1.We think that signs of Fuhao and decorative pattern like dragon and tiger were regarded as having witchcraft function by ancient people and become important symbol of sacrificial utensil.一般认为,殷墟五号墓的墓主是商王武丁的法定配偶"妇好",所以又称为"妇好墓",本文通过对"妇好墓"位置、墓形、随葬品以及器物铭文等现象的分析,对"妇好墓"的定性提出质疑,并通过对器物符号和纹饰的分析,指出"妇好"画符和龙虎纹在先民看来都具有通天地的巫术功能,是祭祀礼器的重要标志,从而提出"妇好墓"墓主不是商王配偶而是神职人员巫觋

1.The Wizard in Chu State can be divided into Official Wizard and Folk Wizard.楚巫觋可以分为官方巫觋和民间巫觋两种。
2.The Official Wizard includes the King of Chu State,Officer Wizard,the Song Wizard and Supernatural Wizard which are in palace;官方巫觋包括楚王、巫官和宫廷中的歌巫、神巫;
3.An Analysis of "Cutting off the Transport between Heaven and Earth"-a Metaphor of Witchcraft Politics in China s Ancient Society;绝地天通:上古社会巫觋政治的隐喻剖析
4.During the dawn period of civilization, the status of the wizard dropped and became the clergy.到了文明曙光期,巫觋地位下降,终于成为神职人员。
5.The practice of sorcery or witchcraft.巫术魔法或巫术的实行
6.A Native American shaman.巫医北美印第安人巫医
7.Of or relating to wizards or wizardry.巫师的,巫术的巫师、巫术的或与其有关的
8.Wizard, Wuxi County, Wizard Culture, the Civilization of Chongqing and the Development of the Reservoir Area巫、巫溪、巫文化、长江文明及库区开发
9.Relating to or characteristic of witchcraft.巫术的,施魔法的与巫术有关的或有巫术特征的
10.Pull me up, old witch!“拉我上去,老巫婆
11.The next day, the witch is even hungrier.隔天,巫婆更饿了,
12.She must be a witch.她一定是个女巫。”
13.This is Mr. Wu in Room 415.我在415房间,姓巫。
14.Are you a good witch or a bad witch?你是个好巫婆,还是个坏巫婆?
15.The wizard put the princess under a spell, and she fell asleep for ten years.这巫师使公主中了巫术,沉睡了十年。
16.An assembly of13 witches.女巫团由13个女巫组成的聚合
17.The witch put the princess under a spell, and she fell asleep for ten years.这女巫使公主中了巫术,沉睡了十年。
18.The Shaman's Work on Architecture,as Seen on the Shang Dynasty Oracle Bones甲骨卜辞所见之巫者的建筑巫术活动

wizard class巫觋阶层
3)shaman religion巫觋宗教
1.With regard to the general ideological history,the shaman religion in ancient China,which concerns the worship of ancestors,advocated the world outlooks that the universe and man are harmonized into one and the belief that man and ghost are integrated.从一般思想史的角度来看,中国古代以祖先崇拜为内容的巫觋宗教,视宇宙与人为一体的自然宇宙观,人鬼合一的知识信仰等等,都曾以不同方式对中国古代雕塑产生过极其深远的影响。
4)Official Wizard官方巫觋
1.The Wizard in Chu State can be divided into Official Wizard and Folk Wizard.楚巫觋可以分为官方巫觋和民间巫觋两种。
5)Folk Wizard民间巫觋
1.The Wizard in Chu State can be divided into Official Wizard and Folk Wizard.楚巫觋可以分为官方巫觋和民间巫觋两种。
6)Witch Xi culture巫觋文化
1.There are obvious regional culture characteristics in Jingchu ballad , its main characterization is the Witch Xi culture,it becomes heterochromatic color , " the Songs of the South nine song ", flow wind lingering musics and yet flexible character of feeling.荆楚歌谣有其显明的地域文化特色,主要表现为:巫觋文化的变异色彩、《楚辞。
