiae Capillariae Modified Decoction in in Vivo and in Vitro茵陈蒿汤加味方体内外抗HBV作用研究
11.The Study on Quality Control for Yinchen and Pharmacokinetics of Yinchenhao Decoction;茵陈药材质量标准建立及茵陈蒿汤药物动力学研究
12.Study on the Constituents of Artemisia Capillaries Thunb and Morus Alba L Leaves, Liver Cell Membrane Immobilized Chromatography and Its Application for the Active Constituents of Yinchenhaotang茵陈蒿和桑叶的成分以及固相色谱法对茵陈蒿汤效应物质的研究
13.Treatment of biliary colic with Yin-Chen-Hau-Tang in plaster by transdermal delivery茵陈蒿汤经透皮给药治疗胆绞痛的研究
14.Empirical Study of the Variant Herbae Artemisiae Capillariae Decoction Therapia Bile Pigment Calculus;加味茵陈蒿汤治疗胆色素结石的实验研究
15.Clinical Study in Treating Jaundice Due to Damp-heat Accumulation with Oriental Wormwood Decoction;茵陈蒿汤治疗黄疸病湿热蕴结型的临床研究
16.Clinical effect observation of Yinchenjiedu treatment on severe hepatitis B茵陈解毒汤治疗乙型重症型肝炎疗效观察
17.The 2nd Column, led by Chen Zaidao and Song Renqiong in southern Hebei;二纵陈再道、宋任穷,在冀南;
18.Upon a subsequent examination, she adhered to the declaration she had formerly made.当第二次受审查时,她坚持前次之陈述。

1.Effect of Sinisan and Erchentang with Baizhu on 132 Cases of Chronic Superficial Gastritis;四逆散合二陈汤加白术治疗慢性浅表性胃炎132例临床观察
2.Effect of Xuefuzhuyutang and Erchentang on Bulbar Conjunctival Microcirculation in Experimental Atherosclerosis Rabbits;血府逐瘀汤、二陈汤对动脉粥样硬化家兔球结膜微循环的影响
3.Study on Process of Removing Impurity from Erchentang Formula-Granule二陈汤配方颗粒除杂工艺研究
3)Erchen Tang二陈汤
1.Theoretical and Experimental Study on Effects of Erchen Tang for Declining Cholesterol;二陈汤降脂作用的理论探讨及实验研究
4)Er Chen Tang二陈汤
1.Comparison of chemical constituents from Compatible Granule and Traditional Decoction Of Er Chen Tang;二陈汤配方颗粒与传统煎剂的化学成分比较
5)Erzhu Erchen Decoction二术二陈汤
1.Erzhu Erchen Decoction in Treating Hyperlipenia Due to Retention of Phlegm and Dampness: A Report of 94 Cases;二术二陈汤治疗痰湿型高脂血症94例
6)Zheduerchen decoction赭独二陈汤

二陈汤二陈汤 本方出自《和剂局方》。①组成:陈皮,半夏,茯苓,甘草;②方解:半夏燥湿化痰,和胃止呕;陈皮理气化痰;茯苓健脾渗湿,脾健则湿痰去除;甘草和中;③功用:燥湿化痰,理气和中。用于痰湿内停的呕吐。